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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest


    What got you after 44 days? Peer pressure? I am wondering what triggered it....I want to know if that pops up how I might handle it....I'm afriad I'll be like on tv, when someone blows it, they get stinkin drunk, not just a simple drink. How'd I get myself into this mess???
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Morning... Well I did my first spinning class this morning at 5:30.. And let me say.. you have to have padded shorts... Ouch.... But I liked it and will go back. Also I have a funny.... Well not only am I AF on day 8.. but I'm CF day 3... That is cheese free. Me and my friend decided we were going to go 30 days cheese free. Please understand.. I love cheese... put it on everything. Well...last night, I had my first cheese dream. You know like the al dreams after you have gone af... I had a dream that I was eating nachos and before I knew it I had all this cheese in my mouth and my friend was giving me the evil eye... I thought that was so funny... I feel really good today.. I hope you all have a great day... Mema... I'm there with you sista... Day 8 yay... Later... Shiner


        Newbies Nest

        In Chains..

        This is the right place for me. I started seeking help over a year ago and came here. I wish I could show you like on the Scrooge movie...The Ghosts of Christmas' Past, Present and Future! I can give you a couple scenes from the past. You are in an ideal place to start...OR you can wait until you hit rock bottom. That was fun, being pointed out in a room full of 300 coworkers as the most likely not to show up for the morning meeting. Or sitting across from your spouse who has his clothes packed and saying goodbye. You can wait until your doctor tells you your liver functions look a little suspicious. I tried to moderate for over a year. I found that my whole day was run by 'when am I going to get that dam glass of wine?' Then one was never enough....neither was 2. I wasn't happy until I was smashed. That's why I drink. I'm at 56 days today, and I hope and pray that I have lived my last day being controlled by a drink. I hardly think about it now...when I do I change the subject!! I haven't been over on the moderating side of this site lately...but I bet if you had the time and patience, you'd see that most of them end up over here....if you think you have a problem with AL, you do. I went to the moderating site because that's where they told me what I wanted to hear...that I could do it. Sorry to say, I cannot...
        When I came over here, I felt inadaquate that I couldn't seem to rack up even 3 days in a row. I was jealous over the people who had 30 days....a real milestone, I might add.
        But I finally did it, and then there were people after me with fewer days that I hope I helped... the long and short of it....try 30 days AL free....if it's no big deal, you're prolly ok....if it's monumental....well, pull up a twig. Just my thoughts on having wasted a year. Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Byrdlady.. Great post... I was just telling my friend this morning.. That one is too many and 12 isn't enough. My goal is 30 days and I hope that I can continue on AF. Because I can't moderate. Knowing that.. I should know that I should stay AF. But it is one day at a time. Thanks for your post..


            Newbies Nest

            Great post Byrd! I can't moderate either it's a bottle of wine or nothing at all! also I totally get the waiting all day until it's 5:00 or 6:00. Seems like such a waste of a day! Congratulations on 56 days!!! Wow, I hope i get there! I signed up for 40 days (Lent). I am hoping that I am not thinking about drinking by that point and then I'll sign up for 40 more!

            Shiner..what kind of cheese is it that you like? There is a triple creme blue cheese that I have to stay away from because I'll eat the whole wedge..Oh gee and so many others, this is making me hungry..time for a smoothie!


              Newbies Nest

              Mema... If it has the word cheese in it... I want it... That is why this is kinda funny. I eat cheese on everything. So does my friend.. She is trying to lose weight for a cruise and I'm trying to lose weight for a trip... So we thought we'd give up cheese for 30 days... It's hard too.. hence the dream... :H

              I have even trained my dog to love cheese...



                Newbies Nest

                Can I come in?

                Hi all, I'm not really new here as I 1st joined MWO several years ago, but then carried on drinking. Anyway I have been stopping and then going on benders since really, the longest time being 6 months of which I spent 3 months going daily to a non-residential treatment centre. I dont think Ive ever really introduced myself on here (if I have I was probably drunk at the time so no clue what I might have said.) I am not 15 days AF, have started attending SMART groups in my area, and today I have ordered my Kudzu, L-glut, and Milk Thistle. I have already been taking vitamins, b complex, omega 3 and still on my anti-depressants.
                My moods and feelings are all over the place at the moment but I reakon thats to be expected, I am trying to take things easy and to stay positive about what I am doing rather looking back at the years Ive wasted and the harm Ive done.
                Sorry for going on


                  Newbies Nest

                  thanks everybody for the support, I am at present (relatively) sober and so in a good mood, I must apologise for alot of what i said yesterday, unfortunately under the influence I have the tendency to become incredibly morbid, depressive and paranoid - a tendency which I also struggle with when sober. I am currently at the magic point between the two when you may catch me smiling
                  I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                  To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                    Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters!

                    The sun came out for a while today

                    Mags, I have not had a chance to attend those retreats, maybe some day though......
                    Glad you liked the website!

                    Byrdie at 56 days & counting - very nice! I'm sure your strength is rubbing off on the newbies

                    Shiner - CF as well? :H
                    I am another cheese lover but have to stay away from most of it due to lactose intolerance, ugh.

                    Mema, it's such a relief to get the AL monkey off your back & out of your mind, isn't it?

                    spacebebe, glad you dropped in the nest! Make yourself comfy & settle in for a while. Congrats on your 15 AF days - terrific! Try not to dwell on the past, we all do it to some degree but it's just a waste of time. Staying present & positive will help you much more!

                    IC, AL makes us depressed & anxious - that's a fact! Glad your mood is improved today. Keep your eye on your goals.

                    I hope everyone is ready to settle in for a comfy, safe evening in the Nest. Don't forget the nest belts (and butt velcro) if needed :H

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Sounds like we're swapping seasons. The snow is melting for some of you, and the sun making an appearance, but I've just ordered my first load of firewood and the sky is grey.
                      Not feeling too well today, so it's just as well I have tomorrow off work. A nice long weekend.
                      Nice to hear of everyone who is having success AF and CF. Any cheese withdrawl symptoms? I think I might need to go coffee free for a month, but will wait until I feel better, as I always get a blinding headache from caffeine withdrawl.
                      Welcome to the new ones and those who have been lurking.


                        Newbies Nest

                        :thanks: for letting me hang around! Again, last night I had much less than my usual amount of wine, about the same as the night before. So, even though I am not where I want to be yet, I do feel as if I am making progress. My rule at the moment is to not allow myself to drink more than what I have been having the last two nights (roughly one 750ml bottle plus one more glass of wine which equates to roughly 900ml). Ideally, I would like to not have more than one bottle tonight, then keep cutting down (or giving it away) from there. Some of you might think this is not a good idea, I am not even sure myself, but I do feel as though it is progress.

                        You are all doing so well and give me so much inspiration. I am hoping that if not before, at least within the next week or so I will be AF! I do feel positive.

                        Thanks again,


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good evening everyone. Funny cheese stuff. I went out to eat with my honey to a Mexican
                          Restaurant and had no al or cheese.. That is a test in itself.. But I did treat myself to an
                          Ice cream cone. Which I would never do before.. Had a great night.. We are
                          all doing so good.. I have to thank you all every day because you all are helping me so much..
                          So I am going to tuck day 8 into bed and I will see you all
                          tomorrow.. Never ever give up. Never... Shiner


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good evening all! What a beautiful day we had here. the warmth and sunshine gave me a new lease on life!

                            Ozigal..sounds like you have the beginning of a plan, good for you. I know you can get where you want to go just keep on trying!

                            It's nice to have so many people in the nest all trying for the same goal.

                            Everyone have a great AF night see you in the morning! Also good luck for those trying to be CF, very ambitious!!!


                              Newbies Nest

                              THANKS NESTERS

                              I forgot to fasten my nest belt again tonight.
                              Fortunately I checked in here before drinking too much !
                              I was inspired by the general feeling of optimism and promptly disposed of my remaining poison down the drain.

                              Byrdlady;1078414 wrote: What got you after 44 days? Peer pressure? I am wondering what triggered it....??
                              Good question. I'm not exactly sure, but I suspect the short answer is....complaciancy.
                              I just forgot why I stopped in the first place!
                              I forgot the daily suffering, guilt and depresion. I forgot the illness and liver function tests. I forgot how hard it was to stop. I forgot to take my Campral.
                              I forgot .......well I could go on.

                              Anyway, I've had my reminder and I'm once again determined and optimistic.!!

                              May we all be happy.
                              Can I have a life please, make it a double - I've got some catching up to do!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi nesters

                                What's all this cheesey talk about? Giving up cheese AND AL? Mema, Shiners, you will be looking like supermodels in no time!

                                Welcome back to the nest spacebebe, and congrats on your 15 days, you sound like you have a real plan in place. Staying positive can be hard, especially if you dwell on the past. I try not to, so onwards and upwards my friend, you are doing great!

                                InChains, don't apologise, just keep reading, posting, and putting one foot in front of the other, I am glad to see you are sticking around.

                                Lav, good to see you, that two years mark must be coming up soon, we need to have a Nest party to celebrate!

                                Dancing, I haven't been feeling all that great this week either, hope you feel better soon.

                                Ozi, good luck with your goal of being AL free in a week, if you are more comfortable tapering down then going AL free, good for you, whatever works for you. It's really good to hear you sounding so positive, all the best

                                Shiner, wonderful night out with no AL AND day 8, congratulations! :goodjob:

                                Mema, wish I had warmth and sunshine, I so envy you. Not long till my holiday to Spain, so hopefully I'll get a little taste of it then!

                                Bugs, well done on pouring the poison down the drain! I am so glad I read your post today, this is Day 43 for me (if I have counted right!) and thanks to your honesty about complacency I will be extra vigilant.

                                I have been thinking about AL a lot in the last few days. Not in a 'oh, I really would love a drink' kinda way, but in an almost detached analytical way. Looking at the 'benefits' (what benefits exactly?) versus the feelings of freedom, no guilt or remorse, and waking up sober each day. My goal is sixty days and I really hope I get there, because the longer I am sober the more rationally I can think about AL and the possible devastation it can cause me if I go back to where I was.

                                I don't really go to many other threads on MWO,I don't really feel confident enough, but I love the nest and feel comfortable here. Thanks for letting me ramble, have a great day every single one of my fellow nesters!

