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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Clover;1195582 wrote: Good Morning, Everyone! I haven't posted in a while, but will try to more often. Gregorino, I really loved your post about being honest with yourself. I think that is probably the key to our battle with the bottle. I haven't counted my days lately, but it's been about 3-1/2 months since I had a drink. And probably one of the best things about being sober is that I don't have to lie about anything ... to others or myself. I actually think like a different person now - like you said, the person I really am. I really need to come here every day; there is so much wisdom! I'd like to be able to contribute more because I know how important it is for us to help each other. I don't really have any sage advice for anyone because I'm not really sure what finally kicked in and made me want to really, really quit drinking. I do know that it would not have happened if I had not found this place. Thank you, everyone, for being here. I hope you all have a wonderful, sober day!
    Hello Clover!

    Just stopping in with your 100+ days is inspiration to the entire Nest - hope to see ya here more!
    -Cap'n G


      Newbies Nest

      Exhausted am I.

      Read through the day's posts and the Nest seems well. Ellen - I am going to pull a Byrdie and hop on your shoulder if you are going to use bi-polar as a rationalization. THAT is NOT you, that is AL talking. I'm no doctor, but I'm reasonably sure AL is not a recommended treatment for BP. Please keep that quit going!!

      Love the pink loungers Mimi - whatever it takes. Your admission (I need help) is powerful. Use the tools, lean into the Nest, read and post - and just dont drink today. Worry about tomorrow tomorrow. Just do what you need to do to stay away from AL today. If you just take care of today, tomorrow will take care of itself.

      Wish I could post more, but am just dead in the head. Need some sleep!

      Best to all Nesters!
      -Cap'n G


        Newbies Nest

        Lav and Greg - Thanks for your words of wisdom.

        Tonight I am sitting here in my new pink (with white polka dots) p.j's. Tonight I am sober. Yay:happy:
        Day 1:4/4/2014


          Newbies Nest

          Mimi, loving the loungers! Well done being sober Beginning my day one......
          Lav, no alcohol in the house, no nicotine in the house and going to stay that way.
          Mimi, like you I'm absolutely fine in the day - evening is my trigger time. Tonight I've booked some work in for that time (tricking my brain!).
          Have a great day everyone
          You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



            Newbies Nest

            Hi Nesters,

            I don't think you are silly at all Mimi. I am definitely finding some pink lounge pants, and like you, it will be my reminder to stay AF and how important it is. Believe me, pink lounge pants are not what I would normally wear, so to me it is the perfect symbol.

            Not much time this morning, but will check back in.

            Must say congrats to Mimi and Can't Believe for hanging in there and making a connection. Together you can do this.


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters!

              No pink pants for me but that's OK :H

              Mimi & CantBelieve, make today a good one & totally AF

              windy, Greg & everyone, hope you have a great day as well!
              I have work waiting for me but first a trip to Curves!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                good morning! quick post this AM - as I am taking advice from Guitarista....

                6. Get stuff done early in the day. It?s well known that being productive in the a.m. puts us in a better place (mentally and emotionally) for the rest of our day. Being proactive before lunch means we?re more likely to (a) make better decisions and do better things for the rest of the day and (b) deal with any challenges in a more positive and solution-focused way.

                If you haven't read the thread "Welcome punter" try to give it your attention for a few moments....some great stuff there. :-)

                I'm off to tackle my workout, do some errands for my mother, get some groceries so that we can have a nice dinner and will post more later!

                Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello Nesters; we have a few going through day 1s and early days. Persevere - I know it's Friday and that means starting out on a toughie, but there is something extra special about the feeling you have when you wake up on the Monday morning after you get your first AF weekend!
                  Oh and Byrdie, glad to hear your hubby is on the mend.
                  Went out last night again. With alcohol out of the equation, I can basically do what I want. Didn't spend a penny last night as I do the driving and only have a couple of soft drinks which friends would buy for me as a thanks for the lift. I still get to enjoy the craic, the music, getting dressed up to go out - but even better, I have the sense 'not' to go to the after party in someones house, not to make an ass of myself on the dancefloor, not to spend a bucket of money at the bar, not to get argumentative over silly things, not to get involved with 'someone' just because I'm too drunk...........just a few little things I noticed last night.
                  The discussion came up when we were out about me not drinking - one said she really admired me and that she wouldn't be able to. Others were looking on me a little suspiciously as they stated that they don't drink often or enough to need to give up - as the discussion went on though, certain admissions proved that they were indeed lying to themselves.......but as we all know, each has to learn their own lessons.
                  I am seeing more of my friends now than before as I had cut off ties with people so that my wine and I could have intimate nights at home!!!!! No More! Enjoying this new life too much!
                  There are so many in the Newbies Nest right now - good to see, and wish you all well.
                  Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello all,
                    daisy....I love your post...thank you
                    Well Friday nights used to be my major drinking night but I have now managed to get through 2 of them (including tonight) and I am feeling really pleased with myself, I had a couple of cravings during the day but I went to the gym after work and left them
                    I am now going to read back then flop out on the sofa before bed.
                    Take care all
                    :dancin: enguin:
                    starting over


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi yall.... Hence the country gal in me. I am on day 4. Getting ready to go on little trip which normally I would start drinking the moment on the road til I got back home on Sunday in time to go to bed... So it is going to be a challenge. I feel good. I dont miss the hangover... I dont miss the Al. But I know it is sneaking around... Waiting. I will be out in the country and around a bunch of drinkers. So please keep me in your thoughts ..... I dont want to mess this up. I hope you guys are having a wonderful Friday.....


                        Newbies Nest

                        Daisy!!! Fist bump!!! Didn't I tell ya??? You'll never have to pick up a bar check again! It's crazy! I could drop $50 to $100 at my company meetings at the bar....the company doesn't reimburse AL...since I just drink water with lime or lemon, I NEVER pay!! It really IS funny to hear the conversations about AL when you aren't drinking and everyone else is....some people say, "I don't drink that often"...but they drink every time I see them, to excess, so whatever (to be said like a teen with eyes rolling). I really don't care what other people drink, how much or how often. I played that one for too long... I care about me and I am in charge of this ship so she sails how I say (right Greg? Right). Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning/Afternoon/Evening Everyone!

                          Shiner - You will definitely be in my thoughts...hang in there and know that you are stronger than AL. Remember the hangovers, the anxiety, etc. that goes along with don't want that! Relax and enjoy your trip...and let us know how it went when you get back!

                          This morning I decided to count my sober days this year (no, they are not consecutive, it's a combined total...and I know the exact days because I give myself a sticker on the calendar when I succeed). So the grand total, so far, is 204 days. It's definitely the best year I've ever had, number-wise. I also realized I've been counting and marking down my AF days for over 7 years. I fully intend to have the last 71 days of the year marked with a sticker

                          Looking forward to an AF weekend. I received my Jason Vale book yesterday, so I'm gonna sneak in some reading at work, but will spend most of the weekend on it (along with some "lighter" reading I hope!)...AND being on MWO!!

                          Everyone have a good day, and be strong...we CAN do this! :l

                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning all you wonderful Nesters. i am glad to be here and glad that today is my "official" day 1. I didn't drink last night but Icantbelieve and I have set this as the day to really begin. No alcohol in our system, just a clean, fresh start.:thumbs:

                            Not only did I enjoy my Pink lounge pants but today I am going to buy something that I can wear when I am out to remind me that drinking for me is not okay. Something that represents sobriety. That way when we are out and that bell goes off in my head that says "It's okay to drink" I will have a visual reminder that I am and need to remain sober.:happy:

                            Have a great day everyone:h
                            Day 1:4/4/2014


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi everyone,

                              My second hangover free Friday in a long time My drinking would start Thursday and continue all weekend, feel like crap until Wednesday knowing that I will be drinking again Thursday. I am breaking the cycle of drinking to ease anxiety and getting anxiety from drinking and it feels great. I have been here before but it really does feel right this time.

                              Happy sober friday night.:l


                                Newbies Nest

                                ok I'mgoing to write a note and hope I don't miss anyone! Going back a couple of pages.

                                I'm liking Mimi and cantbelieve teaming up in the nest! It sends cute little images to my head...little birdies - one with a wing around the other - helping each other out ...:-)

                                Ronnie, you're a rock! You seem very strong and motivated,

                                Hi Lav - don't wear yourself out - we need you! ;-)

                                Hi Gregorino...I hope you find your way out of those 'seasonal blahs' and SOON! heck, try 45 degrees, light rain windy and COLD for "seasonal" weather...ick...but only a taste of what's to come. But seriously, I hope you're doing better.

                                Ellen, I hope you're doing well and hoping that sobriety is the ticket for you to not experience such drastic lows this time...

                                Clover - thank you for checking in with helps so to hear from others who are having success!

                                Prairie Fairy - seems like you 've got some pretty serious weapons in your toolbox! How are things going???

                                Windy windy windy!!!!!! This will be our 4th AF weekend in a row! How amazing are WE!?!?!

                                Hi K9 - what do you think of the book? I'm taking mytime reading it - as the ideas were familiar to me, but I a enjoying it and getting some points out of it that I didn't "get" before.

                                Hey Byrdie! How is Mr. B today? He's one lucky guy to have you.

                                daisy, I love hearing about your times out....I mean not about your friend who got sick in your car but I am so happy that you're doing something about this now - I'm guessing you're pretty much younger than I am (47)? I wish I had put a stop to this nonsense a loooong time ago.

                                peacefull, congratulations on your AF time!

                                And Shiner, we'll all be sending you as much good mojo as we can muster up to get you through this weekend! Read some of Daisy's recent posts again - shes doing great at handling being around drinkers...might give you some ideas.

                                I hope I didn't leave anyone out!

                                Another low-key weekend here...technically those are more scary for me than social ones as my drinking tends to spiral when I'm home....but not worried...I'm enjoying all of this too much...and my little brain is already small enough, I can't afford to shrink it more! :H

                                Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                                Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011

