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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hello and Welcome Tut. :welcome:

    I am in the same situation you are in. I live in a house where everyone drinks around me and I am trying to kick it and stay AF. I am only on my 5th day sober and I have from experience used L-glutamine to help with my cravings. Along with a daily multivitamin and b-complex vitamins to help your body recovery from the damage you have done. Try to stay as active as you can to distract yourself from the cravings and the thought of wanting to drink. It does get easier and better. I think you will find the posts below on L-glutamine very helpful along with the link for the tool-box on how to deal with situations. You can and will do this

    Sober as of 12/7/11
    7 days - Complete
    14 days - Complete
    21 days - Complete
    1 month - Complete
    2 months - Complete
    3 months - ALMOST!
    6 months - not yet


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Nesters! Hope you're all have a safe and sober Sunday evening!

      Phew, another busy weekend in pre holiday retail is DONE. I always feel good on Sunday nights, even though I am pooped, I've got only 2 more days to go until my mid week "weekend" since I work through the regular weekends. I am hosting my mom's party on Wednesday and will be busy this week finishing getting ready for that. Hosting about 15 of her friends. There will be wine there but the party is a luncheon and starts at 1:30. I don't think it's a heavy drinking crowd except for my mother, who is an alcoholic. I know she will overdo it but she always does. As for me, I will be busy putting on the lunch and serving everyone else, so I will keep myself occupied. I can't pull it off buzzed as it will be an embarrassing disaster! It will be the first sober hosting that I have done in a looong time. I always used throwing parties as an excuse to drink earlier in the day. Not this time. I will have plenty of softdrinks and water to keep me hydrated.

      I want to share with you all something I felt yesterday on my way home from work. I really didn't want to drink...didn't have a craving. But because of the simple fact that it was Saturday night, and forever since the beginning of time in Blonde's life since her early 20's, I have always drank on Sat. nights...BIGTIME. Now I have been sober for going on almost 2 months, so I have a few AF Sat's under my belt. But, as I was walking home, it hit me that, gee, I should have a drink because that what's I always do on Sat. nights. That is how powerful AL is in the mind. I didn't even have the physical cravings but the thoughts from having that be my pattern in life for so very long made me think of drinking. I was stronger than AL last night but it really makes you realize how very much and how very hard the force of habit after all this time is to break. Everyone with me on this? What a learning process we incur with this addiction!

      Tut, I said hi over in your post a moment ago in the thread you started. Welcome to the Nest, I am glad you flew in. Stick around and pull up a sturdy twig. We also offer butt velcro for those who need it. I have applied it to my arse a few times since I've landed here and it helps to keep us in the nest and out of the dark places. Feel free to use some if needed. Well done on your farewell to vodka and congratulations on your new, sober self. All the best, I have a good feeling that you are in store for a wonderful new life!

      Andrew from Ireland, awesome job this weekend, you done us proud, boy! You are racking up the AF days! Do not overwhelm yourself by looking too far ahead to the future...just take it day by day right now, ok? If you need to back out of the office party to maintain your sobriety, so be it. It's not the end of the world. If you do go, make sure you have a plan for your AF selections. As you have learned from other members, getting through a holiday or party AF for the first time really gives you a feeling of strength, like you aced a tough exam or something. This time next week I want to hear about your victory, ok? Have a lovely evening and thanks for being on board with us.

      One lovely lady I have not heard from lately in addition to Prairie is K9Lover. Are you around? If so, let us know how you are doing. You were in the nest a bit last month when I was "re-starting" here on MWO and I really enjoyed your posts and inspiration. I hope you are well. Also Prairie, who I've shouted out to a few times. Please come back.

      Lolab, I never got to address your comment from yesterday about really strong AF cravings and the holidays. Yes, yes, and yes for me too lately. I think I wrote about it earlier this week. I'm doing better nowadays as I see the light, but I do think that the connection with holiday booze fest and this time of year go hand and hand. If we can make it through this, think of how easy January will be and how much stronger we will feel that we made it through! What is getting me through each day is YOU ALL, making sure I have good food around me to eat when I get a hunger pang, hot chocolate (sugar free...this is new to the mix for me but I was craving hot cocoa yesterday and broke down and bought a helps curb the AL cravings when I have the need for a light snack), water, low carb diet, walking, gum, hobbies, and ultimately, remembering how shitty it feels to wake up at 3AM with a hangover. Every time I drink, it will happen and I don't want it to happen if I have a choice, and I DO! JUST DON'T DRINK!
      Well done Scottish on making it out to the ranch and back AF! I know that must have been tough but you made it. You also done us proud, Girl.

      Irie, don't dwell on last night's events, just get back on track, you are doing so well. What helped motivate me more in regard to counting AF days is to not only keep track of the days you rack up back to back AF in a row, but also to keep count of the total AF days you have accumulated from the point that you joined MWO. You will find that the number is higher than you think and all the more reason to not throw them away and just assume that no one remembers how great it was that you made it through those days AF. For me, I am over 100 days since last January when I joined and I am proud to look at that number increase with the more AF days I add to it!

      Well, it's getting sorta late for this tired Blonde lassie. I gotta get over to the abbers thread and check in with my possy over there and then hit the hay. Have a lovely evening to all. Remember, make good choices and be good to yourself. You're the only you that you got!
      Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



        Newbies Nest

        Hi all. Day 1 done and dusted. I was here last week. I took on a project so big that it was my surefire way of not drinking. Well as you can see I did. The project ended up so big and time-consuming that I had no time for MWO, CDs, anything. Everything fell by the wayside and I was so tired and worried about not finishing the work that I ended up drinking. I do know it only made things worse but anyway that's what happened. Reason? Excuse? Mmmmmm
        Anyways I completed my mission today so I will be able to concentrate on getting back on track. I drew and painted a complete stage backdrop in 2 weeks and I have to say it looks really good. The show is in 4 days time. Proud of myself for that but on the other hand it seems that when all is going so well I throw a spanner in the works by giving in again. I look so bad when I drink for a few days and it takes a good few days for me to feel semi-normal again. Hence why I can't sleep and am sitting up at almost 3am.
        Greg, sorry to hear about your slip but glad you are back so quickly. You are always inspirational and even in your first post coming back you have given me the help I needed to stay strong today. I too will make a concerted effort to use the tools that I have gathered over the past year. Wishing you all the best.
        And to all you other Nesters, old and new, stay strong and stay here!!
        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


          Newbies Nest

          PS, Tut, you mentioned about your husband still drinking although he does not have the problem that you do. I am in a similar husband likes to have some beer before dinner...sometimes a highball or a bloody mary on the weekend. I do not like any of the booze he drinks, I was only a wine drinking and good red wine at that. I was a picky Seriously, I am OK with hubs drinking because he doesn't let it get out of control like I do. And he enjoys it so I don't want him to stop on my account since he isn't drinking the type of booze that will tempt me in the first place. As long as it won't be too much of a temptation for you, I think it is OK if a partner drinks as long as you are strong enough not to and be around that person when he does drink.
          Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



            Newbies Nest

            Pinecone...congratulatons on 30 days!

            SL and Andrew...I made it. I went to my office holiday party and had three virgin pina coladas...I realized I really only like the salt:H so why bother with the alcohol? I looked at the wine bottles and boxes, the cooler of beer and all I could think of is my warm cozy bed and how nice my sleep has been without drinking. I couldn't wait until I could leave just to go home and go to bed. Normally, I'd have a couple glasses of wine and be anxious to leave only because I didn't want to drink and drive and I wanted to get my drunk on in the privacy and isolation of my bedroom on a Saturday night.

            Anyway, I sucked down the NA fruit juice drinks with the salt and while dinner was so good, it made my stomach so sick when I got home. Needless to say the fruit juice took care of anything I may have eaten or over eaten:H I actually lost a pound when I weighed myself this morning...And I was hungry as I took an hour step challenge class (very hard to keep up) followed by swimming a mile earlier in the day.

            Today I had to help my son get a loaner car while his car is being worked on and that involved an afternoon of driving to get him at his school and him driving me back home and him driving back to the university (it's an hour and a half away from home). I didn't get to the gym all day, and when we got back to our town, I realized I had an hour before the gym closed. So I went straight there and swam a mile as fast as I could before it closed at 7. I didn't eat all day, I felt so weak, I finally stopped at the store and bought stuff to make spaghetti, just noodles and jar sauce...that is all I thought about while swimming. Not wine
            So I took my body up on it and hopefully won't get heartburn because I have to go to sleep right now.

            Good night nest. And aguy.... congrats on day 12. If I make it tonight, which I will bc I am so damn tired, it'll be my night 13. I am almost at 2 weeks. We really need to get together to celebrate, with a cup of tea of course, if we both make it a month. Heck, even to celebrate two weeks.

            Blondee--we were cross posting so I just read your post about not being so hung up on the consecutive days vs the overall days that are AF. I think that works for me more, not that I want to drink at all, but if I blow it. I just can't be hung up on those days. I have my beads and my hemp. I might put a mark on the string for the new year. If I can do it, I'll have 365 days after that mark. If not, then I'll have many many more than I had this year, that I know. FWIW I started the beads in January 2011. I didn't get that many on it either:upset: So all the reason to work harder to finish up this year with at least as many beads as I can squeeze in, and for next year, to completely fill that dang hemp string up:H


              Newbies Nest

              Hello Piper
              Glad to hear you are doing so well...and avoided all that nasty stuff around you....Day 13 for you really good!
              Brought back some emeories when I couldnt not wish to get home and just drink in my home.
              What a great time to celebrate, cup of tea sounds great.
              Thanks for your support!


                Newbies Nest

                Piper, I just checked this thread right before I signed of for the land of Nod, but I just want to add a quick note that I am so pumped that you nixed the drinks last night and went for the AF ones instead. Well done and you should be darn proud of yourself! And it sounds like you have quite the fabulous workout routine with all that swimming and step challenge classes. Just wanted to pass that along cause to be honest, I was worried about you and your party last night and was so hoping you would come out on top. And you did!

                Hi guyfromNC! I am finishing up a cup of tea myself (My fav, sleepytime vanilla) and yes, I think it is working 'cause I'm feeling mighty sleepy! Hope you all have pleasant dreams!


                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                  Newbies Nest

                  Good afternoon nesters!

                  Today is day 5 and feeling great. I love the first few days when all my energy comes back and I feel like there is nothing I can't handle! To think that last week it seemed like a huge chore to pull myself up off the couch just to make a quick bite to eat. Well no more! I slept much better last night!

                  I have an unbelievably busy week this week. No time to even cook lunch or dinner. So I spent the morning cooking for the week. Unfortunately, I work EVERY single day of the week, so I gotta take advantage of what little time I have. However, because of my busy life, I have no time to think about alcohol!

                  Pinecone- congrats on 30 days! It's a wonderful feeling, isn't it?

                  Andrew and Scottish Lass- good for both of you! You did great! Andrew, one thing I found useful in the past was right before an event where people would be drinking, I would log on to my old website and let everyone know that I would be leaving in 2 minutes and would update them when I got back. Knowing that I didn't want to disappoint my friends and wanting to come back and post that I made it, helped me a lot.

                  Irie- Get right back on the horse! Next time you feel the urge to drink, log on here! Post, read and post some more! Hopefully, by the time you finish, you wont want to drink. Chin up! You're still doing great!

                  Welcome Tut! This is a really great website with lots of love and support. Read everything you can, post often, ask questions, etc. We know what you are going through and we are all here to help.

                  Piper- awesome job! We knew you could do it!!!

                  Danieru- How was Tokyo???

                  Well it's time for work again! Have a great day Nesters!

                  "When you know better, you do better"

                  AF- February 16, 2012
                  Goal 1- 3 days al free
                  Goal 2- 7 days al free
                  Goal 3- 1 month al free
                  Goal 4- 3 months al free


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning nest!

                    Just a quick pop in for me before heading off to work. It's great to be up early on a Monday morning with energy and no regrets from the weekend. Each morning I say a small prayer of thanks when I realize I didn't drink the night before.

                    Canadian - good job on Day 5! Good advice on work parties too! I'll use that next time.

                    Welcome Tut!

                    Great to hear from everyone - there are just too many folks in this nest to list you all! But reading all your posts helps keep me strong.

                    Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi all,
                      I am going to start posting again. I have not been on the boards for quite some time. As I have been assessing my situation, I realize what has worked and not worked. Being a part of this community has helped me tremendously in the past, so I know I need to check in somewhere every day. Have a great day!
                      Goal 1: Today
                      Goal 2: Tomorrow


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters!

                        I have lots to do today so I'll keep it short for a change :H

                        Just wanted to mention the importance of breaking associations related to AL!
                        Blondie's post regarding Saturday night = AL time. We all have/had those associations & they can break you down, if you let them. Don't! Just be willing to wait it out & you will find that those associations fade over time, promise

                        Have a great AF Monday everyone!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Nesters,

                          I don't have much extra time this just wanted to welcome Lukalee and Tut. :welcome: I know that posting or reading every day is what is making this effort work. Looking forward to hearing more of your stories.

                          ta ta for now.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Mornin' Sunshine and The Nest!

                            How is everyone today? Waking up clear headed and bright eyed I hope? I am! I too, MYLIFE, say a prayer of thanks for not drinking the night before when I wake up sober. As I've heard many times on MWO, no one ever says, Man, I'm so glad I drank the night before...

                            This is Day 115 for me AF since January. Yeah, I know, I don't have all those days strung together in a row but I still feel good about it and wanted to share

                            I am off to work in a few but already have put in a load of laundry, had some coffee, fed the cats, put the dog out, wrote out some Christmas cards and just posted on about 4 different threads on here and it's not even 8:30. Got up shortly after 7AM and I am pleased that I have the energy to do this all before a full day of work. Wouldn't have happend with a hangover.

                            Lukalee, hi to you! Welcome back! Nice to have you on board and I love your little monkey avatar! Great to have you in the Nest and I look forward to getting to know you better!

                            For everyone else, have a fabulous day. Lav, I shall heed that advice about the shift in associations...I look forward to it changing as I continue my AF journey!

                            Love to all and be good to yourselves
                            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                            BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning All

                              Had hard time getting to sleep last night (cause I took afternoon nap after being out in the cold for over 2 hours) Struggling to get up and get going .... but a least I don't have a hangover to boat!!

                              Welcome to the nest Lukslee and Tut.. tuck yourselves in ... it is a lovely place to be

                              To everyone in the nest ... here is to an AL free Monday

                              More later


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning Nesters,

                                I've been here lurking for the past year!! I felt it was time to finally jump in. i"m on my 2nd day AF and I'm determined to make it this time. I know my weak spots and weak thoughts that get me back to drinking and this time i'm prepared to make a AF outcome.

                                Looking forward to sharing and offering what help i can as i get further along this path.

                                best wishes to everyone.
                                AF/SF - November 23, 2014

