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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    PS...Hi Prairie Fairy and well done on making it to day 12! You are 6 days ahead of me...keep up the momentum! Congrats on making it through the weekend despite some urges. Good thinking "I am stronger than AL", I will remember that when I get the craving.

    Also, hi to Windy, I know you're out there. Hope you had a great weekend my dear (I mean, moose?

    And of course, Good Day Capn Greg! Sorry you didn't get the 3 things finished that you set out for the other day but you are right, it is a process, just like getting sober is. Take it slow, ODAT. Happy Sails!
    Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



      Newbies Nest

      hey everyone! wow, so many new faces - I wish everyone strength to enjoy today alcohol free...:-) We're not getting through it, we're not surviving it, we're LIVING today....completely. For those on day one or two, it might have it's ups and downs, but very very soon "today" will be amazing.

      I'm still struggling with a head fog - still some headache - I'm also sneezy and a bit stuffy - most likey from the unseasonably warm weatherand the dead leaves that I raked. so, I'm going to take it a little easy this morning before work, and not stare at the computer screen too long.

      I'll hop on later!

      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


        Newbies Nest

        Mornin' Lolab,

        Sorry you are still dealing with that pesky headache. Sending healing thoughts your way. It's been unseasonably warm in my neck of the woods too but I have not raked one leaf yet (better get on that!). Kind of looking forward to the snow this year...doesn't seem right to have warm temps in Nov, but then again, I can appreciate that too! Feel better my friend.

        PS, Hi Lav! Thanks for all the good advice!
        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



          Newbies Nest

          Hey Nesters,

          It's great seeing so many new people here over the weekend. Congratulations on being here. Not to long ago I flew into the Nest too and it has been my saving grace. Getting some AF days behind you will make you feel like a new person. The road gets a little bumpy from time to time, but we are here for you when that happens.

          Hi Blonde -- You sound on top of the world today...GREAT....

          Greg -- Loved your special posts to everyone...

          Prairie Fairy -- Congratulations on 12 Days....That is WAY COOL

          Lolab...We must be breathing the same air. I can't seem to shake this nasty headache and I feel like getting back to bed, and I usually have more energy, and like you need to get my eyes off the screen...

          SO TA TA for now.

          p.s. for Lav - I am having problems with nausea from Amoryn the last couple of days. I decided today to stick with it and take it with food and at bed time. Did you have any side effects from it? Thanks....


            Newbies Nest

            Hi everyone; great to see a few new 'faces'. Also good to see a lot of progress and positivity....
            I haven't checked in much over the past few days (well, I've been lurking, not posting).
            Having read the Jason Vale book a few weeks ago, I feel that my outlook has changed completely. As you know here, I then done 20 days AF and drank again. Once in that drinking 'mode' again, I then continued for another couple of days. I think because my body is getting used to being more AF than not, then when I do drink the recovery period or hangover is so much worse. It's been 7 days now since I got myself back on track and I think it has taken that length of time to feel 'normal' again.
            I went out at the weekend with a crowd of 16 for a birthday bash - I drove. The amount of times I was asked if I wanted a drink, just one, one for the toast, leave the car home and get a taxi.....unbelievable. I can honestly say I didn't want a drink and going out with drinkers actually helps me in so many ways. It proves first hand that alcohol 'is' a 'poison'. I watched and realised that many people don't drink a lot which surprised me (didn't realise; I was so much worse, which means those are the people that would have been noticing me! Ooooh!)
            But the ones that do drink? There were quite a few of them - people I had noticed coming into the bar earlier looking so good and happy and chatty. I was there to the last and watched the same people passing me on their way out and..........I just felt sad for them. I'm not saying they were all dropdown drunk, but silly, dopey, looks on their faces. One friend of mine was sooo drunk, she nearly burnt her eye with a cigarette (she doesn't normally smoke), nicked a couple of glasses from the bar; the funny thing was she was the only one who kept telling me how much she admired me for not drinking. I remember feeling that exact same way about anyone who could go out and not drink - because I wanted it so much.....
            We have been out a few times and she has realised that I am actually having more fun without drinking. 'I' have realised that too. I feel so much more confident. When I was AF for 3 months last year it was so different, more of a struggle. I always felt like the outsider and wanted to join in; it's different now - I feel like I 'know better' if you get what I mean...
            There was a singer on stage that night singing folk songs and I loved it. I have always been told I have a voice but never had the guts to sing in a crowd. As soon as I sing and the crowd goes silent, I realise the focus is on me and I stop. My whole body starts shaking along with the voice. But the other night I decided as long as I stay AF that is something I can do - not become a great singer, but to be able to sing a song in my circle of friends. I sang about the house the next day and felt so happy and free. This sounds so cheesy but I can now see possibilities.
            2 days ago I bumped into another friend and the result is I am going with her tonight to volunteer with a drama group for adults with learning disabilities. I worked with these same people a few years ago and always wanted to volunteer but lost my nerve. So I am taking another step forward by going there tonight....wish me luck!
            I think my thing here is that you have to take action to make change. I have done a lot over this past year but I want more and the more there is in my life, why would I want alcohol to destroy it?
            Sorry, know it's a long post, but thanks to anyone who reads.....
            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


              Newbies Nest

              Daisy, I think your post was beautiful...and it sums it up for me too. My life began again when, and only when, I decided to get AL completely out of it. I really feel excited about the future. When I was stuck in a bottle, I was literally stuck inside a bottle, like on "I Dream of Jeannie". I was in my own world and didn't want anyone to tell me how to live my life. Unfortunately, it wasn't much of a life. I see that now.
              Prarie, I think today is going to be magic day 13 for you! It is going to be a great day. For every one day of emotions and turmoil you weather, the next day will be fantastic. I seldom, if ever, had 2 really bad days in a row. Still don't. Hang in there.
              Timpin (I may have that name wrong, I'm afraid to go back since I tend to lose my posts in doing that)... There are those among us...friends even, who don't want to see us succeed at this. They will try and sabbotage your efforts. Do not fall for this! When I was drinking heavily (Hey I was in the 1 box a night club (which equals about a bottle and a half) I loved to hang out in bars...after all, if you love horses you hang out in barns, no? So going occasionally after you get your quit on is fine, and in many cases eye opening. But after a while of that, it's like, who wants to hang out with a bunch of depressing drunks? (I know, I was ONE of them!!!) I want to live!!! And hang out with people who are making a difference! Who have POSITIVE energy, because I DO! And what you give, you get back!
              To the new nesters, as you go from day to day, it is so helpful to others to say how your mood is on such and such day. There are people following in your footsteps who are scared and want to know what to expect...I know I did. I had a buddy 14 days ahead of me...and it helped so much. I didn't ever feel alone as along as I had her posting ahead of me. I gained much strength from that. Thank you, Jolie.
              Minimal MonkeyMind to all on a Monday! xxoo, Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                dang I lost my post and now I gotta run...grrrr...daisy I was wondering about you and your post had me beaming too....way to go.

                Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning again everyone!

                  Blondie, you sure sound like a happy camper - keep that going

                  lolab, Fall allergy headaches, lethargy & a lot of snot.......I'm right there with you. Taking an OTC decongestant helps with the symptoms but is not good for my B/P so I only take it when I'm really miserable Hope you get relief soon!

                  windy, I do remember a few days of stomach stuff & a bit of headache initially but i waited it out ~ didn't last long. Take the Amoryn with food - breakfast & dinner. Try not to take it after dinner because there is a chance it could keep you awake. I am still taking one in the morning & one in the late afternoon The side effects of Rx Lexapro were much, much worse overall & never went away until I stopped it altogether.

                  Daisy, glad to hear you are learning what is really best for you
                  Don't you wonder why it takes us so long to figure it out??

                  Hi Byrdie! No monkey mind for me today. I am way too busy :H
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Cap'n G, you are a sweetie. Thanks for all the kind and helpful words to keep me in the game. I have a plan for today, if only just for today, and that does not involve the big AL. Thanks for the reminder about the water...I am usually pretty good about that but have not paid enough attention lately. Never knew how much I should be drinking. Keeping track to day to make sure I meet my quota.

                    Hope you have a wonderful day where you are...:thanks:

                    Alcohol does me no favors.

                    Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi everyone, I haven't posted in a couple of days but have been lurking around. I just have been in a bit of a funk. I have successfully abstained for 15 days now and the last couple have been really, really hard. I know what I am supposed to do and keep my tools close by but I still can't get away from the idea that I really would like a glass of wine. Especially this weekend. And to be truthful, if my husband wasn't around, he's always around, I probably would have caved. So it's a good thing he's always around. We had neighbors over yesterday afternoon and I asked the wife what she wanted to drink and she said whatever you are having. I said diet gingerale with lime. Later I told my husband I thought an alien was talking. Never in my life would I have said that before. But they only had a couple of beers along with my hubby and I guess that's how normal people socialize. I did wish I was having some wine though. So, any hoot, I was wondering how you get out of the funk. I do feel a bit better today but I think because it is just so beautiful here on the East coast and I got my morning shot of the bay. It was beautiful beyond words.

                      Everyone seems to be doing so well. There are so many new faces. Welcome to all of the newbies and keep going strong.
                      "What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding." Elvis Costello


                        Newbies Nest

                        Mighty, same here. I am also day 15 today and the weekend was so hard. Feeling crappy mentally and physically. Not sleeping much. Everytime I went into the laundry room (which happens to be booze/wine cellar) I was looking longingly at the gin bottle. Luckily there was a bit of junk in the way (that had to be moved from somewhere else due to a water leak) and I was too lazy to climb over it all. Good thing. May have caved it if had been easy.

                        Sending good vibes to you from the VA:l. Hang in there!

                        Alcohol does me no favors.

                        Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello All!

                          I haven?t checked in for a few days, as my daughter absconded with the laptop. Lol. Another sober weekend down! I am now on day 23 since my last (and hopefully final) slip. I haven?t had a drink since I finished Vales? book, and honestly I haven?t even had the urge. I see it now for the poison that it is. I am still on Antabuse, but I only take ? a pill per day, more out of habit than anything. As soon as I take that pill in the morning, I get another sticker on my calendar, and the days are adding up?221 in 2011 so far, not all consecutive, but I still see it as progress. I plan on 365 days in 2012!

                          Last Wednesday-Friday I was at a training workshop for my job, and unfortunately all it did was reinforce that I?m unhappy in my job. The class was so boring, and I have no interest in it (or my job) at all! So now I?m considering taking some classes at the Community College, I?d love to become a Veterinarian?s Assistant. I haven?t had a job that I actually LIKE in?well, ever I guess! I work just to get paid, and that?s kind of gotten me down lately. I?d love to be doing something that I?m actually interested in. I think accepting these boring jobs are a part of my ?old? life, just getting through the day instead of actually living. As my daughter told me, I need to ?follow my dreams??so wish me luck. LOL

                          Oh, and I?m still fighting the cigarette battle, but I?m down to about 5 per day. 2 weeks ago I was able to go 7 days without any, but alas, I gave in. I?ll try again soon?I?ll never quit quitting!

                          Hope everyone is having a good day!

                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey Belle, isn't it a beautiful day around here today. I've been outside all day soaking up the sun. Winter will be here soon so I want to take advantage.

                            I understand completely. I wish I could rid myself of these feelings. I've been feeling really good lately and that is my danger time. I start to think that it really wasn't all that bad and that I can handle it. I don't wake up with headaches anymore and the thought of a couple lovely glasses of wine on the weekend would be great. And I start to think, well maybe I could mod. I was sure earlier that I couldn't. Funny how you bounce back and forth as time goes on about what you believe. Sigh
                            "What's so funny 'bout peace, love and understanding." Elvis Costello


                              Newbies Nest

                              mighytmite & Belle,
                              When you you think about a 'couple lovely glasses of wine' think about the truth!
                              Given our past history a couple of glasses would end up being a bottle or two. I know this for fact because I did try moderating, many, many times. It just didn't work for me & I wasn't ready to accept that fact until I found MWO.

                              Turning that deprivation thinking into feelings of gratitude helped me, big time.
                              Waking up grateful to be in complete charge of my life again is so much better than a wine fueled hangover. Give yourselves a helping hand & move your thinking into gratitude mode - you won't be sorry
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Me three...

                                mightymite;1204750 wrote: Hey Belle, isn't it a beautiful day around here today. I've been outside all day soaking up the sun. Winter will be here soon so I want to take advantage.

                                I understand completely. I wish I could rid myself of these feelings. I've been feeling really good lately and that is my danger time. I start to think that it really wasn't all that bad and that I can handle it. I don't wake up with headaches anymore and the thought of a couple lovely glasses of wine on the weekend would be great. And I start to think, well maybe I could mod. I was sure earlier that I couldn't. Funny how you bounce back and forth as time goes on about what you believe. Sigh
                                Wants a MALBEC!!!!!!!

                                Sighs. Know it's the Booze Brain....but wants wants wants it. Back to the rest of the Jason Vale book I haven't finished...
                                That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                                Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                                AF - August 20, 2012

