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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thanks Hippy Chick. I will drop in regularly. Reading the various threads tonight has been a great help already.
    These will be the first two consecutive alcohol days for perhaps 12 years. I don't know if my timing is very good. My husband is seriously ill, but since his diagnosis just over year ago, I have been drinking for both of us, trying to drown my sorrows, or not face reality. Time to stop.
    Thanks again for the welcome.


      Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      Hi Red-eyed & welcome to the Nest! This is the perfect place for all Newbies (and a few of us Oldbies as well)! Congrats on your decision to quit drinking now, it's tough but completely doable. I'm sure most of us here have been guilty of drowning our sorrows for one reason or another. Sorry to hear that your husband is so ill. Your being sober to help him will be a blessing for both of you. Please find yourself a comfy twig & settle right in the Nest with us

      Mama Bear, glad you received your book & supps - happy reading!

      Sunni - what's the big smoke?

      Meech, Mazzie & Sophie - glad you are all making progress - one day at a time is good

      HC, we all begin to see things differently with a clear head - spouses & all! When I quit drinking last year I told mine to 'Look Out' because I was no longer going to keep my mouth shut when his behavior gets too weird - and boy does he ever get weird!!! Hang in there, OK?

      Tranq buddy - how are you?
      I just heard a horrific rumor that we may be getting another 18" of snow on Monday - boo hoo!! I hope it's all just a viscious lie!

      Well, wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the Nest - the night light is on......

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Thanks Lav. I think that is what my husband is finding hard. That I say what I think now because my mind is clear and I know what I am saying. Before I would forget what we were even talking about and I would have another drink and it would "make it all better". I just dont want to get all high and mighty now that I have quit but find it hard to put up with some things. He is not the easiest of people to talk to so having a few under my belt always helped. Maybe now I have to act like the adult I am and discuss things whether they are unpleasant or not!
        Have a good day and hope that rumour of snow is just that - a rumour.
        Hippy (from Perth where it is about 35 degrees celcius AGAIN! hehehe)
        I finally got it!
        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


          Newbies Nest

          Day 4 Roller Coaster

          Hello Everyone-

          Yesterday I was feeling great about things. I went to make my next appointment with my psychologist and found out I won't be able to get in in time to keep my prescriptions filled. He is very booked so that kind of upset me since I have been doing so well with the medicine. But I definitely want to hang in there even tho I'm hitting a spot of depression at the moment. Im defninitely not drinking. Not feeling great stomach wise could be the meds too. The Campral should be kicking in in a few more days, just got done with day 4. I know its not going to be easy. Thanks for the support. Im glad to see new people like RedNoMore saying hi, and other people who seem to be feeling great.

          I ain't afraid of no ghost....


            Newbies Nest

            Hi All.

            Just a quick Hello. Got in late tonight.

            Glad to hear we're all doing well. MG good luck with your doc - Red-eye welcome!

            HC - things aren't much better on the single-side. Maybe I'll share tonight's adventure in tomorrow's post.

            Take care all.
            Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning everyone!
              Red-eyed :welcome: You have found a great place - hope you stick around. Maz - congrats on day 5 - way to go girl!

              Sophie - remember - little steps - hope your mood lifts!

              Hippy - I really hope that maybe your husband will decide to join you and you guys can work things out. I've been married for almost 27 years - ups and downs for sure. Mine rarely drinks so I'm lucky in that respect. I can relate though about being easier to talk to him with a couple under my belt - now I don't need to worry about something stupid I said because I was under the AL influence! Hang in there - hope it gets better for you. :l

              MG29 - Hope the tummy feels better - I was doing some research into the meds yesterday - for now I'm just taking the L-Glutamine and relying on sheer willpower. If I can make it to 30 days (day 18 for me today) I'm worried that I will think I can just have a couple of glasses as a "reward". I know I still need to work on feeling this way - feeling bad the next day is certainly no reward.

              Hello there Tranq & Sunshine - Tranq - can't wait to hear the story.

              Lav - So I heard them say snow in the forecast for Monday - DID NOT hear 18 inches though. Haven't we had enough? Where oh where is spring??? I want to get outside and walk.

              Hope everyone has a wonderful AF Thursday!

              Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                Newbies Nest

                Morning birdlings!

                I'm off to the 'city' today (aka big smoke) - so will not be able to check back until late, if at all. Hope you will all have a fabulous day!
                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                Winning since October 24th, 2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning Nesters,

                  Overcast in my end of the Nest today but heard that it is supposed to warm up to 40 degrees F today so I darn well expect some melting!!!!

                  HC - I'll be honest! It hasn't been easy dealing with my husband this past year but I have managed. I have in no way been mean to him or anything like that just honest! He admits he has a lot of his own problems (no kidding) but is reluctant to do anything about them. So, I'm as cordial with him as I would be with any house guest..........after nearly 37 years of marriage this is what it is!

                  MG, congrats to you on your 4 AF days, that's terrific! Try get a call into your Doc's office to get a renewal on your meds to hold you over until your next visit - that should be doable. I try to not take anything on an empty stomach, not even a vitamin tablet. I take everything with a meal to avoid stomach issues

                  Jolie, 18 days WTG!! Even now, if I'm feeling a little off my game I go right to th Clearing CD. It really seems to help reset my thoughts & feelings! I think that weather rumor is bogus.....I just heard reports of snow and/or rain Monday night into Tuesday. Praying for Spring, my fingers are itching to play in the garden

                  Sunni, behave yourself but have a nice time in the big city!!!!!

                  Will check in later, have a great AF Thursday one & all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Sisters and Brothers....
                    SOPHIE!!! HI sis...was starting to get a little worried about nice to hear from you:h
                    I have not started my program yet as i wanted to read the book over the weekend and understand the meds,etc.....I realize this is just an excuse to continue drinking until I am "educated"....what bs.......
                    I am frustrated b/c my sweet husband that I adore has been unemployed and just started a job that is commission only and he is making NO $$$$$... I am the sole paycheck for our family of four and I hurt for him b/c he gets discouraged....I have to play cheerleader and super wife, but I private I cry and guessed it...drink.....:upset:
                    This site had become my therapist of sorts and I know you are all here fighting the same battles.
                    Mr. Mama told me this morning that the alcohol beast and cravings are all in my head and I wanted to punch him, but I smiled and IN my sweet southern way said,"Dahlin, you are a complete idiot!"...haha
                    Oh well, enough rambling for now....Be strong and I wil continue to look for the inner strength to beat this....
                    Smooches to all...especially my sister Sophie!!:wings::wings:
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Newbies Nest

                      Day 2 for me. I'm trying to stay focused on one day at a time but it'shard not to think about a week from now, a month from can i handle it?
                      I'm sad enough to stay sober today, it's when i feel good that having wine sounds like a great idea.
                      Have a great day all.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Ishy...I am the same way...I drink when I feel stupid is that?
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Mama Bear,
                          I forgot to mention Boredom too. It is a crazy psychological viscious cycle! you said it....stupid indeed!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Morning, Nesters. Hope everyone has a great Thursday! Mama Bear - my hubs has been unemployed for 11 months so I can sympathize with you about being cheerleader, sole breadwinner, etc. It is hard and I do feel sorry for him. Ishy-congratulations on Day 2. You are on your way. Try not to think about next week or 30 days from now - just focus on today. It does get easier!!

                            Lav & Jolie: More snow???? The guy who plows the parking lot at my work said 30" - I do hope he is exaggerating....I don't want even one more inch!! Lav - can you please, please order up some sun and warm weather???

                            Okay, all, have a wonderful day keep on smiling!!!
                            Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.


                              Newbies Nest

                              I'm brand new and thought I'd start here. AF for 12 hours. I so badly want yesterday to be the last day I'll ever drink again. I am hopeful that today will be the first day of being AF for the rest of my life. I am an alcoholic. Such a difficult realization, but a relief to admit it. I'm looking forward to giving and receiving support on this site as I begin my journey and you let me join yours.


                                Newbies Nest


                                Care to tell us a little bit about yourself? I think you'll probably be surprised to see so many people with very similar stories. We are all here because we have a problem (to whatever degree) with alcohol. I've been here since November and have definitely had my share of ups and downs but was used to drinking EVERY DAY, approximately 4 - 8 glasses of wine/night. I am AF for 18 days now (shooting for 30) and fighting cravings and my own stupid brain that thinks it will be okay to "just have 1 glass of wine". It isn't because I can't stop at 1. Took me a while to realize this.

                                One of the things I like best about this place is that no one judges you - you only get encouragement, support, and a helping hand to pick you up when you stumble.

                                Read as many threads as you can - helped me a lot in the beginning.

                                Hope you hang around and will enjoy chatting with you again!

                                Grateful - Hello there! Sounds like the snowplow guy is just drumming up business. Can't get a definite read on how much (if any) snow we are supposed to get on Monday. Will it ever end?? Come on Spring!

                                Have a great day everyone!
                                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

