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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Happy Monday

    Hello Nesters! The sun is shining and its a balmy autumn day here in the midwest. Birthday Dinner with hubby was fantastic. Could not believe my glass of wine lasted 2 hours! Thats where my moderation fairy tale ended. It wasn't my worst binge ever - nothing over the top - totally unmindful - didn't even bother to use anything I learned to put on the brakes. Here I am. Wiser. Grateful for the things I learned about myself during my 30 days AF - and how good I felt to be AF. Its great to have my words etched into stone here as a reminder.

    Wishing that I could do some cardio - walking/running/biking --not with this broken foot. Not being able to exercise is getting me down at a time when I'm struggling to pick myself up. What is the name of the book that everyone was talking about a few weeks ago (when I was on my moderation high horse?) it was something like "quit the drink"?

    Well, I'm packing up to go downtown for the week, hubby is away for a few days. Thought I'd report in.

    Thanks for being here, everyone.

    AF Day 1


      Newbies Nest

      Hi everybody,
      Been in a funny place but hanging in there. Just checking in with very brief post. Big thanks to all the words of encouragement.
      Mimi it's day 4 - I'm trying the not counting bit for a while as I failed miserably last time.
      Been feeling very down but I think it's getting better (I'm glad I sounded happy though!).
      Check in tomorrow.
      Night nesters
      You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



        Newbies Nest

        Glad you decided to come back to the Nest ImHereNow.
        Our sobriety has to be at the top of our daily to do list
        Hope your foot mends quickly!

        CantBelieve, focus on the positive, work on your gratitude list
        I can tell you every day I wake up grateful for a clear head, no guilt, remorse or worries. I love the freedom to do as I please, the extra money in my pocket to spend on the grandkids, for my improved health......the list goes on! Just hang in there, make yourself proud
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Thank you all for the warm welcome. As I have been reading around this site, my "witching hour/time" seems to start on Thursdays and last until Sunday. M-W is not a trigger time for me. The real test will come Thursday. I hope I can find the strength to continue my journey of abstinence. Of course, I will probably have to tell my dh what I am up to since he will notice I am not drinking. But he is such a wonderful man and loves me very much. I am just not ready to tell him. I have so much to be grateful for. I have a wonderful life and family. Why do I need to drown it in wine. I believe this place will become my lifeline. You are all so kind and accepting. Thank you.
          "What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding." Elvis Costello


            Newbies Nest

            Morning all,
            Just a quick check in as I have to get the kids up and ready for school. I think I might be coming down with a bug but life goes on. I am still feeling great inside though, I just love this new life of mine, sorry but i have not had time to read back but I hope you are all doing well.
            Some-one has taken the sun away from here today so who ever has got it....I want it back please :H
            I hope you all have a fab day/night and I will catch up with you all tonight
            :dancin: enguin:
            starting over


              Newbies Nest

              Oh this phone typing drives me insane! Just lost my post
              So will briefly say goodnight y
              To all and will get on the real computer in the morning!

              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                Newbies Nest

                Hope to see you here oftern mightymite!

                ronnie, hope you feel better soon & have a great day

                lolab, I don't even try to access MWO on my phone ~ too difficult
                Hope you have a good evening!

                Wishing everyone a safe night in the Nest!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hey Gang...

                  Sorry haven't been around for a few days. Just been wicked busy with work and trying to get Chapter Two ready to put back into the water.

                  Last few days have been challenging - well, mostly last Friday when work was a total cluster-youknowwhat. Suddenly, out of nowhere - I just wanted to get drunk.

                  After all, that's what I would do to handle life for most of my life - over 35 years worth....

                  Somehow, someway, i did manage to keep up my quit. It was just kinda surprising to find that even after 90+ days, I could suddenly be all set to go right back to the insanity of drinking.

                  AL doesn't let go easily - and will sneak up and grab you by the neck just when you least expect it.

                  Just thought I'd share....stay vigilant Nesters.
                  -Cap'n G


                    Newbies Nest

                    Yo Grego...

                    Now THAT's how to slap down the urge to drink. We should expect to get hit with the urge when conditions come together that ONCE triggered a drinking spree. You flexed a mighty muscle. It is stronger now. The next time an urge comes'll be even stronger. Way to go, Cap'n - you rode the rogue wave and won!
                    Sober for the Revolution!
                    AF & NF July 23, 2011


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thanks Turn!

                      Great job with the nautical analogies too! :H
                      -Cap'n G


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning nesters day one done and dusted and woke up feeling a lot less anxious and more optimistic than yesterday thank goodness, planning to read as much AL info as possible over the next few days and hopefully arm myself with plenty ammo to dissuade my brain from wanting AL!
                        Taking it ODAT


                          Newbies Nest

                          I think someone up there is looking out for me. I had a very lucky escape yesterday; at around 5 pm I had a huge craving and because I had no car found myself on a rickety old bike pedalling like a lunatic miles into town in the middle of a torrential, freezing downpour to go and buy a bottle of wine. When I got there the shop was shut! Got a good workout (and realised how unfit I've become, half killed me cycling home again). Slept brilliantly with no booze last night and feel so much better in myself this morning. I seem to cope ok for much of the time, but need to develop some strategies for coping with those moments of insanity when the urge to drink over-rides all logic.
                          AL free since 24 October 2011


                            Newbies Nest

                            Your post made me chuckle Nollie

                            Morning Lav,
                            Thanks for the kind words. Just been facing up to some truths - ie the last 20+ years have been spent with AL. Really freaks me out, but I guess one of the reasons I kept drinking so I didn't have to look at it.
                            Feeling a bit better this morning and realise that we only ever have the present moment and everything can be changed in that instant. Time to let go of the past, all its pitfalls and bad choices (thanks to AL) and to embrace the second half of my life AL free.
                            Here we go.......
                            Really don't think I could be doing this without the help of this site and all the lovely people here.
                            So a great BIG thank you to all xx
                            You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                              Newbies Nest

                              good morning! Nollie, pretty funny image of you pedaling through the downpour - but pretty scary too the hold that alcohol has on us!

                              can'tbelieve - I know what you's really sad to think about the amount of time I spent in a fog = either directly from alcohol or from it's after-effects. But I'm not going to dwell on's a new day...and I have a new attitude. (I sound like a commercial)

                              Mauri this is WITHIN you.....dig deep and find the power within you to stay can do it!

                              Greg, thanks for the reminder that even with a resolve as strong as yours, and 90 plus days under our belt, we still have to be looking out for those little sneak attacks. It scares the he!! out of me - knowing I'm not home free - sheesh you've been like a rock! But it is very helpful to know to expect it so that I can be waiting just waiting to turn on my heel and walk away. The other day, it was gorgeous outside - I had a "break" from an activity that I was working on with friends - and my brain jumped to "perfect opportunity to sneak a drink and have a nice little buzz"....I hate thinking that if alcohol were here and readily available I might have caved in, several times over the past 30 days....

                              Hey Lav...yeah, I should stick to real keyboards...I mess things up on that phone more than I care to admit!

                              Ronnie, I know the feeling - I wear myself out sometimes trying to do all the things that I ignore while "under the influence"...but heck I was Under the Influence for much of the past 10 years - maybe 20 or even 30! So there is LOTS to catch up on...:H it's not going to happen overnight...

                              mightymite it sounds like you're motivated - we had kind of the same pattern...I'd still drink M-W tho - just all day long - Thurs - Sunday... Same same same....wonderful life anyone in their right mind should be thrilled to be in my shoes...but not me...I had to be numb for some reason.

                              Today's 30 days for me - you can do it!

                              Hi I'm herenow. I'mglad you had a great birthday! Back in April after doing over 30 days, I was soooo sure that I would NEVER be like the people here that post that they go back to drinking just as bad or worse than before. I had some wine on my birthday...some more a week later, pretty soon I was buying vodka - alternating it with buying WAS getting as bad as before. Somehow I found the strength to put a stop to it again. Thank goodness it didn't take you 5 months to figure that out! :l Yes the book is Quit the drink...easily by Jason Vale.

                              Windy, you're well on your way to that 100 day goal - :goodjob:

                              Byrdie, I'm so glad things are going well with you and your hubby - sounds like you are both testaments to how much good can come from having a positive outlook...:-)

                              I'm going to cut this short so I can go get a workout in...have a great day everyone!

                              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters!

                                Partly sunny over my portion of the Nest

                                Wow Greg, so glad you flexed your muscle & kicked some AL butt last Friday!!!!!
                                You will in time lose that drinking thinking if you just keep doing what you did. I think drinking away bad times is an ingrained habit for all of us but we can replace that habit with something healthier. You did great - good for you

                                Hello Turnagain - any snow up there yet??

                                Hello & welcome davin! So glad you found the Nest!
                                Have you read the MWO book yet? If not you can download it from the Health store here on the site. And be sure to look in the for lots of good ideas to help you make your plan.

                                mauri, the anxiety will continue to decrease day by day provided you don't drink
                                I'm happy for you, now stick with us!

                                nolie, that is quite a story!
                                I often think of all the MWO angels sitting on my shoulder reminding me that I cannot drink safely. Keep listening to your angels

                                CantBelieve, we all have some hair raising history with AL..........
                                It is hard but the best thing to do is to acknowledge it, then put it away. We can't change history but we can create a better future. We are here to help each other!!

                                lolab - CONGRATS ON YOUR 30 AF DAYS :yay:
                                Let's keep moving forward!!!!

                                Wishing everyone a safe day in the Nest!!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

