Barbara: 18 - yet somehow managed to be dirnkign for 5-6 years. nothing if nto determiend round here xD Oh and I'm getting married probably after uni, I've been with my fiance since I was 13, he's great

anywho my lovely AF buddies I'm gonna get this out the way quickly, in the simplest posisble terms the sh*t just hit the damn fan today. Long story short my brother (16 years old) = drug dealer. My mother is somewhat unhappy about the whole business and so called the cops, cops turned up, raided the house, found drugs and evidence to charge himw ith supply of a class b drug. both my mother and sister are mentally ill so I have been asigned the task of playing 'responsible adult' in court and in itnerviews with the police when he gets arrested. I am, naturally, somehwat drunk at this point as it has beenw hat I believe qualifies as a frankly godawful day what with my brother doing a runner and whatnot (he's home now, stoned as anything) and is also aware that my mum is responsible for a charge which could result in him doing jail time. So, not as short a version of afore mentioned long story as intended but guess who might not be around mcuh for the next few days? crazy right? Any good vibes you feel like sending my way would just be awesome right now