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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    ronnie;1202337 wrote:
    I have a plan that once I get to 30 days A/f my next goal will be 45 days as 60 days just seems to long and then when I get to 45 days I will then go 60 days, I know it sounds silly but if my goals seam to far away then I know I will not complete them that is why I make them
    Hey Ronnie - First off, let me say that you are doing great and The Nest is behind you 110%

    Also, something very cool that I noticed after 30 days was that I wasn't counting the days anymore. It's kinda like you have made it out of the wilderness, there's a new clarity of thinking and focusing of the actual day to day count sorta just loses it's significance. When you hit 30 days, see if it's like that for you too!
    -Cap'n G


      Newbies Nest

      Turnagain - Congrats on your 100+ kinda snuck that one in there like you didn't want us makin a fuss or anything....good luck with that...
      -Cap'n G


        Newbies Nest

        Way to Go Turn!

        Congats Turnagain!

        100+ Days

        -Cap'n G


          Newbies Nest

          Congrats on 100 days!!!!! Holy FREEKIN' Moses that is AWESOME!!!!

          Yay YOU!!!

          Just an update as I will be a but scare this weekend - from my post on another thread since I am running low on time to make my flight.
          Prairie Fairy;1203093 wrote: Day 9... Had a tough moment due to crapola with the ex - but I called a GF I told was detoxing - she gave up cigs 3 days ago - and she talked me out of it. So - I used a call a friend card to quote the game show.

          Off on 3 day weekend - where it promises to be an incredibly emotional roller coaster - out of state - where the Ex is but with the BF - good TIMES!!!

          If this doesn't road test the resolve nothing is going to - will be heinous Sunday night when I get home. Would normally go for a wine swim after this trip but won't if I am going to get this right.

          So glad y'all are here.
          That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
          Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
          AF - August 20, 2012


            Newbies Nest

            Mornin' Nesters! Waking up to a sober day 3 ahead of me and loving it! Today is Friday and for most of you that signals the end of the work week. For me, I actually go back to start my week today as I work in retail Friday through Tuesday, 5 days straight. So I'm just coming off my weekend. I have been doing this for a few years so I'm used to it. It's kind of nice having 2 days off midweek when no one else does. The only drawback is that my husband's schedule is M-F so we don't get any days off entirely together. So this is the first day back to work since I have given up AL on Wednesday. Usually, since I work 9-5, I would rush home at 5PM and tear into a bottle of wine as soon as I walked in the door. Then I would wake up hungover on Saturday, where I have to work 8-4, and feel like crap most of the day. No more! Tomorrow I will wake up ready to take on the busiest retail day of the week! I work in a very busy natural foods store so Saturday is a huge shopping day for many of our customers. I am glad I can tackle it with a clear head from now on. I'm also the manager, so sometimes it can get pretty stressful!

            Got a good night's sleep last night, better than my first night AF. I also stayed up a bit later reading a good mystery book which I couldn't put down. I think that helped me sleep through the night better. I think it will only get better from here on out!

            Well done everyone on racking up your AF time. I do agree that after 30 days you begin to loose count of your days...I had over 30 last winter and I had to keep going to the calender to count as I started to loose track. I hope I can get to that point again!

            Have a great day everyone!:h
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



              Newbies Nest

              hi. good morning. I'm far behind!

              first congratulations to turnagain - I'm so glad you're chiming in on this thread - 100 days is awesome!

              Windy, LOL at the fish oil weirdo stuff...please share those dreams when you have them OK? Mine are weird enough I don't need to add to them. ;-)

              Belle, I could identify with your story...I'm trying to put those feelings behind me but keep track of where they are so I can pull them out if I need to....I don't want to dwell on the terrible stuff I did - but remember it when I need reinforcement to not drink! My husband pulled vodka out of the freezer once with 'part' of it frozen....I cringed....ina drunken state I had 'replaced' some with water - and put it back in the freezer!!! And sending my son "upstairs" to fetch me something so I could top off the glass in secret....ugh.

              I'mherenow - wow! Looks like you've got a handle on that 'keeping busy' part of your plan - LOL! hey, whatever works...:-)

              Hey Lav and Byrdie...miss you both when you're not around as much - but yes, I guess you do have lives outside of this forum...;-)

              Greg, it sounds like you're doing well - and thanks for the kind words. Windy has been an amazing one to identify with as our quit dates are 1 day away from each's nice to have something in common with someone who is so commited to not drinking. :-)

              Prairie, you hang in there this weekend...sounds like a tough one. Just think how much better you will handle all of the emotional stress by being AF. Think ahead of a plan for Sunday night! I bet you already have. A nice bath - some of that wonderful tea you've been loading up on - LOL. Or come up with something totally different...something to engage your mind and get it off the past weekend and off AL.

              I'll be sending you good vibes all weekend, ok?


              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                Newbies Nest

                blondie, cross're doing great! I am quite sure I'd spend everything I made if I worked in a Natural foods store...awesome!

                Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                  Newbies Nest

                  :H :H Cap'n - I was just giving you some vacation time ~ not a pink slip!!!!
                  You deserve the time to get the most out of your new found freedom

                  Good morning everyone!
                  Glad to see so many this morning. Have to run for now but will be back.
                  Want to hear more about your weekend plans

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Fabu Friday

                    Hello Nesters!

                    Just getting my day off going here in damp West Central Florida. Spent 3 hours in The Nest last night trying to get back into the vibe of things, and was nearly 1 AM when I fell into bed!

                    Have a HUGE list of things to attend to today - always important to over-schedule myself on days off as that has previously been a big drinking day...would get started early in the afternoon and be pretty well buzzed about dinner time and still would drink myself stupid for another 3-4 hours. Gad, what was I thinking - or wasn't I thinking?

                    It is good to be getting back in touch with who I really am - it's a process - and one to be welcomed with open arms; like welcoming home a long lest friend or wayward child. Your appreciation of your true nature is always there - it's just swept under the rug when AL has such a dominant role in our lives.

                    Ms Lav - I was just ribbing you on the pink slip, you know my sarcastic wit..

                    Blonde - You sound like you are off to a good start; just keep your resolve and stick to the quit. Did you order the CD's? (Abstinence version) You'll definitely want to incorporate those into your plan.

                    G'day Lola!

                    Prairie - You have had an awesome week...stay on track no matter what -Hope you can check in over the weekend and let us know how you are - Keep the Faith!

                    Well, it's off to the gym, the hardware store, the barber shop and the camera store. On Saturday, the Admiral and I will be off to the East Coast to work on a few issues with Chapter Two. Sunday is a 6 to 6 work day, so no time for AL for me!

                    Have a fabu Friday Nesters - stay strong and be calm. Remember, the better it gets, the better it gets!
                    -Cap'n G


                      Newbies Nest

                      lolab...i'm cracking up about the frozen vodka story...been there, done that. My hubby doesn't usually keep the vodka in the freezer, but in the hot summer he will put a bottle in the freezer. I was really surprised the first time (yes, do you think I would have learned a lesson?) that happened. I do have a chemistry degree and thought alcohol should lower the freezing point of the water. I guess that doesn't work so good when the bottle is MOSTLY WATER!!!

                      And the funny thing is I thought all my cover-up antics were so original. I have pretty much seen everything I have done, confessed by others on this forum. And I am seeing that the laundry room/basket/hamper...WAS one fave place for us ladies to hide the booze.

                      And I hear Turnagain hit 100 days!!! :goodjob: please tell us what it feels like to be there!

                      Alcohol does me no favors.

                      Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                        Newbies Nest

                        belle - at least my degree's just in psychology...I have an excuse - :H

                        Hey lav - we have to go to a friend's house tomorrow night for a cocktail party...

                        BUT I don't even feel nervous in the least. Drinking isn't an option and we aren't planning on staying long. It feels GOOD for it to be something I'm not even wrestling with..

                        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Nesters,

                          I have a headache, I am tired and cranky, but I managed to put a smile on my face when I read the vodka/freezer stories. Isn't it great we can laugh a these stories now? I have to admit I would hide beer (empty) cans in the hollowed-out sink pedestal. If you look behind it -- it is not solid. Did you know that??? And, Oh MY GOD....I don't know how many times I would put water back in the wine bottle, so my husband wouldn't think I finished another one. I think he knew, but never said anything. I am probably the only one who thought I was sooo cleaver. Even while doing stupid stuff like that, I had a hard time admitting I had a problem.

                          Have a good weekend everyone.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Being tall had its advantages for hiding AL...we have kitchen cupboards that go to the ceiling and I have exclusive access to the top shelves. Usually had a pint laying up there on days off for quick top offs.

                            Oh, the things we did to keep AL onboard. What WERE we thinking?

                            How did we ever get to such a stage where we devised elaborate schemes for having easy access to AL? Why were we sneaking?

                            My take is that AL brings on a degenerative disease in those of us who have the abnormal drinking gene. The disease has both physical and mental components. We became crafty and sneaky so we could easily feed the physical addiction without having to be confronted or explain... Deep down inside, yeah way, way down in there, our true self knew we were on a bad road - but AL beats our true selves up and takes the dominant role - whatever it takes to get that buzz on, then that's what it takes.

                            It's incredibly liberating to acknowledge that I didn't get the normal drinking gene, and, as a result, developed a severe case of alcohol addiction. It's nothing to be ashamed of, although many folks with the normal gene will never really understand, it's just something that happened because of our physiological properties.

                            So, now we know who we are and that's why we are here.

                            My fellow Nesters get what I am talking about - my next door neighbor, my boss, my brother...well, they got the normal drinking gene and so they don't get it. And that's OK - they don't have to - I know what I have and what I have to do to lead a fulfilling and satisfying life. Just don't drink today.
                            -Cap'n G


                              Newbies Nest

                              Well - I never drank vodka so I have no freezer stories
                              A sip of that stuff gave me a violent, blinding headache - maybe an alleregy?

                              Unfortunately I wasn't allergic to white wine, the dry stuff.
                              I really never bothered to hide my drinking activity & I think that's because I was so damn depressed & not getting any support at home. I think I was secretly waiting for my spouse to pull his head out of his A$$ & see what his behavior was doing to me.......yeah, that didn't work
                              Oh well, that's long over now & I don't waste time thinking about history. Have I mentioned that he left home more than a year after I quit? Just couldn't stand me sober because he couldn't push me around anymore, tough shit, huh?

                              Busy is always a good thing greg

                              Hi Belle, windy & lola.
                              lola, tuck an emergency exit plan in your pocket before heading out to the party ~ just in case. I keep one with me at all times

                              OK, lunchbreak is over!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                I am glad today to remember the crazy things I did to hide AL. I am feeling pretty strong and cocky, being all 12 days AF, and thinkin' "hey, maybe I don't have a problem"...but then when I am reminded of those type of things...there is no doubt. Just reinforces me to stay the course.

                                As for drinking genes, Mom and Dad are not much for drinking. Dad has a small Gin & Tonic and wipes him out. Mom...I think Dad gave her a shot of something on New Years once and she was praying to the porcelain god all night. However, there are some big drinkers on my Dad's side of the family. Have one uncle 96 yrs old who doesn't think it is a big deal to have a "shot and a beer" at 6am once in a while (that is NOT the end of his drinking). About ten years ago he did this once at his sister's house and she took away his car keys. He hopped on her bicycle, rode home but ran into an old lady carrying groceries on the sidewalk and knocked her over.

                                I didn't think there were any drinkers on my Mom's side until my brother got a drunken call from an uncle last year. When my brother told me about this, he said "It's on both sides of the family...we're screwed...why fight it?" :upset:

                                Alcohol does me no favors.

                                Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!

