Serious question for my fellow Aussies and Kiwi's. Focus for a minute... stop thinking about wanker tacos and cat burgers.... I have a question.
Does anyone know of an Australian or New Zealand distributor of All One? I have been on the net trying to get it however I am going to be charged over $40 in postage if I order it from the USA (which is more than the actual powder.) I feel it is probably the only supp (maybe evening primrose as well) I will continue taking when they have all gone but dont want to have to pay that much just for postage.
Now I am really going to rest my aching bones...
Talk to you tomorrow
Oh and Roamer please dont change your pic...

I know that when I order NZ marmite, I end up paying 30 US dollars for shipping, while the product itself is worth about a tenth of that. Same with the Topamax I order online.
As for the masseusse, some of them think it's therapeutic to really jam their fingers and thumbs into your "pressure" points...painful, and not at all soothing. Sounds like ibuprofen and a hot bath is in order...