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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Evening Nestlings!

    Real quick fly-by from me.... need to head back to the barn-to-be in a couple of minutes and hang a door

    Had a real soggy day that turned into a beautiful evening/night... I'm glad I didn't cancel my riding lesson today (thought I'd never get that horse dried off enough in time). I had a great lesson.. then hustled back home, unloaded, and am still working at the barn. Story of my life! :H

    I hope you all dried off as well.. oh, and welcome Windy! Ok, gotta head back.. wishing you all a good night's sleep! Sweet Dreams!
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters!

      Only a few brief showers here today - finally! we definitely are going to end up with a moldy nest if this keeps up Byrdie :H

      Windy, love your picture! I have lots of chickens & occasionaly use a pic of one of them as my avatar.

      Sunni, if you're putting the door on the barn then it sounds like it's nearing completion??

      Watched my grandsons tonight while my DIL went to her karate class now I'm worn out!
      Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        'Hi everyone,
        I can't seem to find the toolbox???

        Can anyone help


          Newbies Nest

          Greetings Nestlings!!

          Hello Patrice; I'm not so good at doing links yet, but our Nest Mum, Lav, will be here any minute I'm sure to point the way for you!

          Just a quick check in - Was on the go-go-go last 72 hours racing back and forth across the great chad-hanging state of FL and beating the crap out of myself crawling all over and under Chapter Two. I awoke this morning feeling as though I had been beaten soundly about the head and shoulders with a baseball bat, but am snapping out of it now as I get ready to dash off to the J-O-B! I promise to read everything and get all caught up this evening! Hope all are sober and safe today!

          Go Rays!!
          -Cap'n G


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters!

            Patrice, here ya go:

            Still dark & damp here ~ getting depressing.......

            Wishing everyone an AF Hump Day

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Still raining here too, Lav. I could make a big stir fry with the mushrooms that are growing in my lawn!!!! It's nuts! We have that high pressure LOW stuck over us internet friend (yes, internet friend of 11 years) is in Cincinnati and they haven't seen the sun in years (she says!!). Everything is a mud least here, it is sand, so I guess we've got that going.
              So nice to hear from Greg! His posts just make me chuckle!!! So many here starting his/her own 'Chapter Two's' here. Most of them bigger and better than the chapter preceeding them!!! I know mine is. Plus I actually remember it! Bah! I always wondered how some people could drink like fish and remember everything...Maybe it was just me drinking like a fish.....hummm.
              Windy...the rabbit hole is something that I refer to often here. I repeat myself quite a bit, because sometime those little phrases get stuck in your head and they help!!! Your 100 days is a fantastic goal. I know I hit my 100 days on April was Kate and Will's wedding day!!! Everyone was celebrating my success....oh wait, maybe I was confused...anyway, the nest celebrated and it made me feel like a million bucks! But you approach that goal the same way you'd approach eating an bite at a time. You can do are in right place!!!
              Here's wishing everyone "mind peace" today.
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Hey Byrdie ~ no chance of a droiught on the east coast anytime soon, huh?

                Greg - we cross posted this morning, glad you checked in
                Well, at least there will be enough water to float your boat :H
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  FIVE days AF. The cravings are starting to go away. This will be the week I finally get 7 days in a row AF. It has been 4 weeks of mostly no AL and I can feel the difference.

                  CD's still not here. Will go to the mailbox in the am and see if they are there.

                  Will do a proper post soon.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Thanks for welcoming me here!

                    I promise I will eat the elephant one bite at a time and will chew very carefully. Loved that phrase and it will probably be one I use repeatedly along with Rabit Hole. I know 100 days seem too much, but it is something I have wanted to do for some time now. I needed to make that kind of commitment. It was time. It could just simply mean I finally admit I need to quit for a long period of time.

                    I didn't drink any booze yesterday and it certainly won't help the headache I have today.

                    I Still need to read more of this thread too, because I want to know about Chapters One and 2. You all seem so connected.... That's great!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Ellen - congrats on your 5 AF days!!!
                      You are hitting a milestone & will find things getting easier

                      windy, making the commitment is truly a hard step but the most important one, you can do this
                      The headache may last for a day or two, just be sure you are drinking a LOT of water, tea, etc to rehydrate yourself. When we drink AL daily we really dehydrate ourselves

                      If you need a little inspiration - go to the General section. I just started a thread there for a MWO member LVT celebrating her 3 year AF anniversary today!
                      I just passed my 2 1/2 years AF on Monday.
                      If the Newbies hang tough you will all be celebrating these milestones too
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters! Today is day 3 AF for me. I am looking forward to making through the weekend. I think it is a state of mind for me. I seem to believe it is some sort of entitlement, I deserve a glass of wine after a long day, week of work. We'll I'm over it, changing my attitude every day, every minute. I started the 17 day diet and there is no AL on it, more motivation.

                        Welcome Patrice and Windy! You will find lot of wisdom and support here.

                        Hi Lav, I a wishing you some dry weather.

                        Hi Byrdie, I am still on the primidone for the tremor. It kicks my butt. Does the tiredness side effect get better?

                        Greg, can't wait to hear about your chapter two plan!

                        Wishing all a happy AF day!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Ugh...messed up yesterday and drank. Freaking out over going back to work/putting my 3 year old in daycare and I let the stress get the best of me. I'm feeling pretty low now, so just trying to get through today. I have been up since 245 thanks to alcohol-induced insomnia. Of course, tonight would be a cheer practice night for oldest, so I will not be able to go to bed early. I think I have "Eeyore Syndrome" (Whoa is me...) ha. Anyways, I am still waiting for the book I ordered in the mail, so I'll just try to finish Unwasted today.

                          Anyways, just keeping honest and carrying on.
                          AF 9/28/11


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey 4Me...glad you are hanging tight with the nest! I've been on that Primidone now, let's see January will be 3 years. She told me if it made me unduly sleepy to take the whole dose at night. I found when I drank...I couldn't hold my eyes open especially while driving. (I never did drink and drive, I'm referring to daytime hours). But then once I quit drinkiing I am not nearly as sleepy during the day (if at all). I'm taking a 250 mg pill and 1/2 of a pill, well, that's 400 mg at night about an hour before I go to bed. I sleep great!! I don't know what I'd do without it stops those shakes and tremors. I'm taking the lowest dose that gives me adaquate results. Good luck to you...being sleepy during the day stinks.
                            Best to all, heading outta town, I may be MIA for a couple days...but will have you all in my thoughts and prayers. Mind Peace to all today! t
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              4me - great on your 3 AF days!
                              Byrdie has a great idea with taking that med at bedtime ~ give it a try.

                              Gardengal, sorry you decided to drink yesterday.
                              What are you going to do in the future? Stressful days are just a part of life & something we need to learn to deal with in a non-AL way. I am really, really finding meditation to be very helpful in reducing my overall stress (regardless of the cause). I sit each evening & whenever else I can & do a guided primordial sound meditation - 15-20 min, doesn't take long & leaves me feeling a whole lot more peaceful Check out Emotional Healing Arts Meditation Workshops |

                              Wishing you safe travels Byrdie, we'll be thinking of you too

                              Can't believe I'm hearing thunder out there - really
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello Nest! I've been busy running around for the last couple days at work but wanted to take the time to check in.

                                I've been going through a lot of mental insanity with the drinking thing lately. I think I got past denial and I'm now in the "Why me?" anger phase. Hopefully that will pass and turn into gratitude eventually! I'm starting to see a counselor tomorrow night so that should help. Also, I'm still planning to proceed with a shot of vivitrol that my insurance finally approved. If it helps with these cravings and mental tug of war it will be worth it for me.

                                Gregorino - is your boat named Chapter 2? What a cool name. I like that!
                                Lav - I'm so sorry for your weather! You love the outdoors so much and it sounds like you've had one gray and rainy summer up there!!
                                Byrd - thanks for checking in on us! Enjoy your trip!
                                Gardengal - jump back on - you can do it!
                                Ellen, and all others I missed (sorry but this is one busy nest!) congratulations on your days AF - and lets keep doing this together one day at a time!

