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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    fennel;950687 wrote: Well, my guests are gone and I'm getting my house back together. I hope Nora is still hungry...I have a lovely veggie scramble for her, complete with fresh herbs from the garden. I have chai latte, mocha coffee, regular coffee, decaf, tea, water, bubbly water, and today's special of the day..."mystery" taquitas. :H

    Thanks to Coco for her tender ministrations and solicitous attention to the hungry nestlings during my absence.
    Thank God you're back! And "fresh herbs" is it? Heinz Catsup not good enough, eh? Ha!


      Newbies Nest


      Oh - I mean Fennel - Coco has been taking such good care of us.
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        Newbies Nest

        Welcome JonnyBoy!! Glad to have you here.
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Newbies Nest

          fennel;950687 wrote: Well, my guests are gone and I'm getting my house back together. I hope Nora is still hungry...I have a lovely veggie scramble for her, complete with fresh herbs from the garden. I have chai latte, mocha coffee, regular coffee, decaf, tea, water, bubbly water, and today's special of the day..."mystery" taquitas. :H

          Thanks to Coco for her tender ministrations and solicitous attention to the hungry nestlings during my absence.
          Does this mean an end to Krill Jam on our bagels and sea-water tea??? Say it can't be!!! although I must admit, the oyster and ketchup spread on my bread this morning is still repeating on me...not that I didn't appreciate the effort, Coco, it's just you lay it on so thick with those flippers of yours... Full marks for effort though :goodjob:

          Reminds me of the time when I was a kid and my parents were away for the day. I decided I'd make them dinner for when they came home, but I was too young to be allowed cook, so I made salad. I spent hours getting it ready, laying the table, and each bit of salad had it's own bowl - tomatos, lettuce, etc. The folks were all delighted with the effort I'd put in and were full of complements until they reached the potato salad and nearly broke a tooth. Lets just say no-one had mentioned to me before that you had to cook the potato first...

          Hi JonnyBoy :welcome:
          And DFL - you go!! Fair play on how you've done today - that's fabulous. Sounds like that GP is a good one to keep around, it's so important that they take time with you.
          Hi everyone else!! It's another quiet Friday night here in Ireland. Dunno how I'm gonna meet any new people to hang out with at this rate, but maybe I just need to concentrate on the quiet life for a little while longer
          AF since 13th July 2010
          NF since 5th July 2010


            Newbies Nest

            Hey folks! How's all? Welcome Jonnyboy -is that you in the picture? Welcome back Fennel and good to see most old familiars here. Just back from a lovely meal out with hubs, steak an chips and I'm STUFFED. Just posted over on the 'sober sept' thread that I went to doc and he has upped my ADs, hope it settles things down a bit, feel a bit all over the place lately.
            Neart, maybe we'll have to take up Bingo or somethin????:H:H
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Newbies Nest

              Welcome JonnyBoy:welcome:

              Thanks for all the support today guys:l

              I think I should change my name to Dory.. I have the memory span of that little fish in Finding Nemo at the moment:H something else I'd forgotten about when stopping drinking

              Well AF4 done with now, I knew from experience today was going to be hard, I had this overwhelming urge tonight to have just one wine, especially when Mr D suggested chinese takeaway for dinner ( Guess I've blown todays diet).

              That is always one of my weakness for a Friday night chinese and a bottle of wine with Mr D and my own bottles hidden away upstairs...

              Anyway I didn't I got through the urge in little stages, telling myself... well I'll lay the table first... I'll wait until it arrives... if he offers me one I'll have it... etc and before I knew it I was tucked into my meal and not even thinking about the glass he was drinking, to be fair to him he didn't offer me one and I noticed he kept his glass well away from me so I couldn't smell it..

              Looking forward to waking up sober again and enjoying this feeling of natural tiredness at bedtime and not the usual alcohol induced drink until I pass out sleep.. my bedside glass contains diet coke tonight and not straight vodka:l

              Hope you all had a good day and we all breeze through the weekend:l
              AF since 31/08/2010... every day the AF total gets bigger...

              So do you drink Lee? .... Actually no I don't Jeff........


                Newbies Nest

                Mornin DFL! Everyone else must be still in bed - oh just saw your post time, so you're probably still in bed too. Johnny, hope you are going to come back and tell us about yourself? It's a good place here even if they are lazy lumps round here at the weekends!!
                I was thinking DFL (you sound like Securicor or something?!) when you said you associated the chinese T/A with wine - my hubs decided to go a couple of weeks without booze the last 2 weeks and we met his sister by accident one of the days and went out for lunch with her. I ordered my sparkling water, she a glass of beer and he a 7-up and we had a lovely lunch. We were chatting last night and I asked him how he found not drinking for 2 weeks - energy etc and he said he felt great and especially when he ordered the 7-up with his lunch that day and I just looked at him and I said 'as long as I have known you, you have NEVER had a drink during the day'! He thought about that for a minute and realised it was true - he was feeling sort of deprived of something he wouldn't have had anyway -WIERD how our minds work and he's not even an alkie!! Anyway have a lovely day and DFL forget the diet - just to be AF the weight will prob fall off anyway
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi I am a newbie. Just joined yesterday and read lots of post and I am hoping to make today my first day of AF.... Wish me luck..... so happy I have found this site....It will be my 1st day of AF in a very long time....Just need to make it through the evening....
                  :new: Happy at taking one day at a time even 1 second at a time..


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Cruise :welcome: As you've already been doing, keep reading and reading here - and take everything one moment, one minute at a time - like DFL said, just concentrating on what you're going to do right now.

                    Like you said Molly, it's cracked how we get upset about depriving ourselves of things until we stop and think about it. I was getting bothered for a little while last night - we bought some lovely cheese in the shop for after dinner, and I was getting upset about not ever having wine with the cheese again - I didn't want wine last night, just the thought of not having it next year or in 5 years or something. It's only when I stop I realise I'm getting upset about non-existent, hypothetical situations that haven't happened and may never happen!!! Bit silly, really.
                    When my Dad was in hospital for ages, he used to get understandably stressed, and he really liked it when I said to him "worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere".

                    Dfl and Molly, so glad you enjoyed your Friday night dinners-made me jealous!
                    Hope its a good day for all
                    AF since 13th July 2010
                    NF since 5th July 2010


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning!
                      Coco, seems a good thing Fennel is back. His menu appears to be the best loved (mocha coffee for me Fennel when you get around to it).
                      Early here. Nice to see that DFL you have avoided drink so close by.
                      Neart, I think a 6 pack of AF beer in the fridge for 'relief' or transition in the 1st couple of weeks is a great idea. They aren't really good but they aren't really bad either. Though I'm with you, not suggesting just noting.
                      Welcome Cruise and Johny; great place to be is here.
                      I am veryyy tired, and its 6 30 am. Long day ahead, a couple more cups of coffee. Enjoy the cooling weather everyone.
                      From the Sanskrit prayer;

                      "....For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision,
                      But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a dream of hope."

                      determined to be AF


                        Newbies Nest

                        Love the 'rocking chair' Neart - so true! You sound bright enough this morning - pissing rain here as well so just baked a ginger cake and hubs has just got back from xtravision with some brillo chickflicks for the afternoon - yeah right:helpme:'repo man' has just been mentioned, I wonder is George Clooney in that
                        Welcome Cruise - yep you're in the right place if you're tryin to quit the booze - we all in the same boat. doing our best and there's usually a few strong souls around to 'talk' to if we're havin a weak moment!
                        Talk later, am getting my tissues ready for repo man?
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hey Molls-don't forget you are one of those strong souls girl!!

                          Hey everyone!! :welcome: to our Newbies: Johnny, Cruise, DFL!! hope I didn't leave anyone out!!

                          It's a beautiful morning here now that Earl has passed through. Truth be told he was a bit of a dud which is OK!!

                          Busy day today so Fennel, when you get a minnie, could I have a DC please? An egg/veggie burrito would probably be a good thing and hold me until lunch.

                          Have a great day everyone and Newbies, please tell us your stories!!

                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!


                            Newbies Nest

                            I'm feeling a little chirpier these days alright, Molly, after my mini-meltdown during the week I've been taking Rhodiola, this plant extract that people were talking about here, and I'm starting to think there's something in it alright. I've also finally started taking my l-glut regularly. Still eating chocolate, but I have a PLAN now:


                            1. Start taking L-Glut 3 times a day, as suggested.
                            2. Keep eating chocolate.
                            3. Pray that L-Glut will work and will wake up one morning in the (near-ish*) future
                            with no desire for chocolate or other sugary substances.

                            * Don't want it to happen too soon, as I do love chocolate and would miss it a lot if it were gone. And am planning on buying a Cadbury's Turkish Delight (not the little one) later when I go to the shops as it is a rainy day and therefore must drink lots of tea and eat chocolate whilst wearing tracksuit
                            AF since 13th July 2010
                            NF since 5th July 2010


                              Newbies Nest

                              That's a brillo plan girl! By the way you are the only other person on the planet that I know that likes Cadbury's Turkish Delight! Did you try the biccies of it? They're gorgeous and the men hate them so they last in the fridge!!
                              Hi papser, haven't been talkin to you for a while, how you doing - you sound good?
                              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                                Newbies Nest

                                oops, forgot to mention - I googled Repo Man, and it didn't get an altogether bad review, although it's a bit blokey... when in these situations, I try to resign myself to the film and get through it by deciding which actor would be my "if you had to pick one of these actors to be stranded on a desert island with, who would it be?" question. I find it helps
                                What are ya cooking for the Sunday dinner? I got a tip for roasting potatos a while back, and it works a treat (although I'm sure you already have a lovely way and family would be horrified if you changed it!) - you mix half and half butter and olive oil in a pan over a low heat. Par boil the spuds for about 4 mins - no longer (I usually cut them in half first). Coat the spuds in the oil and butter, and throw in the oven.

                                Hi papmom - glad Earl turned out to be a bit of a wimp Babysteps, hope your day goes well and you pick up a bit of energy x Hi to everyone else here too!
                                AF since 13th July 2010
                                NF since 5th July 2010

