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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Today is my 2 1/2 year NF anni & I still think about the damn things
    Hardly ever think about AL. Geez!

    Blondie, you are doing great

    FF, sober Saturdays rock

    Audrey, I hope your new & improved plan includes a healthier way to deal with a rambunctious 7 year old. They are full of energy but it's no so bad when you can direct their energy into something useful. Please don't let the presence of a child be an excuse to keep drinking. Plan some activities the next time he's around - you'll be glad you did

    Byrdie, I didn't even leave the house today......had plenty to do here to keep me busy!!!

    Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest - grab those nest belts & butt velcro!!!!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Goodnight everyone
      I'm snuggling with my two best furry friends.....:-). Well my young rescue pup is right here as close as she can get and my old girl is sprawled at the foot of the bed

      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


        Newbies Nest

        Happy Saturday Night Nesters

        Busy day getting ready to go to Phoenix, almost completely packed, this morning I worked on horse pasture fencing,,, the deer have been a little rough on it this year, got horse feed in, got the horses feed then cleaned up and went with a friend in to the big town in our area for a tribute to Frank Sinatra.. (she had the tickets and her husband did not want to go) it was ok ... but had a good time and NO AL!!!

        LOLab I am snuggled down with my two furry friends too... one almost sleeps on my head and the other is flaked out diagonally across the bed.. don't know what I would do without them. OH and thanks for the info on Nerve Tonic.. will look into when I get back home

        Good night to you all .. sleep well, hoping I have a better night than last night

        Oh forgot ... I am saying good night to day 10


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning Nest!! Hope you don't mind me dipping in to say hello!
          This was my 'home' for a long time, but holy crap, it's a lot busier these days. Round the time I was here, some days there would hardly be a post!! Tried to go back to get a grip on who's here and gave up after bout 5 pages
          What I did read was a fantastic spirit here, ok, inevitably folks will have a 'slip up' 'cock up' 'disaster' call it what you like, but everyone seems to be getting back up and back at it --- that truly is the key. One day, it'll stick. It is in our heads isn't it?
          Have a lovely sober Sunday everyone
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Newbies Nest

            Lavande;1211545 wrote: Today is my 2 1/2 year NF anni & I still think about the damn things
            Hardly ever think about AL. Geez!

            Blondie, you are doing great

            FF, sober Saturdays rock

            Audrey, I hope your new & improved plan includes a healthier way to deal with a rambunctious 7 year old. They are full of energy but it's no so bad when you can direct their energy into something useful. Please don't let the presence of a child be an excuse to keep drinking. Plan some activities the next time he's around - you'll be glad you did

            Byrdie, I didn't even leave the house today......had plenty to do here to keep me busy!!!

            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest - grab those nest belts & butt velcro!!!!

            I cant WAIT for that day.....maybe I need more Velcro!!

            Almost 2 am....prolly time for me to retire GN all, and good luck in your journey, wherever you are
            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



              Newbies Nest

              Herbie, you're nearing the days when the cravings get easier to manage. Hang on in there, I found AL hanging on for its life around where you are now and had to work through my day just trying to get through the next 15 minutes, just past this craving etc. It was manipulative AL in it's death throes. I too am passionate about horses, believe me those hacks out are a million times better with a clear head, it's almost like I'm seeing all those things I took for granted with new eyes.

              Had a long chat on the phone with my mum last night & told her I'd stopped drinking. She was worried about what would happen at Christmas. Funny thing is, I had the impression she was more worried that I would want her to stop drinking, than that I wouldn't enjoy myself as much without the booze. Strange but I find the thought of not drinking this Christmas quite comforting - I'm an improved person without it.
              AL free since 24 October 2011


                Newbies Nest

                Byrdlady;1211534 wrote: FF, I've never smoked, but I understand that is one heck of a habit to kick...I don't know how you are doing 2 things at was all I could do to give up AL!!! Whatever you are doing is obviously working so I will continue to be amazed. MindPeace to all, Byrdie
                Hi Byrdie - It's such a disgusting habit, I have to be drinking to smoke! Shows it's all in the mind as I used to smoke all day, every day but managed to change that habit. I hate how my home stinks after I'd smoked. This weekend washed all the curtains/furnishings etc - more incentive not to change my clean beautiful home into a stinky sad one!!
                You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                  Newbies Nest

                  Good Day Nesters -- What a strong group of Nesters we are getting here. It helps so much to have all of you here to help each other move one day forward on our personal journeys. If you were not all here, I would not be here. Accountability is so important to me and was definitely the missing link before (among others).

                  Free Fly -- I love your new name! Is there a story here for us or just a beautiful name? New name = new resolve. Good for you.

                  Audrey -- Sounds like you had a great day with your friend. Getting out and being with friends on a beautiful day is really important. In regards to the active 7-year old -- Yes that is a very energetic age. My motto has always been "My house, my rules". I realize that is challenging with step kids, but sounds like you handled it well and didn't let it get to you too much.

                  BlondeA -- Wow you are racking up the AF Days. 19 Days in a row and over 100 days sober this year. I am impressed with your bright attitude; the laughter is coming through to me on my computer when I read your posts. You just seem so happy.

                  Herbie -- Have a good time in Phoenix. I was there a couple of times so long ago. It really has boomed lately. Enjoy the sun. Do your ever get up to Sadona or Flagstaff, or better yet, the Grande Canyon? I have one furry friend and she is my BF right now. I would really like another, but husband has put the kibosh on that.

                  Nollie -- I could use the "C" reason too. Not because of me, but my family. You seem more determined all the time. The feeling of improvement is very powerful.

                  Steady Hands -- Loved your comment about drinking limits amount. So true. That is one of the things that convinced me my drinking was not "normal". Looking at what is healthy and what is not in regards to recommended drinking and I was definitely not in the healthy range!!

                  Min Star -- Day 13. Isn't that Byrdie's magic day. Let us know how you are feeling. Has there been a difference in your cravings yet? Mine did get better at around Day 13 or 15 and I could definitely tell there was a difference. And I have to agree with the appetite issue. If I am hungry, my cravings are so apparent. Eat something and they can magically disappear.

                  Mrsg --- 36 Days is amazing. Good job. Let us know how the weekend went.

                  Hopeful and Playland -- Welcome. I look forward to hearing more about you. This is a great group of people I have found. I hope you think so too. Playland, I too do not share my activities here with anyone and I made a double batch of CC cookies yesterday - some were are in the freezer for the coming week.

                  Lolab -- Keep up the good work GF. I love being one step behind you. You have inspired me more than you know. I love your tread about moderation too.

                  Lav -- of the Cigs cravings. You know, I am not much of a smoker, but occasionally I would have one while drinking. So now I don't smoke at all, but sometimes it just sounds soooo good. But they are truly Nastaaay and my kids give me such a hard time. Funny about that -- They would give me a harder time about cigs than booze. What they teach them in school is ironic. Cigs are the ultimate evil and booze is not.

                  Herbie -- Interesting about the sleep issues. Do you think it could be over-stimulation of some kind? That's what usually gets to me. Lolab had a good suggestion. I've never heard of Never Tonic, but just the words themselves sound interesting.

                  Belle -- 28 Days and almost 30....We are going to have a celebration!! I don't know if you think I had two glasses of wine or not, but I am here to tell you I have not. Sometimes my words are confusing and I apologize to all of you for that. I have had a couple of dreams about drinking alcohol and they have literally ruined my day. The guilt was so real..

                  Byrdie -- You are so important to me here. I love your no BS stories. I feel like I can relate to almost everything you say. You have such a good way of putting things in writing. You are the "Queen" to me.

                  Molly and Nelz -- It would be great to see you around here more often. Thanks for popping in and I always read both of your posts on other threads.

                  I hope I didn't miss anyone...I just went back over the last day....You are all important to me...And yes...This has become a lengthy post, but I think so much of all of you and you have all helped me so much and for that I will be forever grateful. Things can get pretty crazy around here, but we are all here to support and encourage each other for the greater good and that is powerful indeed.

                  ta ta for now...G


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Sunday morning Nesters!

                    Sounds like it was a good night in the nest

                    windy - things were sooo different when I was growing up. Everyone around me smoked, parents, older brothers, relatives, I smoked I did make a few attempts to quit but couldn't keep it going longer than a few months - ridiculously difficult. Must stay focused

                    Herbie, enjoy your time in Phoenix!

                    Hi to Molly & Nelz too

                    Wishing everyone a fantastic AF Sunday!!!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Everyone,

                      Happy Sunday to you all. Windy, what a lovely post. The weekend has been good overall, but, I HATE when the monkey just appears when all seems well. I was feeling very good all yesterday afternoon but by the evening my thinking sure was stinking. I had a case of the poor me's and then I has a chat with my sis-in-law who invited us over on Christmas day evening for their yearly HUGE piss-up. I felt really sad knowing that I cannot partake in it and that it would be wise not to go near their house. My other choice is my Mums, all my family will be there but that will also be a huge AL party. What I want to do is to stay at home with my hubby and kids, however my kids want to go to my Mums. AAAAHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway that was my night, it did improve in the end. I had a great sleep (Playland, I was like you could not sleep without AL a few years ago, but, you can over time, I promise) and I am enjoying a lovely relaxing Sunday, something i wouldn't be doing if I had a hangover. I need to start listening to the MWO hypno cds, will they help, especially coming up to Christmas ??? Have a great day nesters xxxxx


                        Newbies Nest

                        Happy Sober Sunday Nesters!

                        I'm off to work again today but just wanted to pop in and say hello!

                        Thanks for your words of encouragement Byrdie, Lav and Windy...Windy, I'm glad my happiness is coming through in my posts cause that is exactly how I am feeling!

                        Hi to all here...hope you have a lovely day. It's the start of TG everyone ready for the holiday those of you in the USA? I am just looking forward to a day off and all I have to do is bring dessert so I got off easy this year! Best of luck to all who are hosting this year and won't it be better to do all that cooking with a clear head? Especially the gravy...that seems to be the most challenging in my

                        Well, I'm off but I'll check in later. Day 19 for me! Looking forward to tomorrow and Day 20, yahhooo!
                        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                        BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Wishing all nesters a good Sunday morning... I have much to do before I head out and have not had a chance to get caught up on what happened over night and this morning... sleeped like a rock

                          My Mom is having surgery on Wed... in Phoenix... so I will be in and out over the next few days ... I feel strong and it is all cause of you and your wonderful support...

                          Starting day 11 AF!!


                            Newbies Nest

                            I've HAD it!

                            Ok, I've been in this nest for 2 dang years and I still can't figure out how you all name all the names! When I try to go back for reference, I lose my posts and that's maddening! Windy you just went right down the list, it was crazy good!! Everyone does it...HOW?? And Lolab, I've tried in ernest to do the window in window thing...alas, I am stupid. By the time I get to the end of a reading session, I am just hitting the high spots that strike a chord with me and that's no good. I try to write things down as I go, but I'm old. I need a course on this site! When I leave the nest I can't get back??? What's up with that? I will have some time over the holidays to work on these things, and I will. Well done to everyone!!! Each person here deserves a hat! We are ALL trying to do better and we ARE!! Happy, Sober Sunday everyone! (WHERE is Greg???) Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Sunday Morning!

                              Wow, it has taken me a long time to catch up on what?s been going on here for the last 3 or 4 days.

                              Herbie, I wish I could say that I slept like a rock last night, but I?m still having trouble sleeping through the night. Sometimes I use the Calms Forte, sometimes it?s melatonin, last night I tried Valerian. It?s still much better than when I was drinking -- but am hoping it will get even better in the future. Hope your mother?s operation goes well!

                              Windy -- I was relieved to hear that you didn?t have 2 glasses of wine -- from someone?s post earlier I thought you had!

                              Lav - I quit smoking almost 12 years ago and I still have dreams about it. I don?t know how how FreeFly is managing to give up both at the same time either. Very impressive!

                              Cap?n G -- Thanks for your reassurance that I will forget to think about alcohol at some point.

                              Like Nelz, I also can?t wait for that to happen to me! I?ve been playing the ?Sleep Learning? CD that came with the ?MWO for moms? set all night every night for nearly 2 months. I think it definitely helps, but I am really looking forward to not spending so much of my ?thinking-time? on alcohol. I don?t necessarily have cravings anymore, but sometimes when I feel bored or excited about something I feel that familiar urge to start drinking. So far I?ve been able to just push it aside.

                              I am getting worried about Thanksgiving though. We?re going out of town to stay with my parents and visit with friends, relatives etc. There will be many drinking opportunities. I haven?t decided what I?m going to say or do yet. I?m hoping nobody will notice that I?m abstaining but given my past history it?s not likely...

                              I?m the one that always guards the bottles -- making sure there is always one open at all times and that there is no chance of running out -- especially on Thanksgiving day and Sunday when the liquor store is closed. It seems so silly to feel embarrassed for not drinking. I?m just not ready for people to know that I have this problem. Although many (all?) of them already do -- they?d have to be blind not to!

                              Maybe I should join Steady Hands and ?develop? colitis or some other ailment that is aggravated by alcohol as well -- gout, tinnitus, rosacea, ulcers, psoriasis anyone? Maybe I?ll just tell everyone I?m pregnant -- that?d give them all a scare -- my 48th birthday is coming up next month!

                              Anyway, wish me luck -- I really don?t want to blow my over 60 days AF (!!!) this coming week.

                              Thanks to all for sharing your stories, and thanks for listening to my concerns!

                              AF since 9/20/2011


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi all - haven't died - went out of town - got invited one extra overnight...will catch up on unreads this evening.


                                Day 25 - and today I will be stronger than AL.
                                That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                                Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                                AF - August 20, 2012

