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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello All

    Papmom - Hurray hurray hurray! I am overjoyed with the news. I know you need confirmation from specialist but I think it's only up up up for you now.

    It's funny how things bounce around. This news has given me a surprising new energy and motivation to focus again. Like the focus I had when I started the 6 week Detox. I am so happy for you Papmom. Enjoy the car, the news and a sober weekend!

    Nora, Molly it's been awhile. Hope all is well. Been away and haven't checked in on the newbie nest in quite some time.

    Welcome Admom. you came to a very supportive caring place. I am trying to get the nerve to talk to the Doc next week about topomax. Time to get honest and get more help. I am doing supps and CD's. It's helped a lot along with the great people here but I just need a little more.

    I would LOVE TO HEAR ANYONE'S thoughts on Topomax that has used it. good, bad anything. Any other drugs too. I'll check out the page on that too.

    Have a great weekend. I will not open the door to the AL Beast this weekend.



      Newbies Nest

      I'm still holding steady, Thursday started great, ended crappy, today is busy with the family but at least no work or school. We have a family party tomorrow, this will prove interesting...will do my best. I'm still MAKING that water--maybe I should start selling it, no one will know it's from a Brita filter, right?! Hee-hee! I wish I could be more involved here but I'm keeping up the best I can with your posts. Hi admom7! You can do this and you know you're not alone.:l


        Newbies Nest

        Worried about my Canada

        I have tenderness under my right rib and I have read RJ's book.
        I am motivated to quit and in April I had my Liver Enzymes done and they were normal.
        I think I will buy some of the supps locally but I am scared that I have really done it this time:upset:
        I drank last night as I am sort of trying to get my self ready to win again.
        I quit in 1995 till 2008 and have only the past 6 months increased what I drink.
        I used to have 2 beers a night...
        But not anymore.
        As I live in Canada I am not sure if Topamax is prescribed here.
        I am also on other meds so I realize I have to consult my doctor.
        (I am so worried to talk to him, Be a disappointment as he treats all 5 of my daughters and my husband)
        My Art work is being included in a very prestigious website for Green Art and while that should make me happy...
        Eco1stArt: Ecologically Friendly Fine Art, Furniture, Collectable's.
        It has actually led me to drink more...
        (Fear of Success=destructive behavior)
        I have decided to be very up front with my family so I will have their support.
        I want to get control over this and faces it is job one.
        I do not want to go Cold Turkey if Topamax might be an answer for me.
        But I Do want to start to detox my liver naturally if I can.

        Any Canadians out there with some advice on Topamax.:new:
        Or any thoughts from anyone


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Admom,

          I am a fellow Canadian girl. I am sure that Topomax has been used my other Canadians on this site. i am trying to work up the nerve at my Doc's appointment this Tuesday to ask for Topomax.

          I have never used any meds so this will be a first. I will keep you posted on how it effects me (I post a lot on my 6 Week AL Detox thread in general discussion).

          I have done read the MWO book, got the CD's, supps, threads here and it has helped me tremendously. I did 18 days AF then a few one weekers and then 42 days recently until i slipped.

          I feel getting the Topomax will HOPEFULLY be the missing link to finally truly lead an AF life. We shall see..........:fingers:


            Newbies Nest

            Thanks for that

            I am so unsure how to get this all going...
            But I know it is what I want and need
            Good Luck on Tuesday


              Newbies Nest

              why is diet coke so addictive??
              I love that stuff!
              Be strong-
              We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
              Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                Newbies Nest

                Just a quicky before I head off to the gym as i want to go before anyone wakes up and encourages me to do other things. But I just had to say.

                YAY Papmom........ I am so pleased for you.


                What a relief.

                Hi Admom. Welcome.

                I will be back to re-read all your lovely posts after I have had my girl-power half hour.
                I finally got it!
                "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                  Newbies Nest

                  thanks everyone for the well wishes!! I hope I'm not jumping the gun but I don't think I am. Of course if I get the call on Mon saying yep, the doc wants to see you, then I'll be right back where I started 3 weeks ago but I'm trying to be really positive right now.

                  Good luck Meech and Admom on your doctor's appointments. I know from experience it will not be nearly as embarrassing or uncomfortable as you are imagining it will be. I sure hope you both get your Topa scripts and can get them filled ASAP.

                  Mollyk-3 sizes down in 8 months and all you did was give up the booze? Totally not fecking fair!! Seriously tho-how wonderful for you! I dream of the day I can go shopping and not end up in tears. You go girl!!

                  It's been a roller coaster of a day for sure so I am going to retire early and try to get some reading done if I can keep my eyes open. Got to be up early early tomorrow to clean my old car in prep for getting a decent trade in for the new one. Can't wait to pick it up!! I'll be posting pics of it and my new pond on my journal thread and here now that I know how :H.

                  See you all in the morning or in your case HC-evening!! I'll try sending some of our warm temps your way!!

                  Nite nite all! :l
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Back again.

                    Admom - I dont know if topa is available in Canada however I do know you can get it on the internet as that is how I got mine. When I started in January I wanted to arm myself with everything possible and ordered it. I was worried I wouldnt be able to get it into Australia as we have quite strict customs. However I got it in. I havent actually used it as for me the thought of the side effects put me off. But if you think you would benefit from it, there are alot of people who have used it here and got excellent results. But talk to your doctor first as you are taking other medications.
                    Molly - well done on having to go shopping! I dont have that "problem"..... (where are my chocolate biccies?) LOL.
                    Aclassicgirl - keep at it, sounds like you are slowly getting there. Dont forget to come here when you need to.

                    We went around to my brothers for dinner last night and he and my husband drank three bottles of red between them, and that was after a few bourbons first! So I can only imagine what they are feeling like this morning. I can remember very well that horrible feeling when you first open your eyes..... head thumping, mouth as dry as the Sahara, stomach trying to decide whether it will keep it's contents or not...... I am so glad I am over that. It was rather sad for me though to see my brother like that. I have known for a while that he is heading down the same path I was heading.... straight towards my dad and his alcoholism. I am just so thankful that I found this site/book/you when I did. I hope one day he too will see that there is a life without AL. Although in saying that, I am still trying to find my life without it. Doctors appointment - finally - next Wednesday. But I know for sure one thing, life wouldnt be any better if I was drinking.

                    I hope you get thru the weekend if you are struggling. Just make a plan to get to Sunday night AF and then deal with sunday night when it happens. I can guarantee that you will feel alot stronger if you do.

                    I finally got it!
                    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                      Newbies Nest

                      Struggling today...had a glass of wine last night. Not the end of the world but still disappointing. Family party today...will be difficult later in the afternoon. Will try not to beat myself up mentally.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning Nesters!!!!! Well - I just got yanked out of bed at 9:30 am. What's up with that?!?!:H:H:H

                        Classic - I know what you mean. But, the beating ourselves up mentally adds to the problem. It truly does. I am black & blue inside from beating myself up so much. But, give yourself a hug and say - that wasn't a wise decision and I can do better today. It is a much better way to spend the energy. :l

                        Have a wonderful day everyone.
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hey nesters!! The new Papmobile has arrived!!

                          It's hard to see cuz the lighting wasn't too good(T-storm had just passed by) but it's that wonderful gray green color. It has all the bells and whistles too:
                          • keyless entry-I have an alarm!!
                          • Electric everything!! windows, mirrors, seats
                          • No CD player but at least the stereo cassette is better quality than what I had. I'll probably upgrade to a new Pioneer CD/AM/FM when I can afford it.
                          • Heated seats and mirrors!!
                          • A sunglass holder!!
                          • Cup holders that hold the bigger water bottles and travel mugs!!Outside temp monitering!!Cruise control!!Under the wheel well cover there is a styrofoam cover over the spare that has cubbyholes!!Tie down hooks in the cargo area!!Fake wood dashboard!!Plastic instead of carpeting in the cargo area!!
                          It's only a 2001 and it has 126K miles on it but I feel like I'm driving a brand new luxury car!! And I can't believe how high up I sit!! And of course the most important part??? AWD!!! Do you feel lucky New England winters? Well do ya??

                          Can ya tell I'm excited LOL!!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            Newbies Nest

                            hey everybody......mama's in the house.....
                            tired after long work week so gonna take a nana nap.....
                            everybody sounds good
                            2nd week on Bac.......feel fine but still drinking a little.....not much but wanna get af......
                            kisses to all
                            oh...btw....have lav, tranq and fennel left us????
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              Newbies Nest

                              pap...cross post....
                              "fake wood dashboard????:H:H:H
                              heated seats are the BEST....
                              I am happy for you!!!!
                              Its cute
                              but a pap-mobile sounds like a travelling pap smear doc!!!!!!
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                Newbies Nest

                                Lovely car Paps - well done!! I get so excited when I have a new car (new to me anyway!) so I know how you feel - treat it as a reward for all your good behaviour!!
                                Evening everyone else.
                                Hippy, you are so right - life would not be better if we were drinkiing, important to remember that when little thoughts lurk! My sister too drinks far too much - never as much as me but she never functioned as well as I could and she has a very responsible job (she's a doctor) and I often wonder how well she does it?! She is/was ( we don't speak anymore, thankfully one thing that has NOTHING to do with my drinking) totally in denial and I couldn't imagine her ever facing up to it.
                                Classic, no point in looking back except to remember the feeling of disappointment and maybe not having a drink the next time to avoid feeling like that?
                                Hey Nora, MB,Rebirth, Admom, Meech, and all else to come, will check in later
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

