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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning all!

    Flying visit, have to and try to work out how to use my new 'smart' phone. Fecking thing is smarter than me, that's for sure! :H

    Inchy, great to see you still AL free, 15 days is amazing, well done! So glad to hear your skin is improving too.

    Leave, hope today is a better day for you. You were feeling upset and out of sorts but you still didn't drink, I hope you feel amazing today, and glad that you made the right choice for yourself

    Andrew, sounds like a horrible time for you right now, please remember the good AL free run that you had and that you will be doing yourself the biggest favour ever by stopping. You deserve better, keep telling yourself that!

    Hi mylife, hope you are well, it''s good to see you

    Mimi, great decision not to give in, bet you feel so much better for it!

    Lav, hope you had a great day with your grandson, great advice as always!

    4my, you'll be glad in the morning that you didn't buy the wine! Happy day 2 to you!

    Hi rebirth, welcome to the nest and I hope you have a great day 2. You are well on your way to seven, let us know how you get on. :welcome:

    Hi Hippy, wise words you posted there!

    sunshine, those virgin cocktails sound delish! Might try one at the weekend.

    Right, must be off, it's me vs the smart phone for the next wee while, wish me luck!

    Have a great day everyone :l


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning Nesters!

      Greetings Hippy, VG, sunshine, IC, LIS, Andrew, mylife, 4MyHealth & everyone

      rebirth - what's going on? I've missed talking to you every day :l

      Mimi, good for you thinking your way through that urge........just keep doing that

      I hope everyone has a terrific AF Tuesday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning all!
        God bless Xanax is all I can say. Despite drinking 6 pints of beer and a half bottle of vodka yesterday (just to get through the day), I still wasn't head was in a bizarre place. I took some xanax last night and slept for 10 hours, FINALLY. So today is Day 1. Made a total mess of my exams and it'll cost me a lot of money to repeat them but I am still happy today because now I am going to be getting stronger every day.
        Thanks all for your kind words, I wish you all great AF days and evenings!


          Newbies Nest

          Why is it that we can make and drink ONE AF cocktail but can't make/drink one with AL? That's just messed up!!!
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Just checking in before going to work - so today is day 1 again. house is now AF, hope i do not stop at store on way home tonight. Tossed and turned last night struggling with never drinking again, every minute of every day seems to be thinking about AL! it is crazy! Looking forward to a good nights sleep - hopefully tonight.
            Lav, please tell us more about Amoryn - I am intrigued...
            have a good day to work I go..
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              Newbies Nest

              Morning nest,
              VG - you are right; feeling much better today.
              Lav - have a great day! I think I may order Amoryn, looked at their website.
              Andrew - glad you slept well and are feeling happy!
              Byrd - I feel like I drink so much sparkling water or tea when I'm AF; the amount is crazy! Habit, I guess.
              SL - I hope your day 1 goes well and leads to day 2.
              Hi mimi, mylife, lis, IC, rebirth, hippy and sunshine.
              Have a great day everyone!


                Newbies Nest

                Hi all I hear your words some struggling some of wisdom and support,such is our nest a good place for us to rest and heal and help each other. After reading Alan Carrs book I did 35days AF ...and then I had a drink. I had been away camping an AF group for two weeks and when I came home the thought was I just want to drink like a 'normal' person. Kidding myself, drank the bottle except for one glass felt ill all next day. Then the craving was back day 2 today and I really wanted to drink.


                  Newbies Nest

                  maali, glad you're back in the Nest, you know this is a good place.
                  It's probably safe to say that most of us, including me would like to be 'normal drinkers' again but the reality is that's just not going to happen. Accepting that fact & taking the option of drinking again off the table took a whole lot of pressure off my back. My stress level decreased & my happiness level increased greatly! It's just easier to remain AF & stop all that mind chatter

                  Andrew, sorry about the exams but looks like you have a good plan in place for yourself, wishing you the best!

                  scottish lass & 4MyHealth - I've talked about Amoryn around the threads so much I should be working for the company but I'm not :H
                  Here's the website again: AMORYN Mood Booster | Natural Antidepressant | Supplement for Depression & Anxiety

                  I am a total believer in this product. It's safe, effective & caused me absolutely no side effects whatsoever!
                  I can't say the same about Rx antidepressants. I was on & off one called Lexapro & I ended up trashing it - awful stuff.
                  You do need to purchase it directly from the manufacturer but sometimes resellers on ebay have it - just be sure to check their expiration dates.

                  As far as the cost - I figure I'm spending about $1 )or less) per day for Amoryn.
                  I spent a hell of lot more money or wine & cigs - no joke!
                  I buy 3-6 months worth at a time & receive free shipping

                  Please feel free to PM me if you have any other questions.
                  Amoryn took care of my crippling anxiety & resulting depression which allowed me to focus on my doesn't get much better than that

                  I also highly recommend the MWO CDs. They are worth the investment, honestly.

                  OK - todays lecture has concluded!!!!:H:H
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Byrdlady;1112376 wrote: Why is it that we can make and drink ONE AF cocktail but can't make/drink one with AL? That's just messed up!!!

                    Byrdlady- So true....Drives me crazy.
                    Vintage girl and Lavande Yes I am happy today that I made it to day 5 and didn't give in to temptation.
                    Andrew and Scottish lass, hang in there, day 1 is a good beginning. I've been there many times.
                    Maali- I would love to drink like a "normal person". So far it has never happened.

                    Have a great day everyone and hopefully I can check in tomorrow and it will be day 6 for me.:l
                    Day 1:4/4/2014


                      Newbies Nest

                      Sunshine thanks for those recipes they sound yummy can you usse yummy for a drink I found a printout I;d done for Christmas childrens cocktails, so I may try those and post the results at some point.

                      Andrew glad you are feeling positive tday, hope your mind is at peace, things will get easier:l

                      Hi to all the newbie and returners, be strong and stay true to yourself :l

                      Lav I'm already on AD's so I'll look at the Amoryn and talk to my GP about it at my next appointment, I knwo some herbal things you can;t take with AD's. I'm having blood tests Thursday so I'll ask then

                      Thanks for all the encouragement over my mood at the moment, I'm still angry with the world today although I know I shouldn't be, even worse a lot of it is directed at someone who as done nnothing to deserve it although I'm not letting it out towards her, it is so unlike me to be this way, even a long phone call with my best friend failed to make me feel better today, so now he is worrying about me and telling me to take time out before I make myself ill.

                      Anyway hope everyone is having a good AF evening, stay strong and believe in yourself...
                      WHAT CAN I SAY? I DON'T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE..

                      Just taking it day by day.......


                        Newbies Nest

                        Jst wanted to pop in and say G'day and stay strong.
                        Glad to hear from you Scottish and Andrew. Keep at it
                        I finally got it!
                        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good evening Nesters!

                          Hi Hippy, how's it going??

                          Just wanted to wish everyone a safe night in the Nest

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Made it thru day 2. Even had the opportunity to go to the store around witching hour but didn't. (Have to appreciate these easy nights when they happen.) enjoyed reading a book to my boys and being more like my old self...the one they probably don't remember. Have to create new memories, good ones!
                            Sleep well, nesters!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Nestlings

                              Just flying in to say g'day and see how everyone is going on their journey. See some struggles and some wins. If we all keep at it we will find our way out. I've had a bit of a strange week with craves and 'those' thoughts but managed to keep my af days intact with the help of all the posts from the caring and open people on here and putting things into practice that I learnt from here - did lots of reading and lurking.

                              I feel so grateful today and am happy and calm again. Have some days off now and went and bought some new sheets and a new doona for my bed. I figure I've saved quite a bit by not buying wine for the last 3 months!!!!! and they were on sale!

                              Thinking of you all and especially those going thru the anxiety, depression etc. and those just having a hard time of it. Life gets progressively worse with al so it should get progressively better without it I hope.

                              Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello Nest,
                                I am going to be selfish and talk about me for a few as I am having a misunderstanding with Hubby. So I get home from work, and I see an empty water bottle and grab it to put with the recycling. He tells me to smell it. So I smell the outside thinking the dog had peed on it. He tell me it smells like AL. I open the lid and smell inside, and it does smell kind of funny. I buy the waters at the gym and drink half, then usually drink the rest when I'm sitting next to hubby at night, about one time every 2 weeks. So I left the empty water bottle by the couch on the floor, for who knows how long. It was right where the hot sun shines in the window during the day. So basically, my husband smelled the bottle while I was at work, thought it smelled like AL, and that I had been sneaking and lying about AL once again. The problem is I have not had a drop of AL in 39 days, I have not lied to him once. I have talked to him openly about cravings and temptation which have been few. I have bought NO AL. He told me it is my fault that he can't believe me. In a way I understand this. I have lied in the past, and hid AL. However, since I told him last time I am going to prove to him by my actions, I have had no AL, nada. I am doing this for my own well being. I am doing this for many reasons. The last time I drank I talked to hubby about it, promised no more hiding it (though it's been promised before,) said if I had it I would do it in front of him, that I would be honest. Then I found this site, and have been going strong ever since. I am SO UPSET right now that he thinks I have done otherwise, that he does not believe me. I even told him he would have smelled it because I spend every night next to him on the couch. I don't know how to fix this.uch::boohoo:

                                Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington

