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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Afternoon Nesters,

    53 degrees & damp here too Juja - don't we deserve some sun at some point?
    Hope you continue to enjoy your AFness!

    4me, it's been so damp for so long on the east coast - boo hoo!
    My brother lives somewhere near Sacramento - how about you? One of my fav places in the worls is San Fran - been there twice

    Hey Byrdie, it turns out a major lifestyle change at age 50(+) is not such a bad thing afterall :H
    Of course it's difficult as hell but totally worth the effort

    Mimi, how's it going? Are you back with us?
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Jumping back in to wish everyone a safe night in the Nest

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Nesters, quiet Monday in the nest.

        Lav, I live in Bakersfield. Hot as hell all summer. It is about 2 hours from everything, beach, LA, and about 5 or 6 hours to San Fransico. We've been there many times and it is fun!

        Night Nesters.


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning nest!

          I slept from 9pm until 7am last night! I think I was tired...! Anyway, I'm happy to be sober and facing a busy week without the added stress of AL in my life. I'm under orders of my counselor to find and attend an AA meeting so I'm grudgingly looking some up. Not crazy about the idea, but she insists group therapy is a good I'll give it a shot.

          4me - I think I've driven through Bakersfield - I used to live in LA in another life! I definitely prefer Northern California.
          Mimi, nice to hear from you!
          Lav, Byrd, thanks as usual for all the inspiration and support.
          Hello Jolie, Juja and Sunshine GG!!

          Have a great day in the Nest all!


            Newbies Nest

            Good Day Nesters,

            Yesterday I had jury duty and was busy all day. I felt a little tired and stressed last night and thought about alcohol, but realized quickly I really didn't want it, nor was it going to make anything any better. I don't even think it would have relaxed me, as I am beyond that point. It only makes the situations worse. I need to have my wits about me and hit the issues head on and not with a fuzzy brain.

            Outside life is getting difficult with three children of various ages and a husband who has been gone a lot lately on business. I am left with teen-age angst all to myself. I find it easier to address their issues with a clear head, so from now on that is my modes of operande' (sp?). This too will pass.

            I am still determined. I acknowledge I am facing this with the adrenaline rush of my new and recent commitment after one week is waring off, and it is not as much fun as life goes on. Now I suppose the real hard work on my part be it. Does any of this make sense???

            I hope everyone is having a good day and looking forward to the week ahead.


              Newbies Nest

              Terrific Tuesday

              Hello Fellow Nestlings!

              A grueling 48 hours working on Chapter Two. Literally AND figuratively!

              She's all shined up with just a few minor spots to do before she's back into the blue and heading for her new home. Can't recall the last time I did so much physical labor that did not involve mass quantities of AL at the end of the day! It's a good thing I have been hitting the gym and riding the bike the past 10 weeks - I can't imagine how many times i went up and down the step ladder scrubbing her hulls - but it had to be in the hundreds. Pretty sore right now, but content that she's looking good!

              My sweet 16er took the car out again late Sunday / early Monday and this time she got pulled over by the police. My car was impounded and ransomed for $160. (I gotta consider that business!)

              So, life has it's shares of joys and frustrations - none of which are made more enjoyable or less frustrating with AL in the house - that is truly an illusion!

              Gotta shave off the pirate face and head into work. Arrrgh!

              Hope you are all well and staying apart from AL -

              Will catch up more tonight!
              -Cap'n G


                Newbies Nest

                :Windy, I totally get what you're saying. I'm a little over a week now AF - again - and I was just thinking last night about how I'm getting to that point where I'm "over" the initial euphoria. I'm not amazed anymore that i can do it - and it's not so much fun seeing the house picked up before bed - LOL!

                My hubby travels lots too - but I only have one teenager and I can totally relate to needing a clear head to deal...:H You've really got your hands full with three.

                I'm feeling strong and committed this time. I think I know where I slipped up last time and I'm working to avoid the same pitfalls.


                Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning Nesters!

                  Sunshine is finally working it's way up the east coast - about damn time too :H

                  4me, I'll bet yuo do deal with hot summers! I've been as far south as Monterey, but that's it - beautiful there by the way!

                  mylife, congrats on the champion sleep
                  I hope you can find a meeting you are comfortable with.

                  Hi greg, sounds like you have made great strides on Chapter Two - get some rest yourself!

                  Windy & lolab, congrats to the both of you on your AF time!
                  I found a good way to keep my spirit up was to really work on developing my spiritual side & developing an attitude of gratitude! I've posted these links before but they are both very good:

                  Emotional Healing Arts Meditation Workshops |
                  The ToDo Institute: Mindfulness, Procrastination, and Gratitude using Morita and Naikan Therapies

                  I think of myself as a work in progress.......taking a few minutes each day to do something to help maintain my newfound freedom is very important to me

                  Time to get back to work for me!
                  Have a great AF Tuesday everyone!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    I'm new here. Not really new, I posted a few times a few years ago. I don't remember much about it because I was drinking heavily and on topamax. The MWO program did not work for me so I'm trying other things now. I go to AA once a week. I'm not crazy about most of the meetings but that one is OK.

                    Anyway, nice to meet everyone.

                    You are here:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Windy and've done the hardest part!!! Getting to Day 7 is just get yourself to Day 13. During the time between 7 and 13 your emotions will be all over the map (like Greg and his boat) but you hang in there...something clicks on Day 13 and you will feel resolute and confident. Ups and downs for the next few days...just hang on tight! What have you got to lose? You KNOW what'll happen if you drink, right? Give THIS a try! You will feel wonderful, I promise! Just take it slowly and surely. I found (and still do find) that putting my mind to the purpose of helping someone else really helps. You both mention teens, why not engage them in baking a cake to take to a neighbor who could use a lift...or give it to their BFF's parents or something that will engage you and take your mind out of attending the big ole pity party we throw for ouselves???? Make someone's day! A cake outta nowhere? That almost never happens...I have gotten so much joy from doing that. I know it's not for everyone, maybe your thing is potting a plant to take to someone who might not otherwise get something...That's just me, it helped tho. Took the focus off of my just get yourself to Lucky Day #13! You won't be sorry!!!! I am pulling for you!!!!!!! XXOO, Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        GingerDust....welcome! None of us got it right the first time! Give our little nest another chance, won't you? Our support for each other is very motivating (downright intoxicating!) ...just knowing you aren't alone..that people ALL over the world are fighting minute by minute just like you are, is so much comfort. Pull up a twig, and tell us about did you find your way here? And where do you WANT to go? We are great listeners....Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          :thanks2:JUST GOTTA SAY THANKS TO LAV AND BYRDLADY!!

                          That's just what I needed to hear today.

                          Lolab, We can get through this...Magic Day 13 is coming. :yay:

                          Ginger Dust, I for one never got it the first time, or the second...or...I am just going to keep on trying. I too would love to hear more about you. Keep posting please.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Urchins!!!

                            Welcome GingerDust! If nothing else... the support here will help you in some small way. As you know, there is no one-fits-all solution and you'll need to do whatever works for YOU and take what helps from wherever you can find it Stick around and I wish you all the success in the world!

                            Sorry, I've been MIA the last few days... the weather has been gorgeous (Lav, just read over that part) and that means full steam ahead at the barn. The race really is on now to close everything in before the weather turns ugly.

                            Greg, now that you're all done with Chapter Two... would you care to work your magic on the "4Play"? We're going to take her out one last time this week Friday (if the weather forecast is right) and pull her out of the water on Saturday. *sniff*

                            Hello Lola.. not sure we've met before? Nice going! Recognizing what went wrong and planning to avoid the same situation is a must. And, one that I somehow keep missing

                            Mylife.. aren't those super snoozes just great!??? And, to think... you actually remember how you got to bed... who woulda thunk! :H I'm just over 2 weeks AF now and I seriously feel like I could sleep all day. It's getting a bit better the last couple of days but last week was brutal.

                            Alright, and now I better get moving. Much on the schedule today. Have a stupendous Tuesday, everyone!!!
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Happy Tuesday Nesters!

                              Windy and Lolab, Looks like we are on the same path. I am a little over a week too. I think taking it ODAT makes it just another day, which is a good thing and a good day! I can also relate to teenagers! I personally didn't know if I would live through it! I have four kids and twin boys, they were the worst. My husband traveled all the time as well and I worked, it was nuts as best. My husband would come home on weekends and would not want to deal with it. He would say he didn't want to be the bad guy when he was only home on weekends, how convenient for him. :lame: I am happy to say we all lived through it. I had a friend in Montana that had two sets of twins, when I asked her how she handled it, she said it doesn't get better it just gets different. I think that applies to all kids as they go through the various stages of there life. I just tried to remember how difficult it was for me being a teenager. Hang in there.

                              Gingerdust, Welcome! You will find great support here and lots of good ideas for your journey. Hope you stay with us a while!

                              Lav, Monterey is beautiful! The rain is coming our way and I am soooo excited. We are just getting into cool weather here. It was 86 yesterday, today in the mid 70's, perfect!

                              Sunshine, congrats on your two weeks +!

                              Greg, sounds like your having an amazing time with take2!

                              Brydie, hello and thank you for always having such inspiring comments:thanks:

                              Life, hope you find a meeting that fits.

                              Have a great day all.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello chickens...just checking in my my fellow nestligs
                                Sunni butt....I feel you....I am into my second week and SOOOOOOOOO tired....hope it passes
                                anyway...much love and support to all of you
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

