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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Welcome Satz , Binge and MWO and others. I am not as computer savvy as many here, nor as gifted at going back and forth without losing my posts! I just trudge forward and don't look back! And that's not so different as what you are about to do here. Satz, I looked back at your posts, you have been around a while. And Binge, I can't address binge drinking directly...unless you count every night drinking as much as you possibly can, and then I am there. So I will give you the nickel tour as to what it takes to be almost one year sober! That's all I have so far! When I came here that first time in early 2010, I thought I was at the end of my rope. Unfortunately, after a year of trying to tame this beast, I learned that the rope was a little longer. The year I spent trying to moderate was the year I absolutely drank myself nearly to death. Once you try to take AL away, and then you get some, it's like you drink JUST TO DRINK! It's crazy. I will tell you this, but you will have to find it out for yourself: It is MUCH easier to get AL totally out of your life than it is to try and live with it. The thought of giving up my crutch was impossible to fathum. I had never gone an evening without it let alone the rest of my life! But that night on January 19, 2011 I made a promise to myself...and by god I have kept it. My husband of 24 years had packed his things and the next conversation was going to be who gets what. All I had worked for about to be lost for the sake of a dam drink! That first day was hard! I'd been coming to this site for a year, and made half hearted attempts at stopping. I managed to get 12 days in twice...I hung my hat on that, saying to myself, If I can do that, then maybe I don't have such a problem after all! I came to this nest, and I latched onto the words of those people who were doing what I had to do. NOT DRINKING! I followed their words and their actions, and pretty soon, I had a week under my belt (drinking joke). Then I finally hit 13 days....that was big. We can talk about that later. But what you have to commit to, is that AL is bigger than you are, and you must get it out of your life. YOUR life, we aren't talking about anyone else in the house....we are talking about you. All you have to do is get thru that first awful night. Mind you, you will be thinking of AL 24 hours a day and will even dream of it. Do NOT let this lessen your resolve. You must get control of your mind. The mind chatter will drive you nuts. Do whatever you have to do to keep your mind busy. Listen to music too loud...bake some cookies, call a talkitive friend just get yourself thru the awful hours where you would have normally drank. Then by say, 8 that are essentially thru it. Rinse and repeat! Day 2 is the same way...but day 3 is big...that's when AL is out of your bloodstream! You will now be operating on your own power!! But first things first, read on this thread all you can. If you need something to help you sleep go back and read all my posts!! Bahahah....You will learn much from these folks here who have walked in your shoes. Just remember, do not give in tonight no matter what and no matter who.....all you gotta do is get thru THIS day! You can do it. Byrdie

    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Just want to say hi, Byrdlady your post there really touched me. I have had a truly horrible day one and I never want to feel like that again. Your post has given me hope.

      Welcome Sats and all other newbies, we are all here for the same reason and that is kind of helping me right now. Thank you and hello, everyone.
      Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


        Newbies Nest

        Hey FreeFly, Twitt and Broken Halo - this really is a good place to be - I owe the nest my sanity. I was just chatting about how hard this has been, I really thought I could make 30 days in March, and it took me till Dec to achieve. I mark my days on my calendar in orange dots - and my 10 year old noticed how many I had yesterday - she said no days without dots in Dec Mom, that's cool, but are you having wine today as there is not a dot today? - I said that I couldn't dot until the end of the day! I took her and her sister out to get nails done today and almost fell over at the cost, but amazingly enough I would have easlily handed the money over without blinking if it woudl have been on wine! I made my two girls laugh, giggle and be happy and I resented the money - and I could have woken sad, hungover and ashamed, with no energy to take them out - and that would have been ok to spend money on :upset::upset:!! Hells Teeth - I still have so much to change in my attitude, thought processes etc!!
        This si no easy journey and I still have thoughts about drinking almost constantly, and now I managed 30 days, the thoughts are there - well, I have done it once, so I can have a drink or two and get back on again - there is a post on another thread from someone with 10 mos AF and a drink on Thanksgiving opened the door for more _ these are the stories that I have to pay attention to now, and learn from others - there are so many here that can always lend experience, and we can all learn from others - so I say the more, the merrier - the more we have here, means that there will always be someone to lend a hand, or an ear at least - and a kick at the most!!
        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


          Newbies Nest

          Just saying hello ... still sick, the cough syrup makes me very sleepy but if feel like my chest is starting to clear... 4 more days of antibiotics to take... hope you all have a peaceful AF night


            Newbies Nest

            Herbie, sending you healing thoughts!

            Hi Satz & welcome to the nest! This is the safest place to be while you get your bearings, work up your plan & most of all, commit yourself to a new & better life

            Greetings K9, FreeFly, twitt, Byrdie, broken halo & SL!
            Hope everyone is making prgress today ~ no matter how hard it may be! The effort is worth it, believe me!

            Happy & grateful for my sober life
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Hello everyone. Welcome new nesters!

              Today is my 23rd day AF and 24th day Weed Free. I am past the 3 week mark. I am almost at the 1 month mark. Woot!

              Good luck to you all!

              Sober as of 12/7/11
              7 days - Complete
              14 days - Complete
              21 days - Complete
              1 month - Complete
              2 months - Complete
              3 months - ALMOST!
              6 months - not yet


                Newbies Nest

                scottish lass;1235021 wrote: - I said that I couldn't dot until the end of the day! I took her and her sister out to get nails done today and almost fell over at the cost, but amazingly enough I would have easlily handed the money over without blinking if it woudl have been on wine!
                Again I can totally relate SL! Instead of orange dots, I put these psychodelic heart stickers on each day...I like them so much I'm starting to look for other places to put them. LOL
                And as for the money, boy do I hear ya on that one! I'd shell out $18-$20 a day on my drinking and not even think twice about it, and now I cringe if I have to spend $10 on anything. LOL It's amazing what we start noticing (and admitting to) once the fog lifts and our brains start functioning again.

                Broken Halo- I'm sorry you had such a horrible day. I think I read in another thread that you are going to call the doctor tomorrow? I think that's great. Under medical supervision, this process can be much easier. I hope you have a good night's sleep tonight and feel better tomorrow. Let us know how your Dr. visit went ok?

                Hi to Birdie, Lav, Twitt, Freefly, Mightymite and everyone else. And big welcome to Satz...hope you're doing ok.

                Will check in, only 2 more days of 2011! This will be my first sober New Years Eve in years...well maybe ever!

                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks Broken...We'll have you set on the right track in short order. Keep checking in. Do NOT give in. Distract yourself and tell your brain to shut the @#$%! UP! If you got thru the last 15 minutes you can get thru the next 15....I will be thinking of you....Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Ruin, I am soo very proud of you!! Just look at how far you have come. Don't give up your quit for anything!! You will not be sorry! The best is yet to come and each day to learn something new about yourself. That sounds so corny, but I swear it's true. I am just curious...can you tell which has been harder to quit, the weed or the AL or can you tell? Well done on both...B
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello All!

                      Byrd your story really got to me hit me in a good way... I remember those days.. Your right its Better t get AL totattly out of ones life... I thought about moderation, but the body and mind feel so great without AL and plus I know where moderation would lead.. As the New Years approaches, i did get invited to many places, all where there will be drinking... In my post from yesterday, I will be here just reading and reading posts and doing anything AF. Today would be the start of drinking spending insane amounts of money on AL without even caring and now its , i do my grocery shopping and laundry detergent its around 12 dollars and I mumble at that but would nevercare to spend the 21.95 on the gallon of rum. I know this is more than likely a story alot have heard before... Feels good to be AF
                      Wishing everyone an AF Day!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Wow, what a great post Byrdie. It really captured the torment of trying to get off alcohol and the mental agony that goes along with it. But, then out of the darkness, there is light and life starts getting better and better.

                        It's not magic, and it doesn't feel earth shattering to be sober. But for me at least, I'm beginning to know a peace I've never felt before. My anxiety has disappeared and I'm starting to feel "normal" without the daily struggle.

                        It is MUCH easier to get AL totally out of your life than it is to try and live with it.
                        For anyone thinking of moderating - beware. The above quote is right on and you will be doing yourself no favors.

                        Sending everyone peace and strength.:l:l:l:l


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good evening, nesters! I really want to join this chorus about getting alcohol completely out of your life. Unwasted is completely right about the peace. To me, it feels like really being myself again. Of course my life isn't perfect, but whose is? I just like the sensation of being myself now. I really didn't like myself when I was drinking. I remember the guilt, shame, misery, waking up at 1:00 AM and making promises about the following evening that I knew I would break, feeling like there was another person in my head, arguing with me, lying to me. Now, I have a calm that just wasn't there before and I am so thankful.

                          Aguy--Your recent posts about the sweating, bloated, red faced, etc, etc, were really vivid and powerful. So glad you are finally feeling well!
                          "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                          AF 11/12/11


                            Newbies Nest

                            I'm waving hi from my in laws. I'm looking forward to getting back here more regularly. No al at the celebration today :-)

                            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                              Newbies Nest

                              Just a quesstion. I have been af for about 80days. Yesterday I had 1 lemon drop. Does that mean I have to start back at day 1?
                              Day 1:4/4/2014


                                Newbies Nest

                                Mimi, I guess it's up to you. Some people calculate their total days AF in a year and some start over. You could keep track of both, or choose one method - just depends on how you feel about it. I always started over, but if that doesn't feel right to you, just calculate overall days. Either way, sending you peace and strength.:l:l

