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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi All!! Been lurking for a couple of days but yu've all been in my thoughts!
    Welcome Disgruntled!! Settle in here-you'll be safe and protected.
    Welcome back K9!! pull on a velcro suit if ya need it!!
    Nora-you too-velcro all the way, K?
    Molls-I sure hope your headaches go away soon!! I too have been getting small headaches in the morning when I get up-reminicent of hangover headaches and yet I haven't touched a drop in over 4 months!! They do go away with food and caffiene so i'm hoping it's all related to my new lower carb diet the nutritionist put me on.
    Coco-CONGRATS on your 21 days!! that is an awesome stretch! I sure hope you can keep it up. it does get easier after that first month!!
    Neart-so interesting about the soccer clinics for soon to be coaches. I hope this all works out for you!!
    HR-we haven't deserted you!! If you ever feel lonely, hop into chat. There is always someone there and the conversations are awesome!!
    Hi Enja-Congrates on the 4 lbs lost and welcome! I too have been diagnosed with pre diabetes type 2. No meds for me yet tho and I actually put ON weight when I quit the AL. Go figure!! Low carbs for me right now. We'll see what the nutritionist says on the 29th. I also have high BP so this weight has got to go!!
    Nora-good luck with the car!! My "new" outback that I got in July just broke! Actually it was the hydraulic rod that lifts the hatch up and brings it down. I think it was rusted when I bought it and it finally broke so look at that carefully when you see the car. Make sure you get some kind of warranty. Mine was 60 days and of course it broke one day after the warranty expired. I'm taking it back to the dealer tomorrow. We'll see if he does the right thing and covers it.
    Lots of agility lately. We did OK this weekend at Teacup agility (for dogs under 17" in height-not balancing teacups on their heads while running the course as Mr. G suggested :H). Got 3 firsts and one Q (qualified) so not bad for the first time with this organization. Regular agility trial both days this weekend but I'm very concerned I won't have a car to go to it. I can't use it the way it is so it has to be fixed ASAP. We'll see. Fingers crossed.
    Well, it's very late and I really want to read at least one chapter so off I go. See you all in the morning!!

    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      Newbies Nest

      So glad the nest is full again it was a little empty and was so worried some twigs were going to fall out!! It is more the right side of my jaw too. But will find out for sure Tues .Mon. is over and so glad, but had to trade shifts so I'll work till 11:30pm and than wake up for am shift. But that will be Wed. night when I am done, cool. Hope eveyrthing everyone has made a goal goes easy tomorrow. That wasn't soccer talk but Af talk, but if you have a soccer game thats okay too.
      P.s. i just reread this and could hardly read my own thoughts sorry nesters, my mind seems to get ahead of my typing!


        Newbies Nest

        Morning Hardroad, threads seem to ebb and flow round here -the nest in particular, just hang around ( I do anyway) and folks seem to fly back like PAPS!!! Great to hear you girl - was getting worried bout you! Doggies doing great - thats brill, hope you get the car fixed.
        9AM now so must shoot out to work, will be back later.
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Newbies Nest


          Good Morning all nesters,
          Well, that's one full monday and NO ALCOHOL!!! Seriously tempted at one point, but got through it!! So, one day down, and on to today. Feeling really good this mornin. Gonna get stuck into painting the kitchen, needs finishing off. Will keep my mind distracted as I wait to hear about this day job that i've applied for. :fingers:
          Talk to ye all soon, and thanks.:thanks:


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning pals!

            I think I have finally "clicked" - Day 22. I'm not even thinking about (insert bad word) anymore.

            Nora - I bought my car on eBay Motors (don't mention this on the eBay thread - the piano was bad enough!!) and it's been fine!

            Fennel - I'm off fish. Greek yogurt and granola please. Thanks so much!

            Sunni - where are you?

            Hey there Mama, Neart, Molly, Hardroad, Cooper, Pap and everyone else who pops in!

            K9 - still with us, dahling?

            OK all, toodles for now - and remember, if you're not having fun you aren't doing it right!

            :h Coco


              Newbies Nest

              Hi everyone! Hope your Tuesdays are going well? Grand here, all quiet in limbo land. I find it hard to relax and do nothing guilt free but then I was thinking that if I do get a job soon, I'll be wishing I'd enjoyed my free time more! So need to learn to relax Of course, all the talk of the Irish economy going into free fall and lots of people around who like to say we're doomed doesn't help much! Must get back to yoga and meditation for the calmness.

              Cooper - way to go, that's great And Coco - you go, girl! Fair play to ya :goodjob:

              Nora, hope the car works out. Pap, hope yours gets fixed up in time? I bought my car last year, my brother looked it over and we figured for the 600 euros it was costing, it was grand. I should have known, as there was a trail of oil started not long after driving away. Got home, I went out to lock it (manually - tis a '96 car) and when I went to take the key out of the door, the whole lock came out too!! Oh, and the top part of the gear stick snapped off in my hand while driving one day (bit of v strong glue sorted it). Surprisingly, it's going ok 10 months later, mainly because my brother's idea of a fun saturday is spent under the bonnet of an old car fixing it up!

              Off into town to get a new power cord for a keyboard we have at home - I used to play piano and have a hankering to get back to it. Molly, hope you survive the shticks for the day

              Have a great day all, neart x
              AF since 13th July 2010
              NF since 5th July 2010


                Newbies Nest

                (Yawn)....Morning, nestlings. Neart, here's a chai latte for you, unless you're feeling wild again like you were the other day! Coco, Greek yogurt? Fancy! Coming right up! Also, diet coke, coffee (decaf and regular), water, and tea. Toast, marmite toast, eggs and a vegetarian breakfast burrito are on the menu as well.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks Fen! Yeah, I was really living life on the edge there
                  AF since 13th July 2010
                  NF since 5th July 2010


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning everyone on the nest this September 14th! I haven't been totally abstinent but have not gone overboard. My trigger is caffiene jitters and once again had a glass to calm me down. I did manage to moderate and have not been hung over in days!!! But I did make an appointment with the certified hypnotherapist - coming home for 14 years to a glass of wine is a rut! And she seemed quite "there" when I told her about MWO and hypnotherapy.
                    It is amazing though to come home and want to repot my mums for the fall, clean out the summer pots and freshen things up. I used to just come home and drown my sorrows.
                    Hope everyone has a good day AF!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning everyone!!! I loved all the car stories. :H

                      I will take the veggie burrito and diet coke please.

                      I have added something to my velcro suit. I just wasted 10 minutes trying to get a picture of it. I saw it on Ellen once. Anyway, it's a big rubberband tied around me. So, even if I manage to unvelcro myself, the rubberband will spring me back. :H I've got everything covered now.

                      Have a wonderful day everyone.
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        Newbies Nest

                        NoraC;959031 wrote: Morning everyone!!! I loved all the car stories. :H

                        I will take the veggie burrito and diet coke please.

                        I have added something to my velcro suit. I just wasted 10 minutes trying to get a picture of it. I saw it on Ellen once. Anyway, it's a big rubberband tied around me. So, even if I manage to unvelcro myself, the rubberband will spring me back. :H I've got everything covered now.

                        Have a wonderful day everyone.
                        Or we could make you a chain mail suit and weld you to the nest? IDK, the bungee cord just sounds so UNSAFE.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Coco-Nut;959043 wrote: Or we could make you a chain mail suit and weld you to the nest? IDK, the bungee cord just sounds so UNSAFE.
                          :H:H:H:H:H I was trying to add some excitement to my life.
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Newbies Nest

                            How'ryouse all! Got over my day out the country jeez they are different to towny folks! Neart - what stage did you get to with the piano? Daughter and I did our Diplomas in RIAM, she just a few years ago mine back in the day. She is actually teaching it over in Toronto at the mo. Personally, I haven't touched the damn thing for years. I CAN'T blame everything on drink but I did sort of loose interest in everything.......including piano I suppose, when I was sending Girlie over her music books I found my grade books and can remember how they all sounded! Maybe I'll have a go as well.
                            Nora, you sound lively any news on the car yet? Hey Coco Fennel Mere - will check in again later
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Newbies Nest

                              NoraC;959049 wrote: :H:H:H:H:H I was trying to add some excitement to my life.

                              Now, Nora...depending upon how much "welding" experience Coco has, being welded into the nest by her could be very
                              exciting! Coco, I'll be certain to bring some lidocaine during this project, just in case Nora sustains a few painful burns...


                                Newbies Nest

                                mollyka;959159 wrote: How'ryouse all! Got over my day out the country jeez they are different to towny folks! Neart - what stage did you get to with the piano? Daughter and I did our Diplomas in RIAM, she just a few years ago mine back in the day. She is actually teaching it over in Toronto at the mo. Personally, I haven't touched the damn thing for years. I CAN'T blame everything on drink but I did sort of loose interest in everything.......including piano I suppose, when I was sending Girlie over her music books I found my grade books and can remember how they all sounded! Maybe I'll have a go as well.
                                Nora, you sound lively any news on the car yet? Hey Coco Fennel Mere - will check in again later
                                Molly, give the piano a go, again...we could use some entertainment while Nora is being welded into the nest! :H

