Hiya all
Yep I'm still on the same horse.. no buckin' as yet.
Yes Lolab - I am on day 3, feeling pleased.. the healthy eating is working a treat.
I'm trying to eat Papaya (pawpaw in US?), passionfruit and yoghurt with sunflower seeds for brekky.
Salad with all kinds of raw stuff + goats fetta and a can of tuna for lunch
And tonight I had fresh tuna tomyam thai soup with Paratha.
Drinking lots of coconut water and detox tea
I can honestly say that the helthier food I eat the less alcohol I want and I have had NO sugar cravings as yet ( is that the 6g of L-glut I am taking??). As we speak there are 2 fresh chocolate croissants lying around and quite frankly I am not remotely tempted..
Thats today though (haha) who knows tomorrow..
Keep up the good fight guys
Take Care