Dang it..the Nest is on fire and I've missed most of it!
Katie..I've done Paediatrics,just for your info Emla cream is used as a local/topical anaesthetic for needles etc. But it has a down side, which is why alot of Dr's & medical types don't use it..basically it can collapse the vein that you are aiming to prick and defeat the purpose of obtaining a blood specimen! (For f*#tards info actually).
Fennel- I was SOOO craving one of your tacos this morning..the sound of that truck rolling up was music to my ears!
Roamer- welcome and no don't change the Avatar, Mama is right..Russell Crowe is a hotty and I am gearing up for Robin Hood...........*sigh*
Good luck to Mama & K9.......just don't eat those tacos before the interview Mama,you already look dangerous to me...could seriously inhibit your chances if you start 'passing that kinda wind"

Lav- love to you!
Sunni- I fully get the cravings for AL & everythng else in the pantry/fridge when PMT raises its ugly head..my kids and Mr.Chook keep their hands out of my way..or loose them in the feeding frenzy that happens! (It's a scarey thing!)
Running & Nora,Nemed and all the rest.....CLUCK for Thursday AF!
Does anyone else get the feeling that Tranq is slightly distracted these days?
