Hi all,
Having a fun sunday so far.. took my son to a lovely park and had a picnic.. it does feel great to have no h/over or remorse; i've actually managed to call people sober this week! - I used to find it so difficult talking on the phone due to my insecurities and low self-esteem.. the only way I could "psyche" myself up to talk, would be by having AL; i'm also finding it much easier to get up in the mornings and do stuff; I hardly need as much sleep anymore and feel much more motivated

MG - hang in there.. distraction works wonders; find some things to do to take your mind off the urge - read, watch a movie, go for a walk, phone a friend or relative etc..
Hippy - well done! thats great about the party, and good idea with the water in the wine glass idea.. I might have to use that myself when I can next face going to a party.. i've always wondered what it would be like to be sober at a party - though I went to a couple when pregnant, but I never stayed for long enough to see everyone get drunk.. not sure if I would feel envious or find it amusing! I guess you content yourself in the knowledge they will all be feeling dreadful the next day with h'over's and at least you wake up with no regrets or embarrassment over doing/saying silly things!
K x