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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Just dropping in to say hi.... Day 4 almost under the belt. Hope you all have had a great day..


      Newbies Nest

      Lavande, thanks for the wonderful advice. I will check in here tonight and keep reading old posts for inspiration.

      Shiner, well done on 4 days!! :goodjob:


        Newbies Nest

        Good evening everyone! I hope everyone had a nice Saturday! Ozigal don't be hard on yourself, like leaveinsilence said you are in the right place, I only have 4 days so in essence we can do this together. Everyone here is sooo supportive and if you want we can egg each other on! Mama I never could moderate, it had to be a bottle of wine each night, or I felt deprived (how silly is that)? I am much happier not having any at all so I don't have to worry if I am going to get enough. Also It is so darn freeing to be able to drive after 6:00pm. I just got back from picking a friend up at the airport and it is 9:30! I could not have done that last week!

        Congratulations on day 14 Wine!!!

        Hope everyone has a wonderful AF night I am looking forward to day 5 tomorrow!


          Newbies Nest

          Hello everyone, first to say how sad it is to hear about the tradgety in Japan. Great to see newcomers welcome,this is a very helpful supportive nest. I was here for a week, fell out of the nest now back. I went on holidays and blew it only one day AF in the last ten, when my goal was only to drink in moderation for the three days away. So back to day one. I was not going to post until I had a few AF days, but posting helps and maybe it helps others. I am dissapointed in me, to go AF as I did was awesome and hard at times, and we have to do it when we can because sometimes its like we have the right moment /time to do it other times we don't.So lets go for it.


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters!

            Glad you're back maali! Fasten your nest belt & keep you eyes on your goal now, OK?

            Mema, you are already experiencing the freedom going AF just after 4 days - good for you!!!!
            It just keeps getting better & better

            Greetings Shiner, Ozigal & all Nesters!
            Hope everyone has a wonderful AF Sunday in the Nest!

            btw - you can light a candle for those affected by the earthquake in Japan - there's a thread in the General section.

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Morning Nesters, haven't been here in ages - used to be my 2nd home, my lifesaving! Just had a thought that I thought might be of interest here. I'm having a really blue day - absolutely no reason, just blue. Back in the day the bottle would have 'solved' all that - yeah right - project forward to me unconscious on the couch when hubs and son come in for dinner and nothing cooked and house a mess and everyone cross for weeks - point I'm trying to make is, it's ok to have a blue day - everyone has them, little bit of pandering or just plain wallowing and life lifts up and we can march on to another lovely sober day tomorrow!
              Hope you are all having a lovely sober sunday
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning all. Getting ready to go to the gym. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
                I honestly thank you all. You are what is getting me through this.
                Wish I could type more but it is so hard on my phone.
                I will check in later.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good Morning fellow nesters! I don't mean to complain, because I really do feel so much better, but what is it with the no sleeping? I toss and turn all night and maybe get a few hours towards dawn. Not a reason to start drinking again, but jeeze..I really do love a good night's sleep!

                  Well I have been putting it off but I simply must clean the old nest today and do some loads of laundry.

                  Thanks for all you support, I really could not do this with out all of you. It helps so much to read of others' struggles and successes. We are all in this together and it seems to make us individually stronger because so many of us are pulling for the same goal!

                  ox Mema


                    Newbies Nest

                    Mornin nesters!

                    To all who have stumbled or fallen out of the nest, welcome back and settle in. It's so darn comfy here!

                    Molly - great to see you here! Thanks for your words of wisdom - so true that it's easy to fall back into the rut when things aren't going well.

                    Mema - I can totally sympathize with you! All I can say is that for me it did get better.
                    60+ days and I am truly having some of the best sleep I think I've ever had. Hang in there friend!

                    Hubby and I got up (amazingly) on time for church at 8:00. Getting ready to start some baking for a friend who just had surgery, then hopefully taking a much need walk this evening. Hope everyone has a safe-sober-Sunday!
                    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Nesters! Jolie good on you getting up early and making the most of your Sunday

                      After all that energy I had yesterday I have been laid low since last night with the sudden onset of a really bad cold. Coughing, sneezing and aching bones. I haven't been able to much at all today. Husband has been very attentive, so attentive in fact that he brought a bottle of brandy back on his way home from the football to make me a toddie! I told him I'd rather have some soup thanks, but I know it is in the house now and I can't get rid of it. And I have to tell you, the way I am feeling right now it would be so easy to give in.

                      I haven't been entirely honest with him about the extent of my drinking, he doesn't think I have a problem, just that 'I like a drink'. In fact, no one does and everyone I have spoken to today including my mother, daughter, sister and niece have all recommended a toddie or two and an early night!

                      Now the fecking brandy is in the house laughing at me, and the only way I can get rid of it is to come clean to hubby that I am worried about my drinking and trying to stay off it, and ask him to get rid of it.

                      He is not a big drinker and hasn't even noticed my sobriety, that tells you all how good I have been at hiding it. I planned to tell him anyway, eventually, but I wanted to see how I got on first.

                      Sorry for the rant, it is such a relief to have this place. Don't worry about me, my defences are down a little, but I am pulling on everything I have learned over the last 6 weeks and I won't give in.

                      I am off to have a nice hot bath and then will talk to the husband. I am just so afraid to tell him the truth, I don't want him to be disappointed in me.

                      I hope you are all enjoying a super, sober and stress free Sunday!


                        Newbies Nest

                        VG my heart goes out to you. I'm hoping you can just leave that brandy in the cupboard - soup will help your body heal so much better than the temporary relief of alcohol. If you've tried to tell him about your drinking problem and he dismisses it, and if you decide to have the heart to heart with him, do you really think he would be disappointed or do you think he will be supportive and appreciate the fact that you are trying to be totally honest with him? My situation is similar, however, my husband doesn't drink that much - only social occasions and would never bring me home anything to drink. He has no idea the extent of how much wine I used to drink every night. Personally I'm hoping he never has to know but in your situation, you have to do what's best for you.

                        Hugs to you and hoping you feel better soon!
                        Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                          Newbies Nest

                          I can sympathise VG. It's a tricky one, but if having alcohol in the house is going to be a problem for you, it is sensible to tell him that you want to stay away from it.
                          Hope it goes well.


                            Newbies Nest

                            VG I am pulling for you. I hope it goes well for you. How nice that your family is gathering around you to suggest a hot toddie or two hoping that will make you feel better, and if you did drink like a "normal" person it would. Considering the love and support they are extending to you do you truly think if you told them you don't want to drink anymore anyone would be disappointed? I don't have a husband (anymore) so God knows I'd never offer advise on that but your family and extended family sounded so supportive I was just thinking that their support would continue no matter your choice.

                            Best of luck!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good evening Nesters,

                              Ended up having a pretty nice day afterall

                              Vintage girl, I hope you feel better soon! I told my husband to keep his beer & Irish whiskey OUT of the house when I first went AF ~ just didn't want the temptation there especially after I made a big deal of dumping the last of my wine down the drain. Don't be afraid to do whatever you have to do to protect your quit! No one Needs brandy for cold symptoms, right? Just take good care of yourself

                              Mema, good to see you too, how's things?

                              I hope everyone has had a great AF weekend too & a good night in the Nest!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi nesters, I am back again, sick of this neverending cycle but gotta keep trying... Hope everyone is well?
                                Taking it ODAT

