Busy nest here today - great!!!
Hello & welcome to beer princess, timpin, Anfield & super sparrow!
Glad you found the nest & decide to hop in with us for a while.
Have you read the MWO book yet? If not, download it right from the Health store here on the site. It has lots of info about the program, supplements, Hypno CDs & medications if you choose to take them. And be sure to look in our for great ideas to help you put together plans for yourselves. Knowing your drinking triggers & planning ahead how you're going to handle them without AL will help you reach your goals

Stick around, check in & let us know how you're doing. It's not easy, you have to commit & do the work but you won't be sorry. I was a big wine drinker myself - big!!! My life is much better, my health is better & most importantly my outlook is better with AL

Today, glad your trip to Vegas went well & glad you stuck to your plan!
Belle, is it possible that you are dealing with a bit of depression?
Unresolved depression & the accompanying anxiety is what led me down the AL path. I found once I had all that under control giving up my wine habit was not so bad - it was a good thing for me.
Hello to CantBelieve, Turn, greg, Byrdie & everyone!
Looks like I have some work related email piling up but this old bird will get to it in the AM - promise

Wishing everyone a safe AF night in the Nest!