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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thanks Prairie...

    I also had an accidental Day One. Thank GOODNESS! I'm creeping up on a 100 days now. Being AF is incredible!

    If you have time, you might want to look at some of my early posts....(just click on my name and follow the prompts from there.) I have a feeling our experiences might be quite similar. Even now, when I look back at where I was and what I was going through, I take something away from it.

    Supplements like L-Glut will help you knock down the cravings....but it is important to keep in mind that healing is a process. My body still has a way to go after all those years of abuse. My adrenals were pretty much trashed. Here's a link I find helpful in figuring out what supplements and vitamins will aid in healing:

    Identifying & correcting the biochemical disruption of hypoglycemia and alcoholism

    PF and all other fledgling newbies...there are a lot of us here who have been where you are and are now liberated. And it only gets better.
    Sober for the Revolution!
    AF & NF July 23, 2011


      Newbies Nest

      Turnagain :l

      I honestly know exactly how you feel!
      I am alone all the time except when my kids/grandkids come for a visit! That's it - just me, the dog, 27 chickens, the cockatiel & the mini African froggie.
      My not so devoted spouse of 38 years decided to run away 18 months ago. I think I scared him by showing him I was strong enough to clean up my bullshit while he refused to address his What a crock, huh?

      I spend lots of time on MWO while my machines are at work next to me, I go to Curves 3 mornings/week for 30 min., I meet old work friends for lunch once/month........that's the rut of my life but I am grateful to be free, clear headed & won't give that up for anything

      Hang in there - we're in the same rut :H
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Created a post and accidently pressed the backspace! Day 3, still finding it hard to wake up, feel like i have lost my personality at work, have these strange cramps / constipation feelings going on, but apart from that, am slightly relieved i am not hijacked by that false sense of security any more. Tonight is Friday night, so i've got be really careful about how i spend my night. I think i'll make a plan:

        - Finish up at work
        - Home
        - Possibly gym
        - Clean up
        - Finish some homework (optional)
        - Go and borrow a DVD
        - Get some nice takeaway food. Got to be careful to avoid the bottleshop. Right near the DVD shop and bottle shops everywhere near t/a food. Got to be strong!
        - Buy chocolate instead of poison
        One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


          Newbies Nest

          Hey are such a rock...kind of a constant unwavering source of support for all of us here...always offering words of encouragement...with just the right amount of tough love...

          I know I, for one, tend to forget sometimes that you have had your own struggles to deal with in life and there is a reason that you can empathize so well.

          Just wanted to give you a little 'atta girl' too, ya know? :l

          It's snowing I'm hunkering down for the evening...

          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


            Newbies Nest

            Thanks lolab, I appreciate that
            I'm only seeing rain - not ready for snow yet. Hope you don't get much!

            Change, good for you on day 3 today & no matter how weird you feel today - tomorrow will be better. Make sure you're drinking lots of water/tea (will help with the cramps/constipation problem )
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              me and Amy

              ...had an unexpected opportunity to get to a 'puter - can't wait to catch up with y'all. Hearing the latest news that Amy Winehouse died from alcohol poisoning after a period of abstinence is another tidbit of info for me to add to my trinket box of "why moderation may not be for me" (maybe I should start a new thread and call it "my evidence box"). One of the reasons I stopped drinking alone was a very real fear that I could actually die. I could drink enough and pass out - and no one would know. I figured maybe I'd fall, or have a stroke, or a fire, or something - not have so much alcohol that . . . I'd die. I mean I have actually held a glass and still continued to drink beyond comprehension - but the possibility of drinking oneself to death? Didn't realize it could happen to me. I MEAN, IT COULD HAPPEN TO MMMMEEEEE. So if I regularly chug down 8 glasses of Red, go AF for 90 days, fall off the wagon - guzzling 2 bottles of wine can kill me? Lav, I think I need to ask one of the jewelers to customize a doodad with a photo of Amy Winehouse to hang on a bracelet - to be a constant reminder for me.
              I'm not drinking today. Hubby and God botherers wanted to meet in a pub. Found an excuse to avoid that. I'm not drinking today.:new:


                Newbies Nest

                Lavande;1198857 wrote: Good morning Nesters!

                Prarie Fairy, congrats on your AF day regardless of how it came about
                You have made a big step now let's build on it!

                mimi, if you need help then please go get it. Look up AA meetings in your area, Women for Sobriety, etc. Face to face meetings are very helpful to some - I hope you find one today.

                Today, nice to see you & coingrats on your 80 AF days!
                I have been on vacation but not on an exotic booze fueled one. Is there any possibility of changing your destination/plans or is it already set? Personally I would not return to the all inclusive in the Bahamas I vacationed at 3X in the past because they were truly drink-a-thons.

                Nollie, I love meditation in the evenings to clear my head & my heart before I go to sleep

                ImHereNow, I read the article you posted & came away with a few thoughts. The writer admits that it was easier for her being AF & I feel the same way which is why I made the decision to remain AF. She seems to miss the point or is in denial that alcoholism/problem drinking is progressive. Chosing to fight with herself to keep her wine intake to one or two glasses per day is her choice, not one that I wanted to commit myself to. Why would I want to spend the rest of my life in that battle? I had to learn but I prefer meditation as a way to relax in the evenings in place of wine. Meditation won't cause me blood sugar fluctuation & it won't wake me up in the middle of the night
                We all have to choose what is right for us!

                Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday! Keep up the great work toward your individual goals!

                I took the entire article as 'evidence' to add to my AF toolkit; love the line "No" is much easier than "maybe"! Her nightly ritual sounds PAINFUL.


                  Newbies Nest


                  Believe it or not I did fall down the steps & hurt myself pretty badly years ago. It was enough to make me stop drinking for a while but not forever. I wasn't ready for that commitment until March 26, 2009

                  Just grateful that I did find the courage before i did any more damage to myself :H
                  Amy Winehouse is a very good example......AL kills!
                  I don't have the energy to spare putting up with a moderation routine - NO is easier for me
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    I wish some of the newer newbies would go back and learn from my hard headed efforts at moderating. As I said a couple days ago, I never drank MORE than I did under the guise of moderating.
                    I'mHere....I've been thinking about you all day. I truly understand your tug of war with this. I KNOW that more than anything you want to get control of this. At the risk of getting my butt handed to me...I say this. The internet is a very powerful source of information. If I want to find something to support what I want to do, it is very easy to find. You can find supporting articles on 'doing ducks' if that's what you are into. The point being, there are plenty of articles I wanted to cling to for hope that I could have a normal relationship with AL...PLENTY! But to me, that article told me that girl was white knuckling her way thru the night. Just like I did. Finally my 2 glasses became 2 bigger glasses... then 3 was ok...then a bottle, and I think you get where I'm going. At further risk of alienation, I see it on this very website. People are drinking like fish but saying they are moderating. It's a sight I've seen not only in my own life, but over and over and OVER again here. AL for MOST of us, can only be controlled by not drinking it. Period. I wish I had the forethought to write down that author's name, and see where she is in a year. I'd bet my lunch money, she' still fighting (and losing). What I hope you will come to realize, is that you don't need alcohol to be happy...or sad...or to celebrate....or social. You just don't need alcohol. The only reason we want it so bad is because we can't have it. But THAT PASSES! Given some good solid time, you will wonder what all the fuss was about. That's as long as you keep it out of your body. Just my humble opinion, but you can't be a moderate child molester, and you can't be a moderate alcoholic....Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Lav said ---

                      ImHereNow, I read the article you posted & came away with a few thoughts. The writer admits that it was easier for her being AF & I feel the same way which is why I made the decision to remain AF. She seems to miss the point or is in denial that alcoholism/problem drinking is progressive. Chosing to fight with herself to keep her wine intake to one or two glasses per day is her choice, not one that I wanted to commit myself to. Why would I want to spend the rest of my life in that battle? I had to learn but I prefer meditation as a way to relax in the evenings in place of wine. Meditation won't cause me blood sugar fluctuation & it won't wake me up in the middle of the night
                      We all have to choose what is right for us!
                      Lav and I'am Here Now -- Great discussion. Lav - Loved what you said up here. I was reading somewhere (can't remember where) and there was a discussion regarding modding and quitting after two and the continued struggle to fight the cravings to have more. Boy could I relate. But it hit me "THAT'S INSANE" and so not worth it. It truly is easier to just be AF and done with it. Maybe some people don't crave more than that, but that's why we are different and that's when you need to be perfectly honest with yourself. If you are struggling with cravings after having two drinks -- there is a problem. PERIOD.

                      And it is snowing here.

                      Can't Believe -- Thanks for the BIG acknowledgement. You are doing great and I love seeing your posts here.

                      Hi Byrdie -- I keep editing this....This is the last time.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi lolab, windy, lav,change, imherenow et al!!

                        I'm finding this thread very helpful = thanks so much.

                        I've just woken up to day 3 with a moderate grade headache ( yesterday was mild!), I hardly slept at all last night (despite taking a half a sleeping pill)... and I feel and look awful, not to mention the sweating OMG !! - I thought I was in a swimming pool !! and my hands and feet were wrinkled like i had been in the bath too long

                        I do live in a tropical country but this type of perspiration is beyond the pale...Is it the alcohol leaving the system?? Or is it the menopause?? I'm 48 and haven't had a period for a year?? How do i know if I am menopausal - I have had no sympoms over the past year except the sweating. Does this seating mean the toxins are leaving my body faster??

                        Sorry for all the questions...Day 3 so very pleased... Also day 3 of not smoking any pot (yay) but alas I havent quite stopped the cigs BUT I have switched to a hideous pineapple tobacco, about 5 a day so guess thats better than 20 Malboros...

                        But wow do I feel rough

                        Haven't started exercise yet but will on Monday

                        Thanks Girls !!
                        take Care Patrice


                          Newbies Nest

                          Well - I figured if I had an accidental day 1, let's try a purposeful day 2.

                          I went out and bought some of the supplements I didn't have and have been writing up a purse card (flash card) on what each is/does/needs to be taken when and with what.

                          That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                          Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                          AF - August 20, 2012


                            Newbies Nest

                            You're 48 & haven't had a period for a year, are sweating buckets......welcome to menopause my friend :H You have just admitted to the two classic symptoms
                            You are also sweating out toxins right now, you're detoxing! be sure to load up on lots & lots of water. Day 3 is a big deal so good for you :yay:

                            windy, I really, really don't want to see snow yet

                            Byrdie, the newest newbies are just like kids.....they don't want to listen to the oldies but that's all part of the learning process.......this is a process. I had to damn near kill myself to stop only to restart again later. I know that I can't moderate - I'd never be happy with 1 glass of wine, why bother???

                            OK, going to wish everyone a safe night in the Nest - guess I have to turn the heat on tonight, cheap, cheap. :H

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Have a good night Lav - thanks guess its the 'pause as suspected

                              You are turning ON the heat - Oh dear I wish I could turn it OFF



                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning all,
                                WOW it looks like we are all doing well here and Lav I just love your words of encourgemet (spelling was never my strong point):H
                                Well once again I woke up with a clear head and mind and most of all a great big smile on my face....yey......
                                My eldest is playing in the super squad tee ball team today at the baseball park so I am really looking forward to seeing him play. Then it is back to the mad and very busy weekend, it is a public holiday here today, something to do with the queen being here :H
                                So it is down to some housework and ironing for me today.....never thought there would be a time that I am looking forward to cleaning my house:H
                                Life is soooo good for me at the moment and I am going to hold on to this feeling......
                                Hope you all have a great weekend and stick to your goals
                                :dancin: enguin:
                                starting over

