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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest


    My 51st Birthday was my first completely sober one too in a very long time and It was this month also.

    p.s. Your Birthday is on Halloween. That's a hoot!! You should dress up as a one-year old baby.:H:H:H:H:H:H You rock ya know?.


      Newbies Nest

      Windy....funny you should mention the dinner schedule. We were invited next door for a birthday dinner and the hostess was already drinking when we got there. I felt like an oddball for drinking my diet coke, but as the time went by, she forgot to put on the rice...totally mistimed her dinner, served the salad last and while everything was delicious, it was cold. How many times did I do that too. By 9 oclock, heads were hanging, each person there had consumed a bottle of wine, hubs included....he couldn't believe it. I noticed it. And that would have been me right there too....slurry words, loud...I'd have probably slipped home at least once to get a good gulp of my own so noone would know....I am so happy to be where I am. I felt awkward for only a little while last night...I told them I finally put 2 and 2 together and that AL was like battery acid to my insides. This is a story that is really working for me (I have colitis). She pushed a couple times that a tiny glass wouldn't hurt that's when I pulled that out. Usually I don't have to get into it why I'm not, but since there were only 4 of us and she knows how I usually was no big deal tho...and that's good.
      So grateful for you all... Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        Thank you Windy!!!! I feel like a one year old baby!!!!! You are awesome!!
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Windy, glad to hear you are staying strong! On those nights out it really is only that first half hour that you feel the want for a drink. It takes so little time for things to turn around and you realise you are actually enjoying yourself without it and of course with all the added benefits of being AF! Keep it going!
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            Newbies Nest

            I'm new...and Thanks to all.

            Hi all. I am here 8 days AF. I cannot tell you how much reading all the stories here has meant to me. 8 Days ago...and that is when I found this site I was in a much worse place than I am today. I saw my story written already by so many of you... At some point I can share mine, but just not ready yet...

            The great news is that I made it through my kids' Halloween party yesterday AF. It seems that my biggest trigger is social events at our home. In the past I could be "found" hiding in the laundry room snarfing a shot. People did bring wine yesterday, and even my hubby drank some. I just stayed away from it, happy to be living "in the moment" and seeing the joy on all the kids' faces at the party, not through the foggy glasses of AL. Cleaning up from the party was much easier, as I did not feel the need to immediately lie down...

            I'm shooting for 30 days AF. Then, I don't know. I am counting down...for some reason this seems to work for me. So, last Monday my day was "30". Today I am "23"!


            Alcohol does me no favors.

            Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


              Newbies Nest

              Bellegirl, welcome and well done on getting through last night. You have made a great decision coming here. Stay close - you've already been reading - just keep on doing it! You'll get a lot of support here.
              Definitely a different strategy to count down the days - whatever works.....good luck
              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                Newbies Nest

                :welcome:Hi BelleGirl --

                Love the Pug by the way.

                Welcome and keep posting. We will get to know each eventually and on your terms. I have found the only way I could manage any good AF time was to have help from other people and this web site has been a God send to me. I hope it is for you too.

                Thanks Daisy...Now...I need to get off the puter and into the shower....I stink.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Happy birthday to all you birthday nesters, you are an inspiration.

                  I have been on the Topa once again for 4 days and this time around I am experiencing far less side effects and completely different ones. This time I am very tired and have the mental lapses. I told my mom yesterday that my son was laying tylenol on his floor instead of tile. Groan.

                  I have recently experienced this desire to eat everything in site including the kitchen sink in the evening. I am freaking out because the last thing I want to do is gain weight. Ugh, I am already 10 pounds over weight. I know that doesn't sound like much but it will go up fast and get out of control.

                  I am hoping the Topa will kick in and help stop this obsession to eat. I think it's a real sugar craving and I don't know how to get over it or what to do about it.

                  Have a great day everyone and welcome to the nest all you new nesters, glad you are here with us.

                  No alcohol since last tuesday. I don't know what "OFFICIAL" day that makes today. Day 5???
                  Day 1:4/4/2014


                    Newbies Nest

                    Mimi, thank you for the birthday witches!
                    Don't you worry one bit about a little weight. It's like a phenomenon, at first you go up a little (as you are eating everything in sight...for me sugar and starchy things like potatoes and such) but then you lose that and then some. I am down 9 pounds in 10 months and to be honest, I am not really trying that hard. When I was drinking 1000 calories a day, I was barely eating to I eat more normally...and it's wonderful. I understand about not wanting it to get out of control, but one demon at a time, I say....and AL is the most pressing. It will just come off naturally once you get did for me and I was convinced it was stuck on permanently. Hang in...Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Birthday WITCHES ....:H:H:H:H:H that's me...

                      I was thinking that If I dressed up for Halloween I would definitely be a WITCH...

                      Mimi -- A LONNG time ago I took topa and it was one of the only times I could manage to loose weight, but it wasn't for me because it made me feel funny. This time around I am not even going to weigh myself until I have a good 100 days behind me. I can only get one monkey off my back at once. I am trying to be mindful in the meantime, but I can sooo relate to the sugar cravings. I will second what Byrdie said "AL is the most pressing". Good Luck!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello again,
                        Just would like to say I really haven?t done this on my own -- even though I wasn?t participating online I was ?listening? to everything you all were saying. It REALLY helped me and I can?t thank you enough!!! For the first few days I also listened to the hypnosis cd?s that I bought several years back but chose to ignore until now. I also tried using that tapping ritual (ETF) which I know very little about. It seemed just weird enough to help divert my attention from the severe cravings during the first week or so.

                        But yes, Byrdie I am SO VERY PROUD of my accomplishment!!! I do feel like I?ve come out of the shadows -- not just here, but in my physical world as well. I?m not sure why this time was different? I think I just finally got so sick and tired of being so sick and tired. Tired of waking up at 2:00 a.m. and not being able to go back to sleep -- telling myself over and over that tomorrow would be different, only to go right back to the old schedule after picking up the kids in the afternoon from their various after school activities. I feel as if I?ve thrown a huge heavy UGLY weight off a cliff and I?m really hoping it stays buried far far down in that deep miserable hole where it needs to remain.

                        So on that note, I?m off to assist with a very important third grade Halloween Party -- without a self-inflicted headache for a change!!! Hope you all manage to steer free of the biggest trick of all today!
                        AF since 9/20/2011


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good Morning everyone, Hope you are having a nice af Monday. Its 7.00am in oz, Tuesday, and I am about to head off to work. Still stringing together lots of af days. Went to a party Sat night and drank coke,To be honest had no cravings at all,really weird!!! Felt a bit out of the fun,but worth it....waking up with no hangover on sunday was sooo good. Fun,yeah right! I can actually remember who I spoke to and what the discussion was about. Have a social event tonight so have my plan in place.I allways have a can of diet coke open,that way its easy to say NO!! Hope u are all achieving your goals stay strong guys


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hello Nesters - so many here today - great

                            Byrdie, wishing you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY :day5:
                            Hope your day is special!

                            lolab, a big congrats to you on your 36 AF days - no wonder you feel so good! Just wait, the clarity improves even more

                            PF, great on 6 AF days! Yuo will feel great as well very soon!

                            Hello mightmite, Patrice & Ronnie! Glad you liked the new job Ronnie!

                            Daisy, I do have an open fireplace in y living room & a wood stove on the lower level of my house that I also use sometimes. I am super careful around fire!!!

                            Windy, I have the Artisan Bread book on my counter but haven't opened it yet - plan to soon

                            Hello & welcome Belle! Glad you found the nest & jumped right in with us!
                            Have you seen the yet? It's full of great ideas to help you make your plan.

                            Mimi, focus on your sobriety right now - that's most important. L-Glutamine will help with the sugar cravings - get some.

                            Wicked, it has to be much nicer being around kids without a hangover.......
                            I watched my grandsons (aged almost 3 & almost 7 months for 4 hours this orning. No way I could do that without a clear head).

                            boozer, good to see you as always!

                            Grateful for a clear headed Monday & Happy Halloween everyone!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thanks for the welcoming all make me feel nice and comfy in the nest.

                              Getting ready to go out trick or treating with my son and his friend. Will be the first totally sober Halloween since...well...just can't remember. Let's all keep the treats and forget the tricks (the AL kind)!

                              Happy Halloween!

                              Alcohol does me no favors.

                              Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                                Newbies Nest

                                oh...and Thanks Lavande. I have seen the tool box. I have also read all the posts on "urge surfing". All great stuff!:thanks:

                                Alcohol does me no favors.

                                Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!

