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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    You're in a great place Lilla, you go girl! I know it's early days for me yet but I can honestly say that, with the help of AA & the folk on here, I have never had so much pleasure from life as I am at the moment now I've stopped drinking. It's worth the initial struggle xxx
    AL free since 24 October 2011


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Lilla and everyone,

      you remind me a lot of me. For years that was precisely what I was doing, kids, studying, work, wine. I'm AF 21 days now and found last night difficult but got through. My b-in-law and his partner called to say they were coming round but I panicked, I had my evening all planned, dinner, tv, movie with my family. the thought of company was too much. Normally, being very sociable and it being Sat night, it would be very unusual for me not to offer wine and drink a lot of it. I asked my hubby to call and make up an excuse. He did and the panic stopped. I had visitors last weekend and I found that difficult. I just needed a stress and visitor free weekend. Next weekend is a family party aka a huge piss up. Its about an hour and a half away and we had planned on staying over in hotel but with me not drinking, I think I'll drive back. I am NOT looking forward to it at all. But, I'm trying not to think about it. Well done on cutting down lilla and you've made that important first step, realising you have a problem. good luck, you came to the right place for help and support, its great here. We all know it's a very scary thought going AF but the reality is actually easier (for me anyway). Just take each day as it comes xxx


        Newbies Nest

        LOL Mrsg...the reason for your edit...:H Congrats on your 21 days! and it is the best thing in the beginning to avoid those situations where it would be tempting to drink...great job.

        I spent the day dealing with a very sad situation with a close elderly relative who is losing her old dog...she's alone except for that was very emotional - then went to the party last night...I had one cared. I was actually very surprised at the number of people who didn't drink.

        I have a monster headache this morning anyway. :upset:

        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


          Newbies Nest

          Happy Sober Sunday everyone!

          Made it to day 5 and I'm feeling really alive! It is a bright and beautiful fall morning out there today and I'm about to head out to work but wanted to say good morning to you all.

          Lolab, hope your headache is away by now. It sucks to wake up sober with a Feel better soon.

          Bryd, yes, you are so right about the feeling of freedom. We can all take a deep breathe with a sigh of relief that it is OVER. Now we just have to stick to our AF guns.

          Belle-great job on pizza without wine and a sober movie night. Did you still fall asleep?:H

          We watched a movie last night on TV...Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. I had seen it years ago but hubby did not. Great movie, great acting! Then I stayed up late finishing the last 2 chapters of a Maine mystery novel which I couldn't put down. Spent the morning on my library account ordering more books and knowing that I will actually be finishing them as I won't be filled with cloudy, drunk evenings!

          Well, off to work I go but have a great day everyone! :h
          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



            Newbies Nest

            Lavande;1204056 wrote: Glad to hear that Belle
            Lola, hope you are hanging in with us as well!

            Blondie, you sound good!

            OK, gonna wish everyone a safe night in the nest. Don't forget the nest belts & butt velcro

            Thats what keeps me on the motorcycle when I am leaning off............:H
            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



              Newbies Nest

              Good Sunday morning Nesters!

              Sunny & heading to 58 degrees today - my kind of weather

              Hello & welcome lilia & mrsg!
              Welcome to the nest, settle in for a while!
              Mrsg, congrats onyour 21 AF days, great work! I honestly stayed pretty close to home, avoided social situations for nearly three months after I quit. I just felt the nedd to strengthen my commitment. Sounds like you're doing great
              lilia, a was a huge wine drinker myself, the stuff becomes addictive & the act of opening another bottle habitual! You made a great decision to take control now. Be sure to look in the for lots of great ideas to help you make your plan

              lola, stressful situations are just a part of everyday life. We can & will get thru them AF provided we are commited to do so. Good for you!

              Greetings Belle, Byrdie, Blondie, Greg & everyone dropping in today!
              I have lots to do to keep me out of trouble today

              Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Sunday!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Nelz :H :H
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thank you so much lolab, nollie, mrsg and lav for the welcome and encouragement. I have got through the first day, am so happy with myself and to be honest it was nowhere near as scary as I have imagined it to be for so long now. The thought of a social event without drink terrifies me though, but that will be another day's issue. For now I am just determined to be AF tomorrow too. Wishing you all a nice day, it's night time here in Australia so goodnight.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Lilla

                    :welcome: from me too. I WAS a wine girl so completely understand. The last few months saw me opening the second bottle. Probably drunk buckets when I was sociable but there's something about being alone and facing 2 bottles in the morning (be they full or empty, mostly empty truth be known). Scary! Never thought it would happen, but in a way it was a good thing cos it shook my butt into taking action and one drunken night I stumbled upon this wonderful site. Hopefully it will be My Way Out
                    You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                      Newbies Nest

                      Great Day Nesters!

                      Am at work trying to keep my attitude right. I AM grateful for this job! I LOVE my job!!!

                      Blondie - Yeah...B.O.A.T. is pretty accurate - Had a very rough day yesterday...3 hour drive each way to the boat, and my two major goals were both unfulfilled. I was one frustrated camper! Ah well, it's a process - that's for sure!
                      You sound like you are doing really well - keep it going!

                      Windy - Yes, it's good to know who we are - I am grateful that I have this opportunity to get my life back - and I feel for the many who will never find their way out
                      -Cap'n G


                        Newbies Nest

                        Cap'n = thanks for the butt velcro - it's working!
                        You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello everyone,

                          Happy Sunday morning! I have just been trying to catch up on all that has gone on here for the past week. This certainly is a busy place! I?m happy to report that I am still AL free, feeling great and that today is day 48 for me!!! On my first post -- last Sunday morning -- I happily, but incorrectly announced that I was on day 47. Apparently, simple counting is not something I do well even while sober!

                          Congratulations to LolaB and BelleGirl for making it through your stressful situations! Distraction really is the key. When I feel a strong urge to open a bottle my ?SECRET TOOL? is EFT (emotional freedom technique/therapy) that I learned about from my sister who is a therapist -- she said it works almost instantaneously for some of her clients. There is plenty of information on the internet as well. I simply leave the kitchen, shut myself in my bedroom or bathroom for a few minutes and tap away. It?s a strange little ritual that involves staring at yourself in the mirror and repeating a phrase (such as ?Even though I have a strong desire to drink alcohol, I completely and deeply love and accept myself?) while tapping on certain key points on the top of your head, face and upper body with your fingers. It sounds and looks ridiculous -- but right now it works for me. (Just don?t let anyone in your family catch you at it -- they will know you are nuts!!) I don?t really know that the tapping itself is the cause of relieving my cravings -- I think it?s just the distraction. It calms me down in just a minute or two and the cravings just go away.

                          Lilla --you might give it a try -- it was especially helpful for me in the first week or two...

                          Anyway, time to get out of bed and get on with the day. It?s snowy and cold here and I have a lot of projects ahead of me-- finish a pair of arm-warmers I?m knitting (oh brother!), move a huge pile of firewood to a dry spot, and make a big batch of homemade applesauce from a wheelbarrow full of apples in the shed. (My original intention was hard-cider, but since I?ve changed my ways, I?ve changed my mind on that one!) One thing I?m really appreciating since I quit drinking is actually getting my projects done!

                          AF since 9/20/2011


                            Newbies Nest

                            Lilla and Nollie...I hope you will look back at some of my posts, they could be yours, too...but please take a look at my post #12,852..Greg calls this my "I have a Plan" post. And you can see that every single one of us who came here the first time were scared spitless...and look at us now. There is nothing to fear except staying on the same path of Alcohol. Trust me, that is what is scary! Being sober is feels wonderful! Like no buzz you ever had! Keep reading and keep posting...there is some really good stuff here. You have landed in the best possible place if you are serious about getting AL out of your life. Welcome! Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Lola - Glad you made it through - every victory over AL makes you more confident and stronger - AL don't give up so easy - Way to go!!

                              Hey Belle - Sounds like you are coming along well - keep it going!

                              Lilla - Welcome to The Nest - Realizing AL has taken over is a huge accomplishment - Now lets get a few AL-Free days under your belt!
                              -Cap'n G


                                Newbies Nest

                                CantBelieveI'mStillAtIt;1204257 wrote: Cap'n = thanks for the butt velcro - it's working!
                                -Cap'n G

