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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Nemed,
    I didn't officially join the challenge as I knew I would be having 1 or 2 glasses of wine at Easter which I did BUT, since then 100% AF so I'm in if you all will have me even tho it's halfway through the month. I failed miserably at my last challenge (self imposed) so it would be sweet revenge against the beast to finish out April AF.

    Nemed;837996 wrote: Morning everyone.
    Have finally caught up on all the posts I have missed over the last week.
    Computer at home is still dead - Lav - I am going to look at the notebook you suggested. Think that may be the way to go. Then dont have to share it with anyone. Thanks
    IAD - I love your pictures. Both Grumpy and the pig made me smile as I can relate to grumpy quite well at the moment.. Thanks for the laugh.
    Chicken, Sunshine - my name for my ex is rather rude.... "sperm donor" as that is the only thing he contributed to my childrens life!!
    What is a Guerilla Craving? Must have missed that post.
    Anyway got to rush as I am supposed to be starting work. Just wanted to pop in and see how everyone is going.
    Stay strong. We are half way thru the April Challenge.... anyone left?
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      Newbies Nest

      hey R4S- :welcome:!!
      We are a looney bunch but very friendly and helpful. I could not have come this far without this forum and site. I can't remember if you talked about your plan yet but if you don't have one, I'm sure we can help you with ideas. I'm doing the MYO plan: supplements, water, exercise and have read the book. I did order the CDs but can't seem to find the time to listen to them, except for the sleep learning when I'm reading at nite and the subliminal while I'm at work. I also opted not to take the Topa or other anti craving meds. I've been doing really well on the supps and my cravings are minimal now. In fact, just this week, whenever I have thought briefly about stopping at the packie on the way home and buying a bottle of PG (Pinot Grigio, my poison), this wierd image has popped into my head and all of a sudden the craving goes away. I wish I had a pic of it but I don't so I'll just try to describe it:
      Head tilted way back, mouth wide open and bottle tipped upside down and the wine
      just pours into my throat non stop.
      Not a pretty vision, let me tell you. but it's working!!
      Anyway, that's my plan and I'm happy with the results. Stick close to us and before you know it, your 5 days will turn into a week, then a month and then you'll wonder why you ever drank the way you did as the AF life feels sooooo much better!!
      Take care and post often.
      reach 4 the starz;838015 wrote: :H you guys crack me up!!!
      I love the velcro thing!! I have found this site really really helpfull even tho ive only been comming here for 5 days)....its awesome how positive you all are'!!

      Thanks for saying HI!!! :thanks:

      Hope you all have a good day and use that velco if you need to !!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Everyone.

        Hi Nemed, I fell off the April hay-ride over a romantic dinner. Just a few drinks for the month though (like five). "Sperm donor" is funny!

        Ok - here's the scoop on the gf. A beautiful lady, brunnette, brown eyes, in good shape. About seven years younger than me (which is perfect - since I'm still a kid at heart). A successful practitioner of the healing arts, and a musician. Cool thing is we just click on all levels. Everytime we go out time flies - don't think we've had a conversation that's lasted less than five hours yet, and we just have a ton of fun together (which is why I've been getting home late most nights lately). Best of all is she has a very healthy relationship with al, and respects/supports my efforts to deal with it.

        No butt-velcro for me - I'm just gonna keep moving forward.

        Welcome Reach, and a big Hi to all!

        Take care everyone!
        Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


          Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          Time for me to call it a day - thought I should do a head count here
          Looks like most have checked in today although I haven't seen my VP Tranq yet!! He must be out having fun again, at least I hope so.

          Hi & welcome to the Nest reach! As you can see from the thousands of past posts, it can get kind of hectic at times. If you need any velcro or a nest belt please just help yourself

          No babysitting duties for me today, two days in a row left me pretty much exhausted! My grandson is walking now - watching him is a whole new ballgame

          Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the Nest, be sure your nest belts are snug
          Leaving the night light on....
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            There you are Tranq - we cross posted
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Hello everyone,
              I am off to Brisbane this arvo. This is day five AF and I plan to make 30 days or more. I'm feeling good.
              Coco - I find I stick to the plan to be AF if I keep logging onto this site. It helps keep me on track and it is something to do when the cravings start to keep me away from the fridge. I also do housework and gardening to keep me busy and drink water or tonic water at the time of the day when I usually had grog.
              It's only day five for me, and my second attempt at giving up the grog this month but so far its working for me. Baby steps.
              Talk to you all when I get back home
              AF since 12 April 2010


                Newbies Nest

                Hello Nesters - I'm finding my twig and settling in. Kitties are doing fine. So cute.

                Papmom - I actually love that visual. I am going to borrow that one. I hope that you are sleeping soundly right now.

                Tranq - I'm so happy for you. Sounds like you've got a nice one there.

                Runningwind - Where are you??

                Lav - Wow, grandson is walking. That sure does change the babysitting game. Now you get to chase him. :H

                Tantangra - Congrats on Day 5. I agree that going to this site helps the plan. Enjoy your trip.

                Spam - Hope you had a fun time today with your son.

                Katie - how did your quiet day go? Did you get to vent to your counselor? I hope so!

                Chook - Thanks for the 'be aware of your body' hint. :thanks: How's the job going?

                Reach - :welcome: Glad to meet you! Congrats on Day 5. Way to go!!!

                Mama Jan - Yahoo!! No more Zombie. Watch out now. The Coco & Mama show is ready to go on the road. And by the way - those are kitties of course!!!!

                Sunshine - I'm going to run out & buy some velcro. I had a couple of off days. Today was a good day. But, the velcro will help. I hope that you get some good rest and that tomorrow is a better day.

                Nemed - I second that vote! Get a laptop. You deserve it. I failed the April Challenge but don't count me out of the May Challenge.

                Fennel - how you doing? You ok with the Topa? How about with Mrs. Fennel out of town?

                Mazzie - Get right back over here so we can help hold you up. That's what the nest is for.

                Molly - You cracked me up. Topa fog without the Topa. Oh no - it's catching.

                Coco - How are you doing?

                K9 - You sound so good. I am so happy for you!

                Meech - I wanted to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. You are so right in saying that AL doesn't make you feel better and it definitely makes things worse.

                Island Girl - Glad to see you here. Just keep posting. That is why we all are here.


                Well, I really must go to bed. I won't be around much this weekend. My girlfriend is flying in from Wisconsin. We are staying in a hotel near Disneyland and going to have a girls weekend. Fun times. Only issue is that we used to drink a lot together. She is already talking about the margaritas. I am just going to stock up on lots of water and Diet Coke for the room. She can have the drinks. I imagine that I will have one or two. But, I have decided that I would rather have a good time and feel good than to drink too much and feel miserable. And, I know that I would feel miserable. So, I am not going to fret about it. I will see how it plays out and report to you all.
                I'll be home Sunday. Have a wonderful weekend!
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Newbies Nest

                  Welcome Reach and anyone else new that I've forgotten.

                  Tranq, the lady sounds lovely. If she knows about your old friend, and hasn't run a mile, that's a good start, and it sounds like you have a lot in common. Another good reason to stay well.

                  Mama, so glad you're not a zombie anymore (love the piccy)

                  Have to confess to having a couple of drinks last night. Stupid really, as I didn't have any craving for it and could've easily resisted. It was just that old voice that said you've had a busy week, you have your kitchen back, relax and have a glass of red, and I fell for it. Good thing is I felt a bit sick after a couple and tipped it out. But it was a timely warning that I obviously haven't quite taken on board my own message that alcohol doesn't help you relax or destress. I managed a week anyway. It's a learning curve and I refuse to get down about it, because then I'd be back to drinking every night. As it is, I can hop back on the wagon again.

                  Tomorrow, my daughter and I are selling programmes at two theatre productions of High School Musical 2, so that will keep me out of mischief.
                  Enjoy your Friday, those who are still in Friday and enjoy the weekend to the downunders.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi everyone,

                    Tranq - your new lady sounds fantastic! what a perfect relationship - all great relationships are founded on great communication, the fact you both speak for hours shows how well matched you are.. i hope to find that special someone too.. i will be reporting on here how my "online dating" goes.. have my first date on sunday, just a coffee, but a date none the less!
                    NoraC - yes, thankyou - I did have a good vent to my counsellor.. he is a great support (as are you guys on here, don't know what i would do without you! - get drunk probably..) - but I am finding that my ex is wasting too much of my head space, I need to clear him out for good as he is wasting too much of my mental time worrying about what he is doing and saying to counsellor has stated this to me also - I have so much work to do on myself and my self-esteem/anxiety issues, I can be done without stressing about my ex.. I am taking steps to ensure he does not get to me anymore,
                    Hi to Dancing on, Mollyka, Meech, Chook, Papmom, K9 Lover, Lav, Spam, MamaB, and to anyone else I have missed - so sorry i love you all but there are too many of us to mention every time!,
                    Katie xxx
                    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello Everyone,
                      Katie I agree, there are too many of us to go through each time so just pickin out 'pertinent (spl?) points' as my old English teacher used to say!!!!
                      Papmom, you have given me the best belly laugh this morning, it has set me up today!!! I have been googling Miralax and how its goin to help my sleep problems!!! Definitely not going to do that!!! Then I reckoned it must be a nice little side effect, when you're finished on the loo you sleep real well? Nooooooo, just as well I didn't try it anyway!!!!! Good luck with the Ambien and let me know how you get on - I'm still struggling and resorting to half a sleeper now most nights, as you say no point feeling hungover without even the 'fun' of the booze the night before.
                      Tranq, sounds like you've found yourself a good one, and I think it is brilliant you've discussed the problem with alcohol, that could be the elephant in the corner if you let it run for a while without saying, so glad you are with someone who makes you happy, you deserve it with all the monitoring you do here of us poor fledglings!!
                      Hi Nemed, I just made up 'guerilla cravings' sort of like guerilla warfare, they strike when you least expect them? I'm still ok with the April challenge you still ok yeah?
                      Welcome again Reach - you're doin good!!
                      Going painting now with 'happy' hubby, guaranteed he'll be' horrible old miserable git 'hubby by the time we've painted the hall!
                      :hallo:Nora, Tentangra, Lav, Mama, Coco, Fennel ( hope you sorted out the family prob, not sure if thats on this thread but thinkin of you, don't start me on families!!!!), Dancing, Chicken, Sunshine and Spam, and plllllleeeease forgive an ol lady if I have left anyone out, I've been known to forget my children (my daughters catch line was 'what about me?!!!) so love you all
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi everyone

                        I took the butt velcroe with me to work today as it was going to be pretty slow and quiet. Stuck it on the seat and spent lots of time reading on here. I've not done that before as never usually am alone long enough or have the time. Thankx for the suggestion Suns.

                        I am OK today. Had 'those' thoughts nearly all day though and especially from 3pm onwards. At one stage I 'listened' to what I was saying to myself and the thoughts were that I could at least buy some wine on the way home - I don't need to drink it!!! As if!!!::H

                        I just seem to be having a bit of a wishy washy love/hate relationship with the al. Now in hate mode and want to stay there!

                        Hubs has just rung and wants me to pick him up pls as he's had a 'few' drinks. This doesn't happen often so am happy to do that for him. Good job I'm on the water again!!!

                        Take care everyone. Have a good weekend.
                        Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                          Newbies Nest

                          Well here I am to find my lovely twig (it's got nice leafy bits on the end!)

                          Went for a walk after work with dog & I think he thought I was trying to kill him, because we went a 'new' way, which ended up a 'long' way and involved hills! Needless to say he had lost his pep by the time we got home, and I wasn't much better! But feel good now for doing it!
                          Still AF-woohooo!!!
                          I am going to give all-encompassing greetings and farewells (with hugs attached) to all the Nestlings as a standard from now on, cause there are WAY too many of us to list each time!!!But I LOVE you all and am here for you all if ever you need me!

                          Pap- I knew which med you were referring to, but still, that was funny! Poo induced sleep could work though..hmmm!!!!
                          Nora-I love kittens! How is Mother cat going?
                          Keep plugging at it Mazzie-you're doing great!
                          Molly- I love the term Guerilla cravings ,,sneaky little *&%$#'s!
                          Katie- maybe you could visualise the ex being put inside a bubble and shot off into outer space or something! My sister might be thinking about online dating, but she is nervous of it,so please let me know any tips that I can give her!
                          Nemed -good to see you back onboard! Yes laptop sounds like a plan!
                          Sunni- Ginger! I like it. Now I can imagine I'm a hot redhead!
                          Thanks Tranq- now the curiosity has been appeased! Congrats on finding a good one!
                          I am off to collect my wee chicks from Day care & then to Mum's for our takeaway night!
                          So for now I shall take my leave.Sorry about the philosophy lesson this morning...urgh!
                          Bye noe Nestlings, sleep well!!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Chook; believe you me, I am no "master" at online dating.. I am just finding my way myself! I can only say though for your sister is to: "be yourself".. and don't add anyone and everyone - I have learnt to read profiles properly - I don't add guys who have hardly any info/or they want a woman aged 18, or they can't spell, or they use slang that makes them sound like a teenager!!! that might sound a bit harsh but.. everyone to their own I guess! I know what I am looking for and don't see the point wasting time adding all the guys that want to add me! Also, the moment a guy starts being "suggestive" when only 10 seconds into a chat, I delete them..
                            Best of luck to your sister.. and luck to me too!
                            Katie xxx
                            p.s also, love the ex in a bubble idea.. i think i might just do that! he he..
                            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Mazzie, If I listened to other people talkin sense half as much as I listened to my 'drink' voice I'd be laughing! Keep up that hate/hate relationship - I reckon you'll be on a winner!!
                              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                                Newbies Nest

                       your avatar a picture of a distant aunt:H:H:H
                                Had pizza with the family and had "FANCIES" as Spam calls them....prettty strong actually, but as soon as i ate they to remember that.....and i must say i felt quite proud of myself.....
                                Be strong today everyone
                                mama jan
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

