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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Busy nest here today - great!!!

    Hello & welcome to beer princess, timpin, Anfield & super sparrow!
    Glad you found the nest & decide to hop in with us for a while.
    Have you read the MWO book yet? If not, download it right from the Health store here on the site. It has lots of info about the program, supplements, Hypno CDs & medications if you choose to take them. And be sure to look in our for great ideas to help you put together plans for yourselves. Knowing your drinking triggers & planning ahead how you're going to handle them without AL will help you reach your goals
    Stick around, check in & let us know how you're doing. It's not easy, you have to commit & do the work but you won't be sorry. I was a big wine drinker myself - big!!! My life is much better, my health is better & most importantly my outlook is better with AL

    Today, glad your trip to Vegas went well & glad you stuck to your plan!

    Belle, is it possible that you are dealing with a bit of depression?
    Unresolved depression & the accompanying anxiety is what led me down the AL path. I found once I had all that under control giving up my wine habit was not so bad - it was a good thing for me.

    Hello to CantBelieve, Turn, greg, Byrdie & everyone!

    Looks like I have some work related email piling up but this old bird will get to it in the AM - promise
    Wishing everyone a safe AF night in the Nest!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Ive been lurking for a few weeks now. Read something in a lower part of the forum and it made me want to say something. I wanna change..
      I sure do.


        Newbies Nest

        beer princess;1204292 wrote: Just thought I would check in. I am struggling to be AF. I'm on day 14 but usually only make it to day 21 or so and then binge for a few days. I joined because I'm looking for the support of people who understand what a struggle it is to be AF. If only I was like the normal people that could have one or two and be done. Instead my one or two turn into 6 or 10 or 12 and then I do something stupid that I regret enough to start over AF again. I really want to be AF for good with no cravings or desire whatsoever. I really question if I will get there. For today, there will be no alcohol.:new:
        Welcome Princess ! This is a great place to come 3 or 4 times a day until you get 60 or 90 days under your belt! If I can stop drinking, anyone can!
        OK, so you realize you got the un-normal drinking gene. Some do, some don't. You know what you have, and you came here to get some help to guide you through it. There's a methodology here and you'll want to follow it as closely as you can.
        Be sure to listen to Ms Lav and Ms Byrdie - they will steer you straight. Make a plan that incorporates the methodology and write it down. Carry it with you. Plan in advance what you will do when AL starts talking stuff to you and he will for sure. But, you do not have to listen anymore.
        Take it just one day at a time - it sounds trite, but today is really all we have. If you make your credo "I am not drinking today" you can string a lot of days together without stressing about tomorrow. Read and post and read and post.
        -Cap'n G


          Newbies Nest

          timpin;1204308 wrote: Hi Princess

          I'm no expert on this but I did once stop for 24 days. Then a 'friend' thought I was miserable on my own and dragged me off to the pub. Hey presto, off I went again and this is the first time since then ( four years) that I have not drank the equivalent of two bottles of wine a day.I am on my second day AF and so far it has not been difficult except for the trembing of the withdrawal and feeling like I have been run over by a tank ! Looking at what you have written, I believe that you have already decided that you are going to binge after day 21 ??

          I have got hold of a copy of Jason Vales book, Kick the Drink... easily and it is having such a profound effect that I really think I have kicked it ! Are you finding it difficult not to have a drink ?
          Welcome aboard Timpin! I hope you are drinking lots of water and assembling a plan as well. Three major components you will want to have - Exercise - Supplements - and Hypnotherapy. Be sure to order the abstinence version of the CD's. Stay in touch here daily - The Nest will offer you great support as you begin your AL-Free life.
          -Cap'n G


            Newbies Nest

            BelleGirl;1204339 wrote: Hi all, just checkin' in...
            Hope all of you are doing well! The nest seems pretty full and that is a good thing! Love to be here with you all.

            Still fell asleep during movie night last night. Haven't been sleeping great anyway due to a current anxiety episode that has been going on for more than a month. In part I can at least thank this episode for getting me to go AF, because the anxiety is health related, methinks.

            However, feeling crappy like I am today...I know that a little AL would make me feel on top of the world, for a little while at least. The first 10 days or so AF didn't seem so bad, but now at day 14 I would just love to kill some of this pain. I went for a jog this morning, first time in weeks thinking it would help. I have back pain in 3 places, and tired because I woke up at 4am and could not get back to sleep.

            Sorry to whine here...some days like today I feel like i just cannot go on...:upset:

            Husband thinks all my problems are psychosomatic and he may be right...but that does not help.

            Thanks for listening...gotta take the kids to a birthday party.
            Belle - The road to your real life is, well, like real life. There's potholes and ruts and wrong turns and we're all going to catch some once in awhile. But, do not let these things affect your quit.
            I will make you some big time promises here.
            The more days of solid sobriety you put together, the better you will feel - mentally and physically.
            Detox is a process, and there are aches and pains associated with it.
            Exercise is very important - you need the endorphins or whatever cool brain chemicals you get from it - but, if you haven't been doing it, you're going to get sore and it's going to take some time for your body to get used to it. After a few weeks, you will get fanatical - nothing will keep you from your endorphins!
            Be sure you are getting 1/2 of your body weight in ounces of water. i.e., if you weigh 120 lbs, you need 60 oz. water throughout the day. Plain water - not water that's in soda or coffee! Spring water if you can.
            No stresses will be any better by inviting AL back into your life. Don't listen to that rubbish he puts in your head, he will tell you anything to get back inside of you. You are off to a nice start, so keep the faith - tomorrow is a new day and you'll feel much better waking up without the hangover, guilt and remorse to deal with. I think you would really enjoy the CD's.... Hang on to your twig - the Nest is here for you!
            -Cap'n G


              Newbies Nest

              Anfield;1204370 wrote: I had my 'moment of clarity' just over two weeks ago, (the day before I was booked to leave on a trip to California with friends). I chose not to quit drinking for the trip, but I did slow things down a lot and am back at home today ready to tackle this thing head on. My goal isn't not to be a none drinker. I just want to be a normal balanced human being that doesn't consume two bottles of wine every single day. While I was away I spent a lot of time thinking about what a balanced lifestyle is going to look like for me so I know exactly what I need to adjust to. I also told my friends on the trip that I have a problem and about the changes I'm implementing. I know I can do this but it's a lot to take on all at once. I'm heading into work tomorrow morning not knowing what to expect. My sales performance has been horrible for the last 12 months PURELY because of my drinking habits, so I could be facing consequences for that. Hopefully I'll have the chance to regain my bosses trust in the weeks ahead but I've dug myself into a pretty deep hole so I'm preparing for the worst. It's my birthday tomorrow as well so if I can manage to get fired on my birthday and still not have a drink it'll be a great way to start my campaign with a show of strength right? LOL.
              Anfield - Welcome to The Nest. If you found us, it's because you need us. Not drinking today is not that difficult. Getting all worked up over never drinking again is another story.
              Just focus on today. "I am not drinking today" will work every single day.
              Read and post and make a plan - you gotta have a plan.
              Get the CD's and listen to your Nest Mums. (Lav and Byrdie) tell us all about it - we are great listeners!
              Happy Birthday fellow Scorpion!
              Stay close, post lots, tell us about your plan - you can do this and we will help you!
              -Cap'n G


                Newbies Nest

                super sparrow;1204398 wrote: timpin - I am another of those 2 bottle a nighters. How did we function (hmm... not well). I am on day 8 of the decision to change (had to taper, toooo much anxiety) and day 2 AF.

                I am on the bandwagon with you and the others. Let's do it together!
                Sparrow - Welcome to the Nest! Should look just like home to you!
                Yes, get hooked up with Anfield and Timpin - being about the same spot and looking out for each other is HUGE! Just ask Windy and Lola - they are doing it, and they were right where you are just about 6 weeks ago.
                Supplements / Exercise / Hypnotherapy / Read and post and read and post!
                -Cap'n G


                  Newbies Nest

                  wannachange555;1204483 wrote: Ive been lurking for a few weeks now. Read something in a lower part of the forum and it made me want to say something. I wanna change..
                  I sure do.
                  Hello Wanna! Welcome aboard! If you wanna change this is the best place. Read back over the past few weeks in this thread. It will take a few hours, but you'll get to know everyone a bit better and you'll feel right at home. Listen to Lav's advice a few posts previous to some fellow fledglings. Hit the tool box, make a plan, tell us more about yourself and don't drink today. Stick around - you'll be glad you did!
                  -Cap'n G


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi All
                    In the "extreme starter kit" I purchased on this site when I started this program, there is a FANTASTIC homeopathic remedy for anxiety and sleep disorders called "calms forte" (I found it again thru Google/amazon - you cant buy it on its own thru this site). I found it to be amazing. I always had difficulty with insomnia (probably was all the drinking) and anxiety. Really a difference since I stopped I stopped overindulging, but I think the calms forte helps. Just sayin'. Cheers!


                      Newbies Nest

                      It's been so good for me to read all the posts added while I was at work, to be able to identify with all being said is such a new experience. I have had the pressure of trying to keep my double life hidden from as many people as possible for so long now. I was thinking today, if only my work colleagues knew what I was trying to battle they would be totally shocked as I always managed to rock up for work (and never let on about my drinking), however big the hangover.

                      Day 2 today and I feel on top of the world. Thanks for the advice Lav and Byrdie and I have read a lot of The Tools and had a plan to come home from work today and relax with a nice fresh juice rather than my usual tipple. I am shifting my head to emphasize the "relax" element without wine.

                      Greg what led me to this site was going to see a hypnotherapist to help me to cut back my alcohol intake, I was researching hypnotherapy for alcohol abuse on the net. I have done the relaxation CDs I got from him last week and I am positive they help my frame of mind and determination. So I will look into ordering the ones from here.

                      Wicked thanks for the tapping advice, will research that too and hey, whatever it takes to help.... Timpin, we are on the same "days", and you sound so determined it is inspiring me.

                      Now just another few hours to get through for another AF day, but I feel on such a high I know I won't be tempted.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Everyone,
                        WOW this is busy of late and it is great to see people trying to turn their lives around for the better, this is a great site with alot of people with wise words.
                        well another busy helps me keep out of trouble AL wise.......
                        I actually managed to get some housework done after work which is great....I love my house being nice and clean....
                        Well my dinner is on and then it is sofa time for me.
                        Hope you all have a great day/night
                        :dancin: enguin:
                        starting over


                          Newbies Nest

                          Loads of inspirational activity here this morming. Hi to all the new arrivals and thanks Cap'n for all the reminders.

                          I'm not going to drink today

                          Byrdie - hi there - I was quite impressed with posting your post too!

                          Looking forward to getting an AF week under my belt. Definitely this time!! Have a great day/evening
                          You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning to the nest!

                            Welcome everyone new - thanks as always to this who have been there and hold out a hand to this struggling away.

                            I made it through my weekend away dealing with the family sitch - although last night - at home alone at last - I was sorely tempted. I didn't - I drank enough tea to float a boat, had more of the amino's, glutamine and GABA - and made it through by saying to my self "I am stronger than AL"

                            So - here we go Day 12 - so far I've been stronger than AL but I won't get cocky about it. Day 12. How cool. :-). Onward.
                            That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                            Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                            AF - August 20, 2012


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning nesters far & wide!!!

                              Wonderful to hear happy, glowing AF reports on Monday morning
                              Nothing better than feeling proud of yourself & moving forward into a better life!

                              Have to run, lots & lots of work to do today!
                              Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday.

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Monday Monday! Woweee, I last posted yesterday morning, but didn't get a chance to come on here when I got home from work yesterday (had dinner and read some magazines, but at that point, my eyes were starting to strain and I just didn't feel like getting online, just getting to sleep!), but I did remain sober and so today is DAY 6! From reading Byrd's post about a plan (which is great btw, she refers to Day 6 as a bitch until you get to day 7 which is a whole week, including a weekend). Well, I'm feeling confident so far about Day 6 and not drinking. Today is Monday and I have to work all day. Monday nights are quiet nights for me as hubby teaches a night course at the local collage and I have time to read and do whatever. Just relax. And that's my plan. Then tomorrow, Day 7 will roll around and I will be AF for a whole week! Damn that's gonna feel good. It already does! Today I am waking up bright-eyed and bushy tailed and ready to take on the world! Being sober is sensational!

                                I really needed to play catch up with you all this morning! Good thing I am ramped up with lots of coffee . Welcome to all of the new comers! Gather up a twig and apply some "butt velcro" and stay for a while!

                                Lilla, well done on Day 2, doesn't it feel wonderful to wake up sober? It only gets better from here. Just keep building up those days and come on MWO frequently. It has been key in my path of getting sober.

                                Beer Princess: Welcome also! This is a great spot to launch your new AF life! As the others have said, get a plan and stick with it, it helps immensely! And when you get hungry and the temptation sets in...EAT! As another member wrote, it has something to do with blood sugar levels, so eating something right off will curb the AL cravings. This is huge for me!

                                Hi Ronnie! It's always good to hear from you and be inspired by your long-term successes! Thank you for being here for us!

                                WannaChange-Great name! Welcome aboard! I hope you find all the support you need here. I know I do!

                                Byrd-You are so inspiring. Thank you for the Plan post, it is awesome and so worth reposting for those of us that didn't get to read it the first round. I always feel like I have missed something great being posted on here with so much valuable information so I appreciate the info!

                                Today: Well done on your Vegas are right about "little victories"'s those baby steps that we need to make which lessen our total AL consumption and any decrease is better than staying the way we were. And I can imagine that Vegas was a huge challenge to not go overboard so congratulations on keeping it on the "low"!

                                I think we should start a "2 Bottles a Night" club for those of us who drank that much wine a day (in the past, not now). Timpin, SuperSparrow, Anfield...we all have that in common. Some mornings I would check to see how much I drank and I was like, Oh my God, no wonder I feel like crapola...I drank nearly 2 bottles of red wine! And all those bottles clanking around in the recycle bin...yikes. How embarrassing. Well, NO MORE! Enough is enough. I'm now on a 2 bottles a day water! Welcome to all of you and bright blessings on your new journey. You have landed precisely in the right place in the cyber universe .

                                Can't Believe-Well done on raking up your days! Keep up the good work!

                                Timpin-It's OK to by "cocky"! You are kickin' AL's butt instead of it kicking yours! Isn't it great to turn the tables on the Beast for a change?

                                SuperSparrow-A fellow East Coastie! Welcome! I hope you're waking up to a beautiful, fall sunny day like I am here in Massachusetts! We're supposed to get into the 70's tomorrow, and it's November! I'm lovin' that!

                                Belle, I am so sorry you are having issues with the anxiety. Keep strong, you are doing your body such a favor by not drinking and it will benefit any other health issues in the long run. Our thoughts are with you as you make it through these tough days. Peace.

                                As for me, I am grateful for today and for all of you. Grateful for the fact that I know I am free from AL and will not be drinking today. Need to fly out of the nest for a busy day ahead but I'll check in tonight and say hello. Bye for now!
                                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                                BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!

