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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning Nesters - Great to see you all here.

    Got to get to work so I'm another one with a quick hello & goodbye. :H

    I have talked to Fennel & she will be back. I told her that you had been asking about her.

    Have a great day everyone.
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Newbies Nest

      Is everything OK with Fennel and Bob Nora?
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        Newbies Nest

        papmom3;906225 wrote: Is everything OK with Fennel and Bob Nora?
        Bob is doing pretty well. Fennel is doing ok - still dealing with the thyroid issues. I'm sure she'll be glad when that is all taken care of. But she sounds good.
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks Nora!!
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Newbies Nest

            New. Lost dazed and worried about withdrawl

            As a past abstainer who foolishly relapsed 2 years ago...
            I want to cut back on my drinking and/or totally quit.
            BUT, I do not want to take meds for this.
            I am Bi-polar and take low dose meds for my condition.
            Valproic Acid
            I did not use meds like Topomax when I quit back in 1995-2008.
            Can I use the Tapering Off method to cut through craving and to control withdrawal symptoms?
            I just purchased the e-book and will read it.


              Newbies Nest

              Thanks Nora for the Fennel update! So glad to hear all is fairly well, especially about Bob. I was really worried there. I'm sure life is very overwhelming right now-I think I get where she is with the health problems, I feel the same way these days. Please let her know she is being thought of and mega pings are coming her way.

              Admom7-:welcome:!! I saw your post on the other thread and I'm glad you found "the Nest"!! I wish I could help you out with the tapering off bit but I went cold turkey-had to. I had tried tapering previously with no luck whatsoever. I think with all the meds you are on it would be a very wise idea to do this with your doctor's help. I know the meds that are out there these days for dealing with withdrawal and going AF are much different then they were 15 years ago and so are the AD drugs. A lot of people here have gone AF without any type of meds (like me); some have used the supplement program very successfully (me); others have used nothing and others have used Antabuse very successfully. Lots of options for you. Read the book, do your research and decide what will work safely for you. Good luck and keep visiting the Nest so we can support you in your journey.
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                Newbies Nest

                The thing is I guess I thought since I'd done it before...
                I could do it again.
                But I will do the research.
                I will start by cutting back
                and starting later
                I wish I had never started back again...


                  Newbies Nest

                  Welcome ADmom, the fact remains you DID do it before therefore without a doubt you can do it again.
                  I'm inclined to agree with Papmom, with the variety of meds a bit of medical support would be very good.
                  We've probably all slipped up in the past and without a doubt everyone wished we hadn't done it, but the trick is to learn by our mistakes and promise ourselves we will not put ourselves thro this again
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Newbies Nest

                    Just read the book...

                    I am not going to go off tonight.
                    I had planned on it but in reading I have decided I DO want my doctor to know what I am doing.
                    I want to try Topamax and the supps and the CDs.
                    Till I have all the pieces in place I will REDUCE the amount I drink in order to stave off withdrawl symptoms.
                    I feel very convinced that the program is well worth a try...
                    I am an artist and I am about to be featured on a eco website with 400 other artists globally who work with recycled and earth friendly media.
                    I love my work and my family and I want wellness in my life.
                    I drink daily but not a ton and never hard liquor
                    I have to add up the cost and then order everything.
                    Is Topamax perscribed in Canada for Alcohol Dependence?:thanks::new:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Where IS everyone??? Fennel, Nora-I need my Diet Coke BECAUSE I CAN HAVE ONE!!!

                      OMG, OMG, OMG!! I just had a lovely chat with the Nephrologist's secretary trying to speed things along with getting me an appointment since it's been 3 weeks now since my MD said she wanted me to see the specialist. As we were talking, she pulled up my lab results and was floored to hear me say I thought I was in Stage 3 kidney disease (no DC on kidney disease diet)!! I told her how I had come by that conclusion and she said it made no sense. My serum creatinine would have to be in the 3s to have kidney disease!! It's .99. She said if the GFR calculator I was using on the National Kidney disease website was accurate, then she and everyone in the office had kidney disease!! She is going to run everything by the doc but I and she have the feeling he's going to say "She doesn't need to see me-what is she being referred for!!". Now I know this woman isn't a doctor or even a nurse but she sees lab results and patients every day and if she says this whole thing doesn't make sense then I am leaning towards believing her. I think that if the doc does want to see me, she will try very hard to get me in sooner than October which is when they're booking into. She also said my A1c levels put me in the high risk category for Diabetes II but not in the "you have it" category and she doesn't know why my MD told me I did.
                      Anyway, I feel like a HUGE weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I know I have to wait for the final say from the nephrologist so I'll try not to get my hopes up too high but if he says the same thing she did, then all I have to do is worry about my sugar, sodium and weight and that I can do with the help of the nutritionist in August as well as really buckle down and get back on track myself. Put the Lorna Doones down Pam!!

                      Oh it's going to be a great weekend and week off! New car (used but new to me) tomorrow, vacation next week and NO KIDNEY DISEASE!!!!!

                      Fennel sweetie-I hope you're feeling better. I miss you!!
                      Hope everyone else is doing well and just being lazy on this fine summer Friday!!:happy: :l
                      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                      KO the Beast!!


                        Newbies Nest

                        HERE YOU GO PAM!!!!!!! GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thanks NoraC!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Paps, that is brillo news!! You must feel so relieved. You can enjoy your new car and your hol with all those worries off your shoulders! And you got thro it all sober - well done!!

                            How is everyone else today? Just had a lovely morning - went for a big long walk on the river, and then went shopping and bought some new clothes to fit me - am able to buy stuff 3 sizes smaller than I was 8 months ago - purely from not drinking, it was so much fun shopping for nice clothes it is worth putting up with any inconvenience caused by being an alchie!!!
                            Hi Nora - I hate diet coke, does it not put a horrible taste in your mouth? Hope you doing well on the new meds an all?
                            Will check in later to see all other stragglers!!
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Newbies Nest

                              Molly - Diet Coke is my next addiction to quit. :H :H
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                Newbies Nest

                                Thats a pretty harmless addiction to have Nora!- No sugar, No calories, and No alcohol - nice one!!
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

