Early evening here but thought I'd check in before the thunder storm gets any closer

Blondie, you can do this again, I just know it!!!
scottish lass, AF Mondays are the best!!!
4MyHealth, anything that motivates you to give up the poison is good in my book!
I have to agree though - don't focus only on pounds lost. I never dropped an ounce when I quit drinking them promptly gained 13 when I quit smoking - terrible. I've lost about half of that but my granny metabolism is making it difficult - to say the least.
Daisy - great on 7 days!!!
sunshine, my brother lives not too far from Sacramento (I think). Going back 'home' for you would be a huge change but interesting

JimG, sorry to hear about your relapse. Don't let guilty feelings overwhelm you. Use the experience as a teaching tool ~ you don't want to do that again, right? Hope you feel better soon.
lis - 90 days AF is awesome, CONGRATS! You just may be surprised to find your thinking change as you move thru the next 90 days. I found myself thinking less & less about AL as the AF months piled up.
I promised merry I would post a link here to my photobucket account so she could see some embroidered baby blankets I've done recently. Unfortunately photobucket is not coopertaing at the moment so I'll just put one pic here. This blanket has 6 appliqued designs. (It was a gift for my niece this past weekend).

Wishing everyone a comfy night in the Nest
