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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Silversage,
    I have the hypnosis CD?s for Moms from this site and highly recommend them. The first few weeks of quitting I used them as suggested every day. I think they really helped. The only thing is on one of the tracks -- I can?t remember which one -- he talks about drinking moderately, rather than completely abstaining, which is what I have chosen to do. I remember feeling surprised when I heard it the first time, but he only says it once and it didn?t seem to make any difference as far as the hypnotic suggestions went?

    I still listen to the ?sleep learning? cd every night. I think maybe I?ve become a bit superstitious, but so far so good. I put it on a low volume on continuous play on my iPhone. Since I sleep by myself at night, it doesn?t bother anyone else. When we have house guests and my snoring husband has to sleep with me so our guests can use his bedroom, he?s fine with it too. The first time he wondered what the ?noise? was but it didn?t bother him at all?
    AF since 9/20/2011


      Newbies Nest

      Hi Jane,
      I think you are 100% right to say that no amount of sobriety can be taken for granted. I'm not surprised by that story you posted. One of our family stories is about my great uncle who was the head of his AA chapter for 30 years. In the last year of his life he began to drink again until it finally killed him. It is a depressing thought, but I'm sure it doesn't have to be that way. I guess we just have keep our guard up at all times, or at least at the right time...
      AF since 9/20/2011


        Newbies Nest

        Here I am, Friday, 5 pm, don't havevto drive anywhere. Big risk factor. Drinking ice water. Helping daughter with math homework. Just checkingnin so I don't go too far.


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks for all the honest input everyone! As for more info, I have been AF in the past. the longest was 6 weeks and a handful of 4 week stints so I know I can do it! I think I will heed all of your advice and go AF for at least a month while sorting out some finances and before mentioning moving in. And I will definitely be downloading the book. Thank you!

          Im so happy I found this forum.
          AF since 2/3/12

          Goal 1: 2 weeks - In process
          Goal 2: 4 weeks
          Goal 3: 6 weeks
          Goal 4: 9 weeks


            Newbies Nest

            WickedMom - Thanks for the info about the cds! I'm going to give them a try!
            "If you want something you've never have to be willing to do something you've never done!"- unknown
            Goal 1-30 days AF, 10/31
            Goal 2-51 days AF. 11/22
            Goal 3 - Moderation through December!


              Newbies Nest

              Hey are you doing now? I have found that a nice cup of tea around that 5pm "witching hour" has kept me out of the drink. It keeps my "drinking mind" busy until dinner time. If I make it to dinner without drinking I am home free. So, I am trying to have dinner earlier these days.

              Jane, I always love reading your posts. It is so true that any amount of sobriety cannot be taken for granted. Thanks for posting the link to the Bill W story. I read part of it and will read the rest later. Hope you are doing well racking up the days...but who's counting??? :H I guess we all are.

              Hi to all the nestmates both old and new. Let's all make it through this Friday night. I have to keep my guard up...haven't had any AL cravings the past couple of days, but you never know when they might pop up.

              Alcohol does me no favors.

              Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                Newbies Nest

                CDs and book

                I was just perusing the tools. And well Im unsure if they will help and here is why. The healthy suggestions are already in my arsenal. Not only do I practice yoga but I have made it my life to study holisitic methods as to make up for all the damage ive done and all the while searching for that feel good high. Ive dabbled in vegan vegetarian and raw food cooking, Ive been working as a massage therapist for 8+ years and just recently finished a graduate program in Chinese Medicine - Im a soon to be licensed acupuncturist. I run, hike, snowboard, stretch and always drink 2L of water a day.

                So as for getting a D- on my internal report card, I couldnt agree more. I did however kick the smoking habit 5 years ago (smoked for 10years). But the drinking will always come in waves. one would think that with all the studying Ive had to do - that would be enough motivation. Yet still when I get stressed - even if I go for a run or do a yoga class - Ill almost always reach for a drink when I get home, or three.

                Truth be told I feel like a walking hypocrite - and I am! We talk about taking some alone time to go AF but I find that company puts me more at ease and essence distracts me from the Me that wants to put her feet up with a rum and coke.

                All I can do is keep trying - and realize that there is a part of me that doesnt want to quit. So its a battle but if all of you are winning than I should be able to.

                A good friend - who quit drinking 7 years ago - told me he would wake up each day and tell himself "Get up, get going and do the right thing today". He took it one day at a time. Thats what Ill be doing. Today ends Day 1 - again.
                AF since 2/3/12

                Goal 1: 2 weeks - In process
                Goal 2: 4 weeks
                Goal 3: 6 weeks
                Goal 4: 9 weeks


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hope everyone in the Nest is doing well, getting the support they need to get and/or stay AF! I certainly am...

                  Welcome Bluejay, I think your plan to get some AF time is a good one. I am 35, never married, and in a new relationship. When I met my bf of 2 1/2 months I was AF and told him I had problems in the past with AL and left it at that. (He doesn't drink much) Then, few weeks in I wanted to appear bit more "normal" and had couple drinks around holidays (and work stress). Soon, things spiraled out of control for me and I was back where I had been in August before finding MWO, and awareness of myself. And he knew, no matter how I tried to hide it from him. I know my situation is quite a bit different, I had tried to "moderate" and you may not but my advice is to be yourself and to be honest (doesn't have to be all the details) but share yourself and your struggle if you feel you can. I'm sorry for your financial stress, I have that too and it sure doesn't help.

                  Good luck to you and congrats on finding courage for day 1 again, its the worst day!

                  Hello to all other newbies and the wonderful "oldies" here, hope you are having wonderful Friday night.

                  My plan tonight is to celebrate my wonderful mom's birthday at dinner, and make her proud of her daughter being sober. I want my family and friends to be proud of me, but I'm realizing I want it most for me! And, one day when I am ready, move on with my life!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good evening all Nesters,

                    Thanks for the clarification jane & it is true that we will have to avoid complaceny for the rest of our lives. That's a small price to pay IMHO.

                    bluejay, I know a bit about feeling like a hypocrite! I continued to smoke even though I was the nurse taking care of ailing patients & I chose to drown my midlife sorrows in wine even though I swore I would never do that. AL is sneaky, it doesn't matter who you are, what your are, how educated you are, etc. It's out to get all of us!! The good news is we are in complete control of our lives if we choose. If that means changing ourselves, changing our habits & thinking then that's what we have to do

                    Great to see everyone! I am sitting with my feet up in front of the fire with a big mug of decaf green tea. Mosty, I am grateful

                    Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Checking in, sober. No time to crave or drink if I did crave. So it's getting more and more a way of life.
                      Fleeting thoughts of alcohol are just fantasies..,not true desire, because I know where it leads.

                      This is the first time that I believe that I have accepted that I cannot drink again. Previous attempts I always had in mind that it wasn't forever. This time, I know in my heart that I will never gain control over alcohol. I will need maintenance and that's ok.
                      Day 1 again 11/5/19
                      Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                      Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                      Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                      11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                      12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                      One day at a time.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Checking in to say hi. It is midday here in Australia. My antebuse journey starts monday (that is when I can get it) and am looking foward to an AF life.

                        I know how you feel Nursie, previously I also thought that giving up AL was not forever. Now I know that it has to be forever. None of this, 'I can have just one or two' a couple of nights a week.



                          Newbies Nest

                          wow!! everything written yesterday affected me.
                          Jane, i liked reading the article you posted and then Lavande's response. i think i'm struggling with the thought of this being a lifelong battle and trying to believe that it's a small price to pay for a much better quality of life. for the serenity i feel when i imagine Lav sitting in front of the fire with a cup of decaf.--
                          i want to do the work and i am working on it and i do feel grateful. rewiring the brain is surely no easy task. amazing.
                          i have girlfriends coming over sunday to celebrate a belated birthday and i'm asking them not to bring al. they know my situation. we were all together new years 2011 when i vowed to cut down.
                          baby steps one day at a time!!

                          xo to all ---


                            Newbies Nest

                            Bluejay take another look - there are helpful suggestions all over this site. If you don't try to see any similarities between you and any of us I don't think you have much chance of succeeding. Many of us lead otherwise very healthy lifestyles. We work out - we take supplements - we don't eat gmo foods- we eat clean, etc...I am obsessive about my health - and I found the tools here that I needed to succeed. You'll be surprised when you start reading stories. You can click on a persons name and have the option of pulling up their past posts. :-)

                            I wish I could sleep this morning! Our dinner went well last night- I actually remembered to serve everything instead of getting drunk and letting everything go to hell. And the house is picked up downstairs! Unbelievable. Is this really how people live??? Awesome. :-)

                            I'll check in later.


                            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                              Newbies Nest

                              Jane is that wolf playing leapfrog???

                              I thought it was so funny that you saw that Liam neeson movie as I always think about it when I see your avatars.

                              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                                Newbies Nest

                                Very good point LoLab. The "Im not like them" issue is probably why I have had to return to Day 1 several times. Thank you for the honesty. And massive support here. Funny that Ive actually told myself that eating clean and exercising a ton balances out the negativity from drinking, so its all ok. wrong.

                                Its 630am I just woke up after a very restful sleep - detox tea before bed. And now heading out to walk my highly energized dog.

                                I can say that seeing him whine at me on the mornings I didnt want to get out of bed because I drank the night before was depressing to no end and I'd almost always be annoyed. Whereas now Im seeing the little bugger as an inspiration. He's part terrier so has bounds of energy in the morning - who wouldnt want that?

                                Day 2 !!!! side note: Im feeling im glued to this forum and probably will be for several days until I can gain some peace again.
                                AF since 2/3/12

                                Goal 1: 2 weeks - In process
                                Goal 2: 4 weeks
                                Goal 3: 6 weeks
                                Goal 4: 9 weeks

