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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    That's great Lav.. i'll be there too! It's my birthday the day after (the 27th) - so it will be a double celebration!

    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



      Newbies Nest

      Home and Sober!!

      Well fellow nestlings,
      I made it through my first social engagement since going AF 9 days ago. Granted it was just my family but we have always been big wine and/or beer drinkers. My sister offered me a wine glass full of diet rasberry gingerale which was wonderful. Granted it was no Pinot Grigio but it hit the spot. She even had a glass instead of wine. She said she was thirsty but i think she was trying to support me. Of course the wine bottle did eventully get opened and they were off and running. I had water for dinner which was marvelous (the dinner I mean). I talked a little about being wine free for 9 days and how it wasn't fair that I wasn't sleeping very well but everyone was impressed about the 4 lbs I've lost. I think they think I'm doing this to lose weight and that is fine with me for now. Pretty soon it will just be a decision I made not to drink anymore for my health. My sister said she and her husband have been opening and drinking a bottle of wine every nite lately-2 glasses apeice. I think this is new behavior for both. Very much reminds me of my late mom and her martinis before dinner (Warren, can you make me a tilly? that was supposed to be a half a martini for the second one) and her 1 or 2 glasses of wine during dinner and a nitecap after. My dad wasn't as bad then but now I know he drinks many glasses of wine every nite.
      I was a bit on the antsy side and ate way too much artichoke dip and hummus before dinner. I kept looking at the wine they were drinking and remembering that rush of relaxation with the first glass. Trouble is I knew it wouldn't stop at one or two. What is the saying? The first drink is too much and the last not enough?
      Anyway I'm home, the wind and rain still raging (good to know that it stopped in PA-there's hope for us in NE!!) but I'm ready to snuggle with da boyz and begin a new book. Maybe tonite will be the nite I finally sleep.
      Good nite all and thanks for leaving the nite light on Lavande!!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        Newbies Nest

        Hi guys.

        The little voice inside your head has a name. It is called the "Addictive Voice" and it can be controlled. There is a technique called Addictive Voice Recognition Technique. Jack Trimpey writes about it in Rational Recovery. It makes so much sense.

        Hope everyone has a great Monday. Tranq - hope there's a hole in one somewhere on the course for you....

        Bye for now (will chat more later - at work..... )
        I finally got it!
        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


          Newbies Nest

          nite nite all
          going to bed sober
          topa is making me groggy and tired, but I am not drinking....see you all tomorrow
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Newbies Nest

            Good night all - I realized that today was 30 days for me. Another bonus is that I have saved a bunch of money.

            I am so glad that we have Lavande's 1 year anniversary and Katie's birthday to celebrate this month!!

            Hippy - I am going to look into that book you mentioned. I was looking it up on Amazon and think I will go to Borders and see if I can find it. Thank you.

            Mama Bear - What dosage did you start on the Topa? I hope that you started on a low dosage. I started with 50 and the side effects do get better. I don't even notice the tiredness anymore. The bad taste of my Diet Coke is even improving. :H I just moved up to 150 today. The problem is that my Dr. has not been working with me on increasing the dosage. She just gave me 50 and I am increasing on my own. So, I will try calling again or going in again.

            Papmom - Way to go!!! Fantastic! That is a tough one and you did great.

            Well - everyone......I have been on & off here all day. So thank you all for letting me bend you ears. Got me thru the day. I am happy to say that we are doing this - a day at a time with a little help from our friends. :l:l
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              Newbies Nest

              congrat on 30 days Nora....that is awesome....I am following the dosage in the book......25 mg per day oone I go up to 50 week 75 mg....then 150....look in the MWO book for precise dosage.....
              Lav...I want you you to adopt me and let me come to your party!!!!!
              Be strong today Katie for that precious son you love so much
              Hi Trank and Molly and Pap and Hippy...have a great Monday
              I miss my sister Sophie.......
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                Newbies Nest

                Definately Congrats to Nora - 30 days thats fantastic!:wd:

                Thanks Mb.. I will keep strong for my gorgeous little man.. he is worth everything!
                Day 1 over and out.. onwards and upwards to Day 2!!
                Nite all, back tomorrow.. taking my little boy swimming in the morning
                Katie xx
                "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning everyone,

                  Haven't been able to log on as much as I'd like - my life is a little crazy right now. Anyway, looking back through the posts I was reading about the "junkie" on your shoulder. Can totally relate. Isn't he an evil little creature? (sorry - "he" just came to mind) So convincing and so powerful - it's a reall struggle for the angel on my other shoulder to win out at times. I think we all know deep down that nothing good will come of AL - not even 1 or 2 glasses - so why do we keep going back? Still trying to figure this one out. Truly all of my friends here are keeping me on the right path and I am so grateful for all of you.

                  Hey Lav - so absolutely wonderful about your 1-year anniversary coming up - I sometimes wondered why anyone would stick around after beating their addiction like you did - you summed it up perfectly. MWO is now my latest addiction and it's a good one.

                  Hope everyone stays strong today - it's a new week!

                  KatieB - hang in there girl - you can do this. Have fun with your little one.

                  Nora - 30 days is totally awesome - congrats!

                  Hippy,Mollyka,Mamabear,Tranq, Grateful, anyone else I missed - thanks all for being my friends and hope everyone has a great Monday!

                  Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                    Newbies Nest


                    You are so right...that devil on the shoulder is a persuavise little oik.

                    Sometimes, I actually go to the spare room, brush him off and close the door on him. He's very small and can't reach the door handle.

                    Perhaps, I should visualise putting him in the dustbin and watching him being taken to the local landfill site. Or, even better, incinerated!



                      Newbies Nest

                      Ha Ha!

                      Spam - I love picturing that! Think I'll try that next time.

                      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Oh Spam what a good way of looking at it.....
                        Hope everyone is having/has had a good Monday.
                        New week, new resolve. I decided last week that as anyone can have as many day ones as needed to get AF, that I can have a new start with what I eat. So I had day one again - eating healthy, low carb, high protein. If I can do it with AL, I can certainly do it with food. Although I am not overweight, I do have a few kilos that could go now and I cant blame it on the wine anymore....
                        I've always had issues with food. I was bought up having to "clean that plate" whether I was hungry or not and it is a hard habit to break. However it is a habit and as we see here all the time - habits can be broken. I know there is only one way to loose weight and that is decrease the energy in and increase the energy out. And now I cant blame cravings for eating chocolate etc. So like I said, new week, new resolve.
                        Well done Nora on 30 days - that is huge. Doesnt it feel good!
                        Papmom - we have a "Tilly" in our house - although she is furry and of the feline variety. Think I prefer her to your mum's Tilly now days.
                        Anyway I'm off. Been running around madly as we have some friends coming to stay for a few days so have been doing all those things I have been putting off for ages - windows, screens etc and I am knackered. Luckily I dont know these people very well as they are from my husband's past so I dont have a history with them. They wont know the pisshead I used to be, thankfully.
                        Take care and catchya tomorrow.
                        I finally got it!
                        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello, everyone

                          I haven't posted here for a bit because I was tapering down and not really ready to go AF, and I wondered if posting while not intending AF was the right thing to do...? Anyway, I've gotten down to 3-4 drinks a night, down from 8 plus a month ago, and 12 plus plus a couple of years ago.

                          So tonight and Wednesday nights are reserved for AF!!!!! I did a couple of these last summer. Prior to that, predictably (!), I can't remember when the last time was. I'm nervous, but excited. Wish me luck!

                          Happy Monday wishes to all!
                          "Kinda brainy, but with no common sense..." by permission of Anotherday


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning nesters,

                            No sun out yet but at least it's not pouring rain (at the moment)! This end of the nest has been quite soggy.

                            canadiangirl, good to see you & hear of your progress! Please don't hesitate to come to the nest, we're here for everyone! Your plan is working for you, that's good news!

                            Congrats on your 30 AF days Nora - good for you!

                            KatieB, stick with your plan as well, you have your little motivator right there with you

                            Greetings Jolie, Spam & HC. Hope you are all feeling strong & having a good day!

                            Wishing a good day to everyone who drops in the nest today!
                            Will be back later

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              I SUCK

                              Made it through Day 10 and caved on Saturday... Drank Saturday and Sunday. Feel like s*** and look like the Wreck of the Hesperus this morning.

                              Ilks - back to Day 1.

                              I guess a good thing is I think I know what happened - I've been drinking my "superfood" religiously twice a day, which pretty much eliminates cravings. I didn't have any Saturday or Sunday.

                              Hope everyone else did better than me, and here's to a good week all!

                              (bad) Coco


                                Newbies Nest

                                I blew it last night. Went to our friends to celebrate the husband's birthday -- as many of you know I was quite nervous about this event. As it turned out it was just the two couples -- no others as I had originally thought. Don't know why but I just couldn't get the words out when that beer was placed in my friend is quite the hostess. But really? No great wave of AAAHHHHH with the first few sips. In fact nothing. I drank very slowly and really didn't find myself enjoying it. A second beer was pouring in my glass before the first was even done (remember the good hostess thing...) After 2 1/2 hours I had two beers. I was done. Got up from the dinner table to go to the bathroom and returned to find my glass full...drank it but didn't want it. Felt like I was forcing it down. Should have just left it there.
                                Slept horribly! Up from 3-6. Heart pounding, just felt sick. Now feel like crap and have a headache. (this beer is 8% Alcoh.)
                                And I am bummed. But I also have no desire to do it again and almost feel like I needed to do that one more time with a clear head going in just to really see what it does to me. On a typical evening like this I might have had 5 beers. Maybe 6. I am more of a habitual drinker consuming 2 strong beers a night and a little more on weekends, etc. But I used to think about that beer at 10 am!!!!
                                So back to day one with my head hanging low.


