Good Monday morning nesters!
What I'd really like to do is crawl back into bed and go back to sleep - Mondays are tough! Stayed up last night to watch Army wives and cried almost the whole way thru (Denise's son Jeremy was killed in the war). Now I know this is just TV but I am so darned into that show it isn't funny.
Anway, Mema - watched Secretariat a couple of weekends ago - great movie! Another great one we watched this past weekend was "The next three days".
Georgie - I finished reading Allen Carr's book a few weeks ago. It was definitely interesting reading and does give you a whole new perspective on alcohol. I've heard some say they liked it, others not so much but I would definitely give it a go.
Hippy - congrats on your first week! You are doing awesome!
WIND - 30 days today? :wd::happy: It's a huge achievement and you should give yourself a big old pat on the back!
VG - someone here once told me not to dwell too much on the past - just look toward the future and all the good things you can do now that AL is out of your life (including spending quality time with your dear daughter!)
Birdlady & Kelli - okay seems I'm just the opposite from you guys. I was routinely getting up at least once every night during my wining days - now if I'm careful and drink my last cup of tea around 7:00, I can make it thru the whole night. It is so annoying to have to get up in the middle of the night to go

IC - keep that positive feeling going! You are doing great.