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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hey Nollie!

    Hello Ms. Byrdie!

    MrsG - Nice work on 3 weeks!

    Hello Ms Lav!

    Hey Wicked - 48, 48....Who's Counting?!! Nice work on 7 weeks AL-Free!!

    Gotta get back to work - ICK! Doing a 6 to 6 and I don't know how I'm going to hang that long! OY!

    Stay Strong Fledglings!
    -Cap'n G


      Newbies Nest

      Sundays at work never seemed quite right to me either Greg - did them for 28 years

      I'm actually at work in my home shop today but don't mind it a bit
      Hang in there - only 6 hrs to go!!! :yay:
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Just thought I would check in. I am struggling to be AF. I'm on day 14 but usually only make it to day 21 or so and then binge for a few days. I joined because I'm looking for the support of people who understand what a struggle it is to be AF. If only I was like the normal people that could have one or two and be done. Instead my one or two turn into 6 or 10 or 12 and then I do something stupid that I regret enough to start over AF again. I really want to be AF for good with no cravings or desire whatsoever. I really question if I will get there. For today, there will be no alcohol.:new:


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Princess

          I'm no expert on this but I did once stop for 24 days. Then a 'friend' thought I was miserable on my own and dragged me off to the pub. Hey presto, off I went again and this is the first time since then ( four years) that I have not drank the equivalent of two bottles of wine a day.I am on my second day AF and so far it has not been difficult except for the trembing of the withdrawal and feeling like I have been run over by a tank ! Looking at what you have written, I believe that you have already decided that you are going to binge after day 21 ??

          I have got hold of a copy of Jason Vales book, Kick the Drink... easily and it is having such a profound effect that I really think I have kicked it ! Are you finding it difficult not to have a drink ?


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Beer Princess

            :welcome: from me. You've found a great place with loads of support. Reckon the peeps around here could help you reach your goal.
            You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



              Newbies Nest

              Byrdie...I have wanted to read your post#12,852 ever since I heard about it...but have never been able to find it!

              Can you or anyone else help an aging techie figure out how to search for posts by their number?
              Sober for the Revolution!
              AF & NF July 23, 2011


                Newbies Nest

                Here you go....

                Byrdlady;1154738 wrote: 4me. Well, I guess the master plan (or it was for me) was to quit drinking. But this is way too much to grasp at first. It's sad to even consider...besides it doesn't even seem possible. Lav will offer you her trusty wing as I think her plan is more structured than mine, but here is my take. Get your story together on what you are going to tell people when they look at you in disbelief that you aren't drinking. I'm enjoying "it was a New year's resolution to cut down and when I did I felt better so I just stopped. ' I've also enjoyed, 'it was aggravating a couple other things I have going on' (my liver and my marriage). Now if you are committed to stop drinking or trying to moderate, your plan will be different. I had to quit. (tried mod...couldn't..all or nothing) So I can't speak to a successful plan to moderate. But if you are committed to stopping...take it one day at a time. Day 3 is a huge step, this is when AL doesn't show up in bloodwork. Day 6 is a bitch, but then day 7 is monumental...a week without booze and that includes a weekend!!! For me, on day 13 I had a change of thinking...I felt better and I got a sense that I could actually do this. Day 30, consider yourself well on your way. Then the days and weeks actually add up before you know it. Then there's the 100 day club. Now that's a big one. You get a hat and everything....eheheh. not really. But you do get kudos from the nest as that's a big thing. Plan to take yourself out of tempation's way. Plan what you are going to drink or order before going to the restaurant...this helps...visualizing it makes it more real. Set yourself up to succeed. Get your butt out of that wine aisle..stop longing because you are the only person on Earth not able to enjoy a cocktail...when you anticipate these things, they are easier to overcome. Someone suggested gummy worms as a way to ride a crave...I found solice in Charm's Blow Pop's ..that sugar rush kept my mouth happy and out of trouble. When you have a will pass and eating will help it. Somehow this has to do with your blood sugar. Know and make provisions for a mighty sweet craving. Do not worry about a pound or 2 right good to yourself. Get the AL out of your home. We are all watching you and we will see if you sneak some!! eheheh. (glad nobody saw me sneaking it...) This is just a rough thought of what my plan was and continues to be. Visit this site as long as you want to keep your quit. Out of site out of mind..keep us close. We are here for each other..there is no question you can't ask and get an honest answer from someone. I hope that helps you in your plan for a plan. Hop in, we'll drive!! Byrdie
                You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Turnagain - wow, it worked! From one non-techie to another!
                  You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                    Newbies Nest

                    Great post Byrdie - thank you
                    You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi all, just checkin' in...
                      Hope all of you are doing well! The nest seems pretty full and that is a good thing! Love to be here with you all.

                      Still fell asleep during movie night last night. Haven't been sleeping great anyway due to a current anxiety episode that has been going on for more than a month. In part I can at least thank this episode for getting me to go AF, because the anxiety is health related, methinks.

                      However, feeling crappy like I am today...I know that a little AL would make me feel on top of the world, for a little while at least. The first 10 days or so AF didn't seem so bad, but now at day 14 I would just love to kill some of this pain. I went for a jog this morning, first time in weeks thinking it would help. I have back pain in 3 places, and tired because I woke up at 4am and could not get back to sleep.

                      Sorry to whine here...some days like today I feel like i just cannot go on...:upset:

                      Husband thinks all my problems are psychosomatic and he may be right...but that does not help.

                      Thanks for listening...gotta take the kids to a birthday party.

                      Alcohol does me no favors.

                      Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Gosh, Can't Believe! thanks! I was trying to copy and paste that but couldn't figure out how! You are awesome!!!
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          I had my 'moment of clarity' just over two weeks ago, (the day before I was booked to leave on a trip to California with friends). I chose not to quit drinking for the trip, but I did slow things down a lot and am back at home today ready to tackle this thing head on. My goal isn't not to be a none drinker. I just want to be a normal balanced human being that doesn't consume two bottles of wine every single day. While I was away I spent a lot of time thinking about what a balanced lifestyle is going to look like for me so I know exactly what I need to adjust to. I also told my friends on the trip that I have a problem and about the changes I'm implementing. I know I can do this but it's a lot to take on all at once. I'm heading into work tomorrow morning not knowing what to expect. My sales performance has been horrible for the last 12 months PURELY because of my drinking habits, so I could be facing consequences for that. Hopefully I'll have the chance to regain my bosses trust in the weeks ahead but I've dug myself into a pretty deep hole so I'm preparing for the worst. It's my birthday tomorrow as well so if I can manage to get fired on my birthday and still not have a drink it'll be a great way to start my campaign with a show of strength right? LOL.


                            Newbies Nest


                            Snap ! Just like me. Two bottles a day for the last god knows how long. Feeling crap all the time, worrying my family and more than likely drink driving every morning. I have a sales job too. You are going to join us and we're going to do this together.. aren't we ?

                            I am currently on day 2 AF and starting to feel really great. Looking forward to work tomorrow and knowing that I am going out sober and focussed. You are going to do that too !

                            Now, I'm no preacher, because I am very vulnerable. However, I know that I have has my last drink. Sound cocky ? Well I hope not because unless we think like that then I believe that we have no chance. Stay around and let's see if we can help each other to look forward to a very bright future and wonderful times ahead which start this very second !


                              Newbies Nest

                              timpin - I am another of those 2 bottle a nighters. How did we function (hmm... not well). I am on day 8 of the decision to change (had to taper, toooo much anxiety) and day 2 AF.

                              I am on the bandwagon with you and the others. Let's do it together!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello to everyone in the Nest,

                                Back from Las Vegas and I did decide to drink. I was worried that once I started, I wouldn't be able to stop like the old days but have not gone back to binge drinking. And, I never blacked out, I can remember the whole trip! I made it to 86 days AF and was really proud of that number.

                                I chose to drink each day of my trip and did enjoy the colourful, flavourful cocktails. There is some guilt about my choices but I will move on from this and not drink again for awhile. I am proud I never drank in my hotel room or alone however, sometimes it is those little victories we should cherish.

                                I know I will be visiting the Nest more often to read your stories and share some of my own. Thanks for always being there for me, and for those new and old to MWO, keep reading and posting... it helps!!

                                Today is day 1

