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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    HI peeps,
    Thanx for the warm welcome so far. Big alky with no urge of quiting, just cutting back...A LOT. Im a sommelier from the united states. As much as I do have my problems I have worked through previous addictions and from a guy that did an 8 ball or 2 a day a few years ago addiction is something I understand so I hope to find some help and help others.

    Much Love
    Say, Mr. Fields, I read in the paper where you consumed two quarts of liquor a day. What would your father think about that?
    WC: He'd think I was a sissy.


      Newbies Nest


      Hi All

      Hurrah it's the weekend. Over a week AF for me now. Feeling really GREAT! Have had a test yesterday and an exam today and it's Friday, all of which are good reasons to drink no? But not any more. Just don't want it and that feels amazing too. Have stocked up on some different soft drinks and got some fun plans for the weekend that I know I'll enjoy more sober/unhung.

      My big goal this year is to run a half marathon. I have never done one before but a friend who has is training me. We have found one in late May so that's what I'm working towards. Very excited that being AF is going to allow me to really train properly and get fit and healthy and that in itself is going to be a huge boost to my self confidence. I have also got back into creating things this week which has fed a much neglected part of my soul. I need that break from studying to use my hands and I get so much pleasure from making things that I can give to other people. Everything is on the up!

      I'll keep you posted on my progress.
      Have a great weekend all.


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning fledglings and Happy Saturday!

        Hope you are all enjoying a beautiful, hangover-free weekend
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning all! Happy Saturday morning!

          Thanks Sunshine, I do plan to have a happy hangover free weekend!

          Bean, good job on getting a fitness goal underway! You're going to feel so great training for that without AL!!

          I'm so happy to be through Friday night. I don't know what came over me yesterday, but I think I had the strongest cravings I've had on my whole journey since the end of November! I have racked up close to 40 AF days since then, but for some reason last night I really got hit with the cravings. I used all the tools in the toolkit and tried to think about why I was feeling that way etc. and at the end just really ignored them and kept going on about my evening and by bedtime they were gone.

          Today I feel great and a little stronger that a strong craving doesn't mean I have to give into it.

          Have a great AF weekend all!


            Newbies Nest

            Good Saturday morning Nesters!

            It is cold & snowy in my end of the nest today - oh well, it is winter!

            Welcome back Jolie, so glad to see you again! Wishing you the very best

            Welcome PW! You certainly are going to need a solid plan considering you work around wine all day. Be sure to look in the Tool Box for ideas.

            mylife, congrats for waiting out the craving - you are doing very well! Approaching 40 AF days is awesome!

            OK, I needed to getting moving, have lots to do today.
            Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Saturday.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Thanks Lav. Just to be clear, I had a number of AF days before Christmas and then blew it by drinking during the Christmas Holidays, I'm back on now and am on my 12th consecutive AF day again. Just about 40 in total since I quit at the end of November. Want to keep it honest!


                Newbies Nest

                Hi everyone cold and windy here on this west cost (Ireland) good job last night ML friday nights can be a bitch
                AF 5/jan/2011


                  Newbies Nest

                  ML - The fact that you had the strongest cravings yet and somehow got through them is very inspirational. I find that so hard myself.
                  PW - I've often wondered how people who work in the alcohol industry can do their jobs and not develop a problem with alcohol? I guess that is just my alcoholic way of thinking. If the AL is there, by God, I'm drinking it all. I'd probably be fired quickly!

                  Everyone have a lovely sober weekend. My husband and I are going for a sushi dinner tonight and out to see the movie Black Swan. I am going to enjoy watching a movie clear headed. Last movie I watched was Inception. Try understanding that one after a few AL beverages.:H


                    Newbies Nest

                    Passing out in films

                    Ha Ha New Girl - I had exactly the same problem with Inception!! Actually fell asleep about 20 mins into it. My ex and I were at the video store last night browsing the shelves. He kept saying; .".....and you slept through that one.....and that one......and that one...". Made me laugh though it's not really funny since I did that because of Al.

                    Congrats ML on getting through those cravings. Friday nights are a tough one. I had a slight craving just because it was Friday night. Old habits die hard. But stayed off the the grog and the feeling I have to wake up this morning, clear headed and happy and able to enjoy the beautiful clear sunny day is SO SO worth it.

                    Lav, Sunny, Madmans....anyone else posting on here (hard to keep up with all the names) - wishing you a great weekend and enjoy being able to get the most out of each day.



                      Newbies Nest

                      Good afternon all! Just popping in to "check in"!

                      I have to say I feel much better today after finally getting in a good nights sleep. It's also gorgeous weather out, so I'm sure that's adding to my general good mood! (And, of course the lack of alcohol!)

                      Bean/New, I can so relate. I don't think I've stayed awake through a movie in years. It was to the point that when the movie started, and I would start to put my head down on my hubby's shoulder or something he would say "You're falling asleep already!!" Now, I'm awake and alert. What a difference.


                        Newbies Nest

                        I used to use a good movie "on" for an excuse to drink, now there is loads of movies i think i have seen but have'nt really
                        AF 5/jan/2011


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi everyone! Mads, looking as gorgeous as always, that beer belly is a right turn-n for all the nestling chics! :H (glad you are doing well pal )

                          I watched Inception on Christmas Day, and I loved it! But you couldn't let your concentration dip for a second, so it actually kept me sober (well, for two and a half hours anyway!):H

                          Lovely to see the Nest thriving, night all xxxxxxxxx


                            Newbies Nest

                            Happy sober Saturday everyone!

                            Lav - thanks for your kind words - every time I come back you are here offering encouragement and wisdom. Means a lot.

                            Madmans - I can totally relate about the movie thing - my hubby will say oh we've already seen that movie I will argue with him that we haven't until I realize that I was most likely to sloshed to remember it.

                            My life - the older I get, the more important sleep seems to be. Alcohol-induced sleep sucks. No problem getting to sleep but oh when 3:30 a.m. rolls around, wide awake with all the guilt rolling in on me. First couple of nights AF were tough getting to sleep but even lack of sleep didn't stop me from feeling great about waking up without the guilt. Love that feeling!

                            Hope everyone has a peaceful night!
                            Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi everyone ( to many for me to list ,i know i am lazy ) bright start here cold but nice big game on here today FA cup Liverpool v Man U many days has been lost when them two teams meet but not today. Jolie to wake up fresh ..... priceless
                              AF 5/jan/2011


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning guys!

                                I'm up bright and early as I had my 6-year old nephew over for the night. 5:30 a.m. and he was ready to go!! My sister owes me one, but on the positive side, even 5:30 feels okay when you haven't been drinking.

                                I'm off to make an espresso. Have a great AF day all!

