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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning Nesters!

    Sunny but cool here today - perfect actually for working outside

    Mama Bear - I don't really do any designing for the gardens. I buy plants that I like, that will bloom the longest & survive in our zone. I'm always trying to add a lot of color, keep things interesting. Good luck with the pollen, we have a lot going on here too.

    Swede, good to see you. Sounds like you're having some success - that's great!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful Sunday, I'll check in later.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Everyone,

      Still playing catch-up with everything but at least now, I feel like doing things again

      Lav- great to hear you talk about your garden... I hope I get back to mine, before it's too late

      mama bear- I was up early too but your right... It sure does beat a hangover! Love your Avatar... who is that?

      Nemed- I have heard yall call "Soccor" Football... that is so interesting too me...Hope you have a fun day!

      ChickenNumber3- I am with you for the May challange!!!

      Mazzie- I am glad you got a "Chill Day", we all need more of those!

      Fennel- hope you got a better nights sleep... or should I say I hope your neighbors went too sleep!

      papmom- How did you feel this morning...? I hope better

      NoraC- I am still here... just getting back into the swing of things. Hope you are having a great time!!!

      Swede- hope your medication smoothes out for you soon... that sounds rough.

      Mollyka- I haven't laughed that hard in a long time too... that was fun!!!

      KatieB- As always... thinking about you and sending you PEACE :l

      Sunshine- I love reading your post... it sounds like you have a wonderful life and I am glad you came back to MWO

      Well, time to get busy... Hi to anyone else that pops into the nest... hope yalls Sunday is a great one!

      The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


        Newbies Nest

        No one.....just too much broccoli for dinner!!
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          Newbies Nest

          LOL Mama Bear! Too much broccolie indeed!

          Thanks everyone for the concern. I did end up taking a whole ambien last nite. I was so miserable I just wanted to go to sleep. I got up a couple of times this morning-dogs barking at neighbor dogs and cats going crazy in the living room. finally got up for good around 9. I'm feeling a little better. I have my list for today and I'm about to tackle it. I think just getting some of these chores done will make me feel a LOT better. i always feel like a filthy pig when I let the dishes and vacuuming go. then it onto getting my budget in order which I've negleted since January. I think tomorrow my dad and I are going out for breakfast. That will be a new experience for me and I'm looking forward to it as there will be no AL temptation nor feeling of deprivation. Then I can continue with my list for the rest of the day. Tonite will be half an ambien for sure. At least I am sleeping well through the nite although the dreams are physically intense!!

          KatieB-I still have to get through the rest of the threads so I'm hoping somewhere is an update on your date yesterday. Hope it went well!!

          Congrats on everyone staying AF or at least being very stingy with the AL this weekend.
          It's another gray, cold and rainy day here so no outside exercise-well, maybe I'll force the pups to go up the street for a few minutes. Just have to get my Nanook coat out again!!

          Hang tight everyone and enjoy the rest of the weekend. Lav-please send some beautiful weather my way OK?
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            Newbies Nest

            mama bear;839069 wrote: No one.....just too much broccoli for dinner!!
            Oh Pooh... very cute though
            The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind. William James (1842-1910)


              Newbies Nest

              Morning, nestlings! @runningwind...the "party" neighbors all turned in early last night. Must be recovering from Friday night. I slept in 'til ten this morning. I said to Mrs. Fennel "It must be raining out today- the f*ck-tards aren't out banging metal objects together." "F*ck-tards" being the term I use for the hillbillys on the other side of us. Lo and behold, it's a beautiful, sunny day! I have no idea why they weren't up at 6:30 making a racket, but I'll gladly embrace it. :H


                Newbies Nest

                oh gotta use that one F*ck-tards.......brilliant!!!!!
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  Newbies Nest

                  It's a cool 12 degrees Celsius this Monday morning and it looks like being a cruisy day, which is good, because tomorrow is another early start for me.

                  I won $36 on Lotto yesterday. It wasn't 3.6million, but hey, it helped buy a few more groceries.

                  Wednesday used to be a tough day for me because I travel on Wednesdays, and would have to take advantage of being in a town where I was not known to buy my wine. :H
                  I seem to have got over that now, but from Thursday on it's hard.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Interesting read

                    So I've been checking out the website: The Difference In Drinkers which someone recommended on the holistic forum and I've been finding it very interesting. It talks about the link between hypoglycemia and alchoholism. Now, my fasting glucose tests have always come back bordering on pre diabetes or normal but I've noticed that since going AF, I've been CRAVING sugar of all kinds. In fact, I just had 2 ice cream cookies this afternoon after polishing off a big mac and fries. Now of course I'm feeling extra thirsty and a little shaky. I just found the book the website is all about, "Seven Weeks to Sobriety" on my local library system and have put a hold on it but have to wait for it to come in from another library. It has an eating plan in it that addresses the sugar cravings so I'm anxious to get it. For whatever reason the MWO supplements are not doing that great a job of controlling the sugar cravings.
                    I've been keeping myself busy today working on my budget and doing laundry and of course reading lots of posts. Tomorrow I'm meeting my dad for breakfast and I'm hoping to get a nice long walk with the pups in.
                    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                    KO the Beast!!


                      Newbies Nest

                      dancingon;839184 wrote: It's a cool 12 degrees Celsius this Monday morning and it looks like being a cruisy day, which is good, because tomorrow is another early start for me.

                      I won $36 on Lotto yesterday. It wasn't 3.6million, but hey, it helped buy a few more groceries.

                      Wednesday used to be a tough day for me because I travel on Wednesdays, and would have to take advantage of being in a town where I was not known to buy my wine. :H
                      I seem to have got over that now, but from Thursday on it's hard.
                      Are you on the north island or south? I guess things must be getting a bit frosty for you this time of year! I was in New Zealand for vacation a couple years back...what a beautiful place!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning all,

                        I hope everyone had a good weekend.. some of you may have read my thread.. the date went well, but my drinking didn't! I am back in the nest with the hopes of steering away from AL this week..
                        I have decided I am not ready to date, I have to do a lot of work on myself first and concentrate on my son.. I have too much going on over the next few weeks/months.. I have the court case, moving house, looking after my son, working etc.. I dont feel ready to meet anyone just yet in that way.. I want to get some more friends too.. I want to change the way I have been in the past with my intimate relationships (less clingy, less dependent emotionally and socially).. the only way I can do that is to keep working on myself, and away from AL!
                        Take care all,
                        Katie xxx
                        "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                          Newbies Nest

                          MOrning feathered friends!

                          Well, its MOnday here and the last day of school holidays, so apart from a bit of housework this morning, then a drive out to feed the old horse, I will go to Mum's to sort out the Real Estate issues re:her house and then chill out with the wee chicks for the rest of the day! Maybe take them to the park????

                          Anyhow, af last night and an early one, so feeling good this morning!

                          Pap- I too am suffering from sugar/carb cravings. I am heading toward that time of the month anyway, which usually causes these cravings anyway, but this just adds to it. Needless to say my 'diet' went out teh window yesterday after having Al the night before! So am back on track today and hope to get some exercise in as well. But I feel like a ravenous beast

                          Katie- I think that is a wise move! Too much on your plate at the moment to turn around and throw in another 'unknown' quantity! But in saying that, any future relationships will benefit from you getting things sorted now and being focused on 'finding you' again. Why don't you allow yourself to be 'needy' here and then all your 'real-life' relationships can flow naturally!That way, you can still find the empathy you need ..and you know we are all ready and willing to listen and support in any way we can! The Playgroup is a great idea!

                          Fennel - F*#@tards! Ilove it, we have a few of those types on and off!

                          Running- nice to hear you! You sound good!

                          Lav-I'm still clucking!!

                          Mama- you crack me up totally! Keep it up!

                          Have a great af Monday folks, will check in later!
                          Chook (CLUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


                            Newbies Nest

                            It's mid autumn and it is still 29 degrees. How bout sending some of that cold spring weather over to us here.... please.....
                            Katie - good on you for making that decision. Maybe you needed yesterday to happen so you could realise that you are not ready yet. Things happen for a reason. You are doing so well even though you cant see it. Keep it up.
                            Pap - I too have wondered about the sugar as I am still getting the desire to eat lollies, ice cream etc. However for me I think it is about replacing something I am missing with something else to try and make me feel better. Like having comfort foods. You know like when you are on a diet, all you want is food. I think it is in my mind not an actual physical craving. It is all very interesting how it is all linked...

                            I need to do some work on myself. Just being AF is not working. Someone said to me at the beginning (I think it might be the wise Doggygirl) "if all you replace is the contents of your glass you will struggle". And I am struggling.
                            There is so much I used to rely on AL to help me with. Simple things like speaking up for myself and asking for what I need, not letting people talk me into something I dont want. Worrying about what people will think if I actually say how I feel. Trying to please everyone else at my expense. I even let my mother talk me into interrupting something I was doing that was long overdue, just to meet her for a coffee when I had told her earlier that I didnt want to do it. It is like my tongue has stopped working now there is no AL in my blood! I have always found it hard to speak up but with AL in my I could say exactly what I wanted or felt. But the words escape me now.
                            Someone said recently in the nest that they were trying to find the person they once were before AL. Well, the person I was before AL was 15 years old and frightened to do anything. That is who I am now. A 15 year old with no voice.
                            Have a good day.


                              Newbies Nest

                              I know exactly how you feel!! I think it is one of the biggest reasons that people turn to AL; to give themselves confidence.. Like you, I have never learnt to be the person I really want to be without AL.. I think it takes time.. it's like we have to learn, go through the motions of learning confidence and learning how to be ourselves without caring about what other people think about us.. it's something I never went through when I was younger either.. I used AL to mask who I really was for years and years.. I thought I was "coming out of my shell" - but AL often meant I may have got rid of nerves, but I am still not being "me".. only being AF can we really be ourselves.. we just have to learn how to stand up for ourselves, and how to be ourselves AF.. it takes time, lets all help each other - staying away from AL is the way to do this.. as we will never learn otherwise, and drinking has too many downsides to make that one "upside" worth it..
                              Katie xx
                              p.s thank you Chook.. I know I can count on you all here! my family...xx
                              "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                                Newbies Nest

                                CRIMETY PEOPLE!!!!!!

                                I'm gone for ONE day and there's FIVE pages to catch up on!!!!!??? :H Sheesh.
                                Sounds though, like everyone made it through the weekend rather nicely... Good stuff!

                                Fennel - love the f*ck-tards! Can I borrow that?
                                Until a year and a half ago, my only neighbours in visible and audible distance were of the bovine persuasion... MUCH easier to get along with!

                                Lav... I was SO close today to making a trip to the nursery... but since we had SNOW yesterday, I know it's still way too early to really get going on the gardening. Hrmpfh.

                                I can't possibly address all of you... so I'll just ramble on for a bit

                                My horsey event was.. hmm.. interesting, I guess. North America's top horse trainer came to the 'city near me' for a clinic. There were TWO registered participants (both from the island, my friend and one of her students). It was held at one of Northern Ontario's top 'Show Barns').
                                Ahhh. Yes. Show Barn. There was MOLD on the ceiling... that was the first thing I noticed when walking in. The second thing that hit me was the stench of Ammonia. Extremely poor ventilation. The indoor arena was fairly large but very dark and FREEZING and there were jumping lessons going on. So we're off to find someone, or specifically our host... everyone there looked at us as if we had 3 heads (well, since there were 3 of us, technically, I suppose, we did) and shrugged. Very odd.

                                So, we turn to head back outside.. and bump into Chris (the trainer). Yay! Great. Let's get started. The son of the barn owner tells us to go use the outside ring. :eeks: Did I mention it was SNOWING? And BLOWING? Well, we did head outside... unloaded the horses, etc.. but decided to just grab a corner that had some wind break, instead of the ring.

                                Well, there were 6 auditors (spectators, onlookers - me included) and 2 more showed up a little later on. After freezing our buns off outside for about an hour, Chris said... screw it... and we headed into the indoor arena. Btw... he paid $1000 for the 'facilities' for the day there...

                                It was just plain embarrassing. However, the 2 participants were lucky as hell. They paid for a 90 minute session and got 5 hours. Chris himself was incredibly gracious, involved us (the onlookers) in everything, sat with us for about 15 minutes afterwards for a 'debriefing' and assured us that next year he'd come to the island (my friend's riding stable). So, the guy paid $1000 for the privilege to appear at this show barn, NONE of the many, many riders, owners that were scurrying about paid any attention, he sold 2 sessions at $180 each - and still put in a full day with the 2 girls/horses there. Pretty classy.

                                Anywho.... that was my day yesterday. I came home, frozen stiff and climbed into bed with Mr. Wonderful, who was trying to take a nap. I interpreted his "Good GOD, woman!" to mean "Hi honey, come here - let me warm you up" :H

                                Today, the weather was gorgeous, 17Celsius and I mucked Ms. Sophie's stall, shoveled more horse sh*t, getting the pasture ready, and did more raking in the yard. Phew. I got some sun, too... feeling a little 'tight' (which is not really a bad thing at my age) :H

                                Chook, I hear you on the 'grumpy old man'... Ms. Sophie can be rather moody herself. Mind you, I'm working with her every morning now... to mind her manners.

                                Ok, I'm done yapping now... heading to bed pretty soon, I think. Oh wait.. dammit, I took the sheets off the bed! Sigh - better get that done, huh? :H

                                Night night, fledglings - have a grand evening!
                                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                                Winning since October 24th, 2013

