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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good evening/morning everyone,

    KatieB, I hope this week brings you happiness and also best wishes on the dating service. I'am so excited for you. By the way, "New Moon" was great!

    Lavende, I know you love your grandson but this calls for a serious Energy- Drink. :H Seriously though, yall have fun making those precious memories.

    TranqWilly, I hope you were able to get some down- time this weekend. You must have an A type personality.

    Hippy Chick, you are so lucky your daughter dose'nt remember. All of my kids unfortunately did. That is a rough one.

    mama bear, hope this week starts to smooth out for you.

    NoraC, It sounds like you know exactly how to get back on track. I have no doubt that you will succeed with this addiction.

    Papmom3, I hope everything turned out ok with your pup!

    Spam, You have got to go see "New Moon"!
    It's incredible how much of the book they were able to put into the movie. You'll love it.

    Fennel, I agree it is alot of hard work at first . Good luck on your journey!

    Vistamar, :welcome: you will love it here.

    Violet70, with everything going on in your life right now, here is too a really:goodjob: on day 7 AF!

    Wishing everyone a peaceful nights rest.
    The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


      Newbies Nest

      Love the sound of your Saturday night dates, Mama Bear, even if you went overboard. You are a fun person without getting drunk. Norah C, you were going so well I'm sure you can go back to it. Great that your resolve is stronger than ever.

      Hi and welcome new Irish person whose name I'll now have to go check, and fennel. Keep going over why you want to stop and it does become worthwhile.


        Newbies Nest

        G'day all..
        Mamabear.. I have to send you a big hug :l for suggesting the dating site thing.. I am having the best time.. being chatted up by up to 4 men at a time! it's so funny, im having a ball! don't worry i am being careful and not giving out any personal information apart from my first name! lol.. i have never "done" dating this way before.. its real fun - its free and you can just chat to ppl via a kind of msn message box.. its doing wonders for my self-esteem and knowing that I won't nec. be a single mum forever...
        had a good day today, worked and looked after my little boy..
        Take care all,
        Katie xxx
        "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



          Newbies Nest

          Good Morning Nesters! Loving this AF life! Another wonderful AF/NF day! Have to rush off to work now, but will check in/comment later today!

          Peace & Love, RE
          :crazymonkey: RivEd


            Newbies Nest

            Yeah Katie....U sound happy!!!!
            Racing out to work,,,,,will post more in a little bit
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              Newbies Nest

              Evening all.

              Thanks Lav - my daughter rang me from school so I had to pick her up. Thought it might be one of those pains that magically disappeared when they got to school. But she did seem to have a legitimate pain. Keeping an eye on her as the pain is in the area of her appendix.
              I had a nice moment with my son this morning. He is usually dislikes me immensely as he is a teenager and I am the enforcer of the rules - you know, the usual teen/parent relationship. However he sent me a message (dont ya love mobiles!!) to say he had got 91% in his math test - (he is in an extension class for math which is like an advanced class). He must have sent me the message as soon as he got the result so I was over the moon that he thought of sending it straight to me. It's not like him to show any emotion or thought for anyone other than himself.
              Our relationship seems to be subtly improving now that I am not drunk. I used to just get really angry with him because I couldnt handle things after a few wines. And of course he would recipricate and get angry with me.....At least now when I give him an answer that he doesnt like I can explain why. Before I had no idea what we are arguing/talking about or the reason for my answer. Love this clarity.
              My daughter told me off the other day for spending too much time here and not fully listening to her when she was talking, so I have to go and give her my undivided attention.
              Take care and talk tomorrow.
              I finally got it!
              "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                Newbies Nest

                Hi All,

                A pretty unproductive day today. Couldn't get motivated as I was feeling rather flat. Managed to do the grocery shopping.

                After I picked son up from school, I called hubby and suggested we meet up for afternoon tea. Had a lovely coffee and a piece of pumpkin and sultana loaf. Didn't worry about the calories too much as I'm not drinking 1000 cals of wine a day.

                Today is day 7 for me and the first day where it has felt normal NOT to drink. We had a great evening. Son was happily doing his homework, I was cooking and hubby was calling the family in the UK.

                Unfortunately, I'm off running this week due to my ice-skating injury! I can still walk and do weights though.

                Have a good day where ever you are in the world.

                Spam xx


                  Newbies Nest

                  Curve Ball here! *alarms sound*

                  Hi Nesters!

                  New 'possible' job! interview today went well. In bigger place that I feel kind of daunted by,with lots more staff and flow of clients! Aggghhhh!

                  Still, it's progressive, which I've missed at the place I've been for the last 2 years!
                  Am wondering why I always do this to myself...cahnge the status quo when I think that I am totally satisfied to just surf that wave and fly under the radar!!!!

                  Dang,but I don't understand myself sometimes...the stress I cause my poor brain..all on my own!

                  *Sigh* (shizam...this is something the calirvoyant spoke about...only just put two and two together)

                  *spun out Chook whimpers*


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nesters,

                    Our 6 day stretch of beautiful, sunny weather is over! The rain is here - oh well!

                    Chook, there is absolutely nothing wrong in challenging yourself a bit!!!! Good for you! A little stress can be a good thing, prevents boredom. Hope the interview turns into a nice opportunity for you

                    I'm in a major rush this morning or I would say hello to each & every individual! The Nest has been hopping lately, I'm happy to see that!

                    Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday, I'll check back in tonight
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Morning - Day 8. (I hope I don't continue to bore everyone with my day count when it gets over triple digits!! But then I no longer refer to my children's ages in weeks as I did when they were babies. My daugher is now 14 and I don't insist on telling people she is 728 weeks old so perhaps there is hope.)

                      Milestone this weekend: Went out to dinner and had tea instead of AL. My husband did drink, but I wasn't really that bothered I was "missing out."

                      Lav - just kidding about the smoking - it took me far too long and far too many tries to go back. I only slipped once since quitting (it was when my Mum passed away so I forgave myself!) and don't miss it at all (not even when drinking, which I don't, so it is a non-issue!!) My favorite quote about quitting smoking is "Quitting is easy - I've done it hundreds of times."

                      Running Wind - which Team? Loved those books, even at my age!!! (Don't tell anyone.)

                      MamaBear - Hurray for payday!!

                      Here's my observation on being AF - without being The whole body functions so much better... :disgusting:

                      Everyone have an awesome AF day - keep the faith!

                      Love Coco



                        Newbies Nest

                        Hippy...I can totally relate to what you are saying about your teenagers and that is my driving force in going AF.....they look at me with disgust and I feel I need to be there for them and not forget what test is today or what paper is due tomorrrow or who spending the night on friday or what movie they are going to etc.,etc...
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning nesters!!! Welcome to the newbies!:welcome:

                          I've got to get running off to work so I can't comment to everyone. I'll be back tonight though. I hope that everyone has a wonderful AF day!! I know that is where I want to be.

                          Diet Coke is in the fridge.....Coffee is on (French Roast).......and Toast.

                          I'll be back...................
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Newbies Nest

                            Morning and Evening Nesters!
                            Beauty day here! A bit chilly...31...but should warm up. Day 8, I believe. I am feeling much less dependent on counting those days this time -- not sure why. Guess I am just more resounded to do this and confident in my decision. Plus feeling so much more healthy! Down 15 pounds! I can bend and stretch and move and I don't ache all over nearly as much. AL just affects every system in your body! Anyways, that's me today!
                            Got nothing done on the stair project done yesterday. The brother in law showed up at 6pm and hadn't done what he said he was going to, and then left a few minutes later - still in possession of the two boards I need to lay the landing....grrrrrr........painful really.
                            BUT I did our income taxes! YAY! That was a major feat.

                            Chook -- Good luck in you job interview! Like Lav said -- it is ok to be a go getter! Obviously, something deep inside of you wants it -- and it is more than ok! Listen to your gut and be happy doing it!!!!!

                            Spam -- Sounds like you are making wonderful progress in your relationship with your son and that he is seeing the difference in you and starting to trust you more! So cool! I am so happy for you!

                            Katie -- Glad you are having fun with the dating site and having some confidence boosting! Hope you meet a great guy who treats you right someday whether it is there or elsewhere.

                            Rived -- You sound amazing! Keep it up!

                            Papmom3 -- Any word on your Pup?

                            Vistamar and Fennel -- Welcome! You will find great support here -- come often, stay late! :welcome:

                            NoraC -- Hop back on Babe -- you have learned more as you continue on your path and you know what you need to do. Don't beat yourself up -- it is just a bump in the road and you have been doing exceptionally well! Remember why you are doing all of this!

                            Mama -- you, too! Hop back in the nest. Clear your head and remember what you are trying to do here! You CAN do this!!!!!

                            Love you all! Thanks for being here and for all of your support!!!!! :thanks:

                            Violet :h


                              Newbies Nest

                              Coco-nut, you just crack me up! No punt intended mind you. I think I'am kinda like Bella at this point.... Hey, when I get up to 728 days I will definitely be posting it it that way! Great job on your AF days Coco, have a great day.
                              runningwind :l
                              The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


                                Newbies Nest

                                New today


                                I just came across this site today and feel quite optimistic given what I've read. I am looking at the vitamin packages and hoped to get some input. I'm thinking of buying the most expensive starter kit because I don't think I'll get the prescription for Topomax (if that is the name). Any suggestions?


