Hi Prairie...took me 5 months to come back...I'm relieved to see you after a couple weeks. Hang on tight - you know the drill...
Hey K9, nice to see you - I did wonder where you were!
Welcome to the nest canadian gal, lukalee, mstall, lostbutfound , tut, Twitt, ? ruinator, and welcome back daisy! And Piper, your post sounded so positive and confident! YEA!
My eyes are bothering me the last couple of days...trying to give them a little computer time break, but it looks like there's enough people here to carry on the conversation~:H
Lots of people will start to get a bit busy at this time of year....I have two things that I need to remind myself and everyone...1) Don't get so busy that your "plan" gets put on the back burner...now more than ever the supplements, CD's, exercise, sleep, MWO, everything that is in your plan - are all even more important than usual...I tend to burn the candle at both ends at this time of year, and that could spell disaster for my sobriety. And 2) Other people - meaning here at MWO are busy too - so if you're in a crisis - and are tempted to drink - and you reach out for help, it might make sense to do it in a couple of different places on here - the ASAP section - or PM a "friend' from here - whatever you have to do...the regulars might not be around so "regularly" at the holiday time so don't post something just once and decide that since no one replied, you might as well drink. Put out a distress signal or something!! :H
These are part of my holiday survival guide....my first amendment to my plan. I'm guessing once I make it through a holiday sober, I might be a little more credible, though.
