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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi everyone hope we are all doing well, busy here these days for a change. Joile i finished that book by Allen Carr , it was a bit of a hard read , sometimes having to reread bits to make sure it sank in , but a good book . It will make you look at drink different , i now look at drink in a new light so have an open mind and read it, some long termers credit it for their AF time and thats good enough for me
    AF 5/jan/2011


      Newbies Nest

      Good evening everyone!

      Lav - wow - you got way more than we did - I'd say we got 9" at the most. Only lost power for about 2 hours but everyone around us lost theirs for much longer. Funny how we take electricity for granted until we don't have it - heh?

      MM - thanks for remembering that I was interetsed in the book. I'm definitely going to look for it next time I'm in the bookstore.

      Flossie - lol we could be twins. Same thoughts I had each day including how to mix up the liquor stores so they didn't get too used to me. I still catch myself holding my breath sometimes when I get close to hubby or daughter - simply forgot that the ol "wine breath" just isn't there! Kind of pathetic now to think about that stuff. Guess it's a good thing the grocery stores around here don't sell it - that would have been just way too easy.

      Bean - I too have given myself little rewards for going AF. Manicures, clothes shopping - figure I'm saving a decent amount of money by not spending it on wine every week. Your plan is a good one and I think we all need to do something nice for ourselves - THIS IS HARD and we deserve it!

      Mauri - hope you can kick those mixed feelings about AL in the butt! Day 25 for me today and I aint gonna lie - had a bad urge today after getting home from work. Poured myself a fresca in a goblet and the urge went away. Wine never could quench my thirst anyway.

      Hello to Mylife, dancingon, neworleansgal, Blondie, and anyone I've missed - HOW FREAKING proud are we every day we decide not to have that drink!
      Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Nesters!

        Well, I'm on day 20 and it's been wonderful! I actually forgot about it until about an hour all day long I didn't even think about how many days I have been sober...I guess that is a good thing, but I was all smiles when the lightbulb finally went on and realized I was well into day 20 already! Jolie, I am very "FREAKING" proud everyday I do not drink! I am a whole new me, play me, spiritual me...everything has changed and it has for the better in so many ways.

        Bean...I too treat myself weekly with AF treats as a reward for staying sober. I think the massage is a wonderful idea. Contratulations on your 30 days! In ten days, that will be me! You are an inspiration!

        Lav and everyone in snow country...I am there with you. Lots more snow today and luckily it was my day off so I didn't have to go anywhere. Then it got very sunny and pretty here in the later part of the afternoon, so I took doggie for a spin around the block. The sunset tonight was breathtaking...that's one thing about winter I love, the vivid sunsets. Well, there are many things I love, but that's certainly one of them. Trying to stay positive here and the wheel turns toward Spring! I am noticing more and more daylight too...that is promising!

        I keep talking about this but here I am the night before DH's 39th birthday...tomorrow night will be my first social event with family that I am the only one NOT drinking. It will be interesting to say the least. Please say prayers for me. Although I am committed to staying AF, I still need the support in facing my family sober! Wish me luck!

        Mauri-You crack me up...screw tops on the wine bottles, not corks...yes, I have been there too! One of the reasons I switched to box wine was so I didn't have as many bottles in the recycling, which for us, is once a week. Hubby still has his beer bottles but they are getting less and less, so it's not too bad now. Before I switched to the box wine, I had so many red wine bottles, it was so embarrassing. I used to take the recycling out to the curb after dark and luckily they come first thing in the morning. But you could here all of the glass smash into the truck...ugh. Don't miss those days!

        Oh, I was in the mood to play some scratch tickets (lottery tickets) the other day...I'm not a gambler...I just get the one dollar ones once in a while and play my luck. If you don't play, you don't win, right? Well, the only place near to me that sells them is the liquor store. So, I marched right in and passed my familiar aisle of wine over to the lottery counter and bought my tickets and left. I didn't win anything, but the triumph was really being able to walk into the "candy" store and not buy any wine! I didn't even want to.

        Jolie, congrats on day 25 (feeling alive?, that was leftover rhymes!), and for kicking the urge to drink. I sometimes drink my selzter out of a wine goblet and it makes me feel better.

        Well, off to have some herbal tea now. Getting my blood tested tomorrow morning for my abnormal liver results in my last blood work (several months ago I might add. I have had an open req for another test, but they said I shouldn't drink or take pain killers for a week...sadly, I couldn't pull the not drinking for a week off until now, and now it has been almost 3 weeks AF, yaaahooo)! I waited until I had given my liver a good couple of weeks without AL before I had it retested as last time it showed that I was "slightly" swollen. Fingers crossed that I will have a good test this time. I had a cup of liver detox tea and popped a milk thistle capsule after dinner, so I'm doing all the right things. Oh, and not drinking!

        I'm about to head into a busy couple of days, so I'll wish you all a wonderful weekend in case I don't get to post too much over the next few days with work and hubby's birthday.


        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



          Newbies Nest

          Hello everyone, I hope you are well.

          Madmans, I have not read that book, it sounds like you got some good from it. Are there any many concepts or ideas that you could share with us?

          Keep up the great work everyone,
          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


            Newbies Nest

            Again, I have to say how I admire all of you and the challenges you face. I feel like my challenge is less daunting, but i will see how much difficulty I do have with it this weekend. I think I have used al mostly in my life in relationships, to avoid being myself, to avoid being honest, to avoid intimacy. I am just beginning to ask questions about this now. I really do not drink in most other situations. I've been divorced 6 years, and now I'm remembering the role al played in our drastic attempts to connect. Now, I think I hide behind it. I am really afraid of being in a relationship.

            anyway, sorry, this is so long. It's just that all this is occurring to me only now after reading posts, etc.

            Happy weekend everyone, I'll let you know how it goes!


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning all,

              Blondie hope your OH's birthday celebrations are great and sending you loads of positive AF vibes (although I am sure you won't need them)

              Jolie well done on resisting temptation - what is fresca?

              New Orleans you can do this, keep strong

              Man it must be really cold where a lot of you live, we hadd around 6 inches of snow a few weeks back and it was FREEZING! I can't stand the cold I have Raynauds Syndrome which affects my hands and it is soooo painful, I really need to move to warmer climes!

              Well I am on Day 5 today, I felt very wobbly yesterday but feeling strong and determined again this morning, please send me all your positive vibes as I will need them to get through today and the rest of the weekend AF
              Taking it ODAT


                Newbies Nest


                Fresca is a calorie-free soda that has a citrus taste but is very bubbly. Love it. Sending you positive thoughts that you will find the strength deep down to resist temptation. Believe me - I know it's hard but after the initial urge hits and you successfuly squelch (?) it, you will be fine. Keep busy, busy, busy! You are doing a great job Mauri!

                Neworleansgal - hope your weekend goes well. Looks like you've been doing a lot of soul searching and this is the place to pour your feelings out - for me it's been very helpful. Please let us know how your weekend goes!

                Hill - glad you popped in here! I really enjoy your thoughts and advice.

                Blondie - you may not get to read this before the big birthday celebration, but please know I'm going to be thinking of you tonight. You can do it! Here is a hug to help you through :l

                Lav, madmans, everyone else who flies in today - hope everyone has a great Friday!
                Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi everyone doing good here . Hill you could have heard about this book before it " easy way to control drinking " From Allen Carr , its hard to give any tips from the book, you have to take the book as a whole . His " method removers the feeling of deprivation and works without using willpower " to use a direct quote , its too soon for me to give any real long term feed back on it but it has changed the way i look at alcohol , but this last few weeks has being the best i have felt in about 15 years just like i felt before i started to drink heavy, no craving even when my biggest triggers have happened. now i am not saying this book is a cure but as the days roll on i cant fault it
                  AF 5/jan/2011


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning Nesters!

                    Flying in but slow today - exhausted afte dealing with the major snowstorm yesterday!

                    neworleansgal, I understand using AL to hide your feelings - that is exactly what I did for way too long. I was very surprsed at the strength I had to deal with my personal problems when my head finally cleared, I don't regret losing AL in my life

                    Blondie - congrats on your 21 AF Days! Aweseome isb't it??

                    Jolie, the power came back on around 7 pm last night & stayed on, thankfully! I'm thinking I'm getting a little too old for this nonsense. I dreamt of a condo in Florida last night

                    Greetings Hill, MM, Bean, Maurit & everyone. Hope you have a fabulous AF Friday everyone!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      I am going to try day one today. Please tell me I can do it. I have to stop my blood pressure is high, and I start to sweat when I haven't had wine. I interviewed for a job on Wednesday and I looked like hell. Started sweating, so embarressing. Anyway, if I get this job I will need to be AF for good. And my daughter who is studying in south africa is hoping to come home to a new me in June and I already blew one week. And if I continue to drink it'll be no time before it's two weeks away and too late to make changes. So I am having some withdraw symptons, anxiety, sweating, shaking a little. I have been AF 13.5 hrs. I pray I can do this. If I can make it to bedtime I have trazadone to help me sleep.

                      ETA: I also have no appetite.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hang in there Piper. Is there anyone you can call to help you through the next day or two? A friend, or someone from AA? It's hard at first but lots of other people have successfully stopped drinking and so can you. I know you can do it! Stay hydrated, drink lots of water with lemon.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Piper,

                          It`s Flossie, we have spoken before so I know what an effort you have been making.
                          You have done those 13 hours so hang in there you are doing so well and you can make it through I know you can and you will feel so much better tomorrow believe me.
                          I have thrown in the towel and you know how difficult it was for me so please come and join me and all these other lovely people in the nest we will lead you through this awful time just trust us.
                          Flo x
                          Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.


                            Newbies Nest

                            We all started with Day 1

                            Piper, My heart goes out to you. Day 1 is hard and there's no sugar coating it. I'm on day 9. I've been coming here about a year. And at times, I've been so discouraged, disappointed and and scared. But when I look back at my posts from a year ago, I am miles ahead of where I was then. Now my liver readings are high, more incentive than ever to get my act together. I'd come on here and feel jealous that everyone else had more days than I did, but it was my own doing (or undoing). Now I have 9 big days and it's becoming easier every day. I wouldn't worry so much about the appetite, just stay hydrated!! I, on the other hand, am eating everything in sight! Keep yourself distracted at all costs....after all, let's face it, we're in the fight of our lives here. Don't give in....don't give in. If I can do it, YOU can do it. The stories I could tell....we are all here for you. Tomorrow, this time, you'll be posting that you did it, and feeling all puffed up that you did it, and you'll have a right to be proud of yourself. We are ALL pulling for you.
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters!

                              Received another inch of snow today although I certainly didn't need it - and it's cold!

                              Welcome piper! Glad you are here with us
                              Do yourself a big favor & read the MWO book if you haven't already. It's full of good info & you can download it right from the Health store here. Also look in the for ideas to help you make your plan. Set yourself up for success, you don't have to white-knucle your way through alone. Drinks lots of water, tea, etc. to stay well hydrated. You can get through this & succeed, stay close to the thread & let us know how you are doing.

                              Good going on your 9 AF days byrdlady
                              Greetings to Flossie, mylife & everyone!
                              Have a great evening.

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning everyone, I hope you are doing well.

                                Piper, you can do it. We are here for you. Read and write lots in here. For all of us, this is a battle. It is not easy, but it can be done.

                                I hope that you all have a nice weekend.
                                Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

