WOLFGANG PUG! That is too much...I love it! And what a face! I don't have a pug but my brother has one, an all black one, so cute. Less than a year old. We have a jack russell/beagle mix, and she is a handful! I'm a dog lover, and a cat lover, well, let's just say all animals, shall we?
PF-I hope you are doing well this morning and was able to pass the craving for AL last night. I know it is hard. We have all been there. After reading quite a bit on MWO yesterday (Day 1) I am starting to really change the way I think about AL. In the toolbox, I read someone's post about turning your thoughts into Gratitude for not drinking instead of feeling deprived, like you are depriving yourself of having a drink since you think you deserve it. Instead, think of how grateful you are for not giving in to the AL and feeling like crap the next day, and grateful for all the reasons why you gave up AL in the first place. That hit a switch for me. Also, Bryd's post yesterday about the rabbit hole is awesome and I've been using it ever since! Whenever I think about the upcoming holidays or even an upcoming vacation where I fantasize about having a cocktail and relaxing, I go down the "negative AL" rabbit hole of how it will make me feel later that evening, the next morning, the next day. And then I go down the "positive AF" rabbit hole, in the scenario where I abstain and feel good about myself that day, that next morning, that next day, that whole holiday weekend or vacation that I conquered AF, and I being to see the light and don't want to drink. I think we would all make cute bunnies by the way

Day 2 for me and I feel great! I stuck to my AF guns yesterday and plan to do the same today. I did have a hard time getting to sleep last night since I didn't pass out from several glasses of wine. I have to pick up more of that Sleepytime tea that worked for me last time. I also had very vivid dreams which kept waking me up throughout the night, but I blame that on an extra dose of fish oil which has that effect on me. Must be all that brain boosting power in the fish oil...lol. Hubby actually takes DHA before bed just so it gives him vivid dreams...hey, I married a weirdo but I love him

Have a great day everyone...onward and upwards we fly!