Well / hate to admit but on a good day one bottle of wine - bad ones 1.5. I am thinking I might want to titrate down. But on the other hand - I am in bed - and AF for the first day in weeks. Yay!
No announcement yet.
Newbies Nest
Newbies Nest
Well / hate to admit but on a good day one bottle of wine - bad ones 1.5. I am thinking I might want to titrate down. But on the other hand - I am in bed - and AF for the first day in weeks. Yay!That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
AF - August 20, 2012
Newbies Nest
I have figured out that I cannot do this alone. I am going to try and work the AA steps and see where that leads me. I need help.
Cantbelieve- Sorry to let you down. Back to day one for me but hope you are still hanging in there.:hitme:
Day 1:4/4/2014
Newbies Nest
Thank goodness we're not alone
Really needed to check in tonight, I am fighting a real urge to drink. I had miscommunication with friend/colleague on the weekend and now things are strained. And, then I made it worse with texting. Oh, that texting, it was too easy to send cute/funny messages, but then also comes truths, lies, drunken nonsense. I tried to make things better. Hey, but at least I tried. I am proud actually, that I reached out and admitted my side of the problem.
Anyway, I'm about 80 days in and have my good days and my bad.. this has been bad week now. I'm not sure if I'm just super stressed and sensitive but I think I'm trying to give myself justification to give in to AL. When I actually think of vodka (my fav) I don't crave it..., but I do crave feeling relaxed and want to care less. (mental strengthening here) I won't drink now, but am little worried about work tomorrow!
Now that leads to the fact tomorrow is my last day of work before a weeks vacation (prob why having attack of the guilts to make amends). I'm going to Vegas, that is a good thing right?! I keep moving from excited to scared to give into the party atmosphere. I want to make it an AF vacation but think I will end up drinking. Boy, am I trying to give myself excuses lately!
Has anyone recently been on a vacation (especially to exotic "party" locale) and have tips for having the most AF days possible?
Its nice to be in the Nest, hope all nesters old and new have a good night.
PrairieFairy, Patrice and Mimi911, congrats on your day 1's, that's all it takes, one more day, every day.
Newbies Nest
Hi Today...
My son is heading to Vegas tonight....I have a feeling it is going to be a 5 day drunk for him and his buddies. Vegas seems to be synonymous with boozing it up. That's too bad....
One way you can view your vacation is that it will be a great opportunity to build a lot of confidence and inner strength by resolving to remain AF. I did this last summer while on a potential bottomless booze vacation and it sure helped cement my commitment to my health and well being. 80 days AF is a good amount of time, my friend. Your body and brain chemistry have done some significant healing.
You will give yourself an incredible gift by bucking any urges....you'll feel like you hit the self-respect jackpot! You will have also broken ground on some new neural pathways in your brain that will help you resist future urges with less struggle.
PS....watch out for a drunk 21 year from Alaska....you'll know him by his pale skin!Sober for the Revolution!
AF & NF July 23, 2011
Newbies Nest
Today, I know what you mean about craving feeling relaxed and caring less. For the past couple of weeks I've started meditating. I'm still new at it but have already found it a massive help being able to keep at least some of the millions of thoughts from charging round my poor, busy brain. The difference is that afterwards I feel alert and ready to take on the world rather than needing to go and have a kip on the sofa. I love this clear-headed feeling.AL free since 24 October 2011
Newbies Nest
Ok - there you go - I made Day 1. Didn't mean to - just did it. Mean to wait until I felt more sure of myself and ready/resolved.
Let's see what today bringsThat popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
AF - August 20, 2012
Newbies Nest
Hi all,
I had some bad cravings today, might have something to do with the bottle of wine that my firm gave me but I pleased to say that I did not even open the bottle and that is how is it going to stay, I just got home as quick as I could and made myself a lovely cup of coffee and that made me calm down. I was sooo tempted to buy some beers but I am soooo glad I choose not to and now I can wake up in the morning feeling even more proud of myself.
I am off to see my eldest play in his super quad teeball team at Perth baseball park tomorrow so I am really looking forward to that.
Well hope you all have a great night/day
starting over
Newbies Nest
Good morning Nesters!
Prarie Fairy, congrats on your AF day regardless of how it came about
You have made a big step now let's build on it!
mimi, if you need help then please go get it. Look up AA meetings in your area, Women for Sobriety, etc. Face to face meetings are very helpful to some - I hope you find one today.
Today, nice to see you & coingrats on your 80 AF days!
I have been on vacation but not on an exotic booze fueled one. Is there any possibility of changing your destination/plans or is it already set? Personally I would not return to the all inclusive in the Bahamas I vacationed at 3X in the past because they were truly drink-a-thons.
Nollie, I love meditation in the evenings to clear my head & my heart before I go to sleep
ImHereNow, I read the article you posted & came away with a few thoughts. The writer admits that it was easier for her being AF & I feel the same way which is why I made the decision to remain AF. She seems to miss the point or is in denial that alcoholism/problem drinking is progressive. Chosing to fight with herself to keep her wine intake to one or two glasses per day is her choice, not one that I wanted to commit myself to. Why would I want to spend the rest of my life in that battle?I had to learn but I prefer meditation as a way to relax in the evenings in place of wine. Meditation won't cause me blood sugar fluctuation & it won't wake me up in the middle of the night
We all have to choose what is right for us!
Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday! Keep up the great work toward your individual goals!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Newbies Nest
Hi Nesters,
LolaB, Byrdie, Turnagain, Ronnie, and LAV ---- Thanks for the recognition. You guys are GREAT and I owe so much to all of you. I think it is rather ironic that Cap'n G has 100 days on the same day I reach 30. 100 Days is the BIG star in my book.
Today -- It seems you are really worried about your vacation to Vegas. I don't like Vegas to begin with, so I am not a good person to offer unbiased advice. I was just wondering if you have a solid plan and what non-drinking activities you might enjoy. Once when I was there I took a craps class. It was great and it paid off when I put it to test. The Class was free and I wonder what other freebies you could take advantage of. (We should all take classes in craps:H:H:H.) Sorry...couldn't resist.:l
Have a sober Thursday everyone..
Newbies Nest
awsome;1198429 wrote: home from work late, on pint 6 now, not happy about that at all.
still no spirits...
still on track tapering wise, coulda gotten worse.
nothing so far today though, am going to start putting a plan together for the next 5 weeks.
Newbies Nest
Ronnie - cross posted with you this morning.
The safest thing to do with that bottle of wine is to just give it away ASAP!
Don't let the damn thing sit around your house calling to you
Good job on not opening it btw! Starting your new job next week?
windy - I have some old work friends pestering me to go to Vegas but I won't go. Have never been there & have no desire to go. I don't like gambling - period! I've been to casinos in Atlantic City many times but I hate fushing money down the toilet :H
awsome - glad to hear you stopped at 6 pints!
Drop down to 5 today - give it a try
I just ran across a quote that meant a lot to me so I thought I'd share it here
I count him braver who overcomes his desires
than him who conquers his enemies,
for the hardest victory is over self.
-AristotleAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Newbies Nest
Hey Windy,
BIG congrats from me too - 30 days amazing. You're all little lamp lighters for me. Hope to be chasing your tails on the way to soberdom (a word?).
You've always had such lovely words for me in the nest so another BIG thanks for them
:goodjob: CBYou were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi
Newbies Nest
When I was starting off, there were days when I had an hourly plan. I would write a check-list style plan to guide me past the tough moments.
Once I decided that I needed to abstain, it hasn't been as critical for me to have as detailed of a plan. The phrase, 'I no longer drink' pretty much guides my mindset. I arm myself with those words when a rogue craving or temptation pops out of nowhere.
Today, I am saying this phrase often. Just when I thought I had encountered most of the old situations that trigger a conditioned drinking response....a real big one has reared its ugly head. I am alone today - for the most part - and in the past, that has been a major trigger for me to really get the drunk on.
What I must remain mindful of as I log more AF time is that I must never allow myself to believe that I can handle alcohol again. My past has made that painfully clear. Triggers be damned.
So today, I am making a specific plan for the entire day. That plan also includes writing down a list of all that being AF has done for me and for those around me. Gratitude is a powerful force field. I enjoy being AF so much more than I ever enjoyed being buzzed. I'm holding on to this quit.... no matter what!
Today....it's exercise....lotsa water....and lotsa reading at mwo...thanks for being here!Sober for the Revolution!
AF & NF July 23, 2011