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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Have you tried self hypnosis? I never thought I would be a cheerleader for it - or that I would ever try OR that it would work! I did not buy the Cd's from this site - can't afford right yet and wanted something NOW. I searched the other night and found Self Hypnosis Online Software for Custom Hypnosis MP3 Download not the best recorded stuff out there, it is definitely a computer voice BUT it does work. I downloaded the create your custom self hypnosis online - the stop drinking one and added in a bunch of my own thoughts and some I googled and I haven't craved a drink all week. Thought about it - yes, had 2 - yes, but stopped with out an issue. Just an option.


      Newbies Nest

      Pronto;1259337 wrote: Hi, Mum:

      Go read the "Tool Box." That's what helped me. A member named "Work in Progress" wrote a post that if you change the way you think, you change the control alcohol has over you.

      He said there's a difference between being gratitude driven and deprivation driven. So I've been trying to look at being AF from a gratitude standpoint rather that from the standpoint of being deprived.

      Instead of wishing I could have a glass of wine, I change my thoughts to being glad that I'm not having a glass of wine because I have a lot to do, I don't want to hurt my body any more, and I don't want to lose my business. It helps.
      I just want to check in and say to everyone here that the above is true. Really, truly embrace AF life and all it has to offer! With my just a short time of sobriety, I am starting to realize that I was just plain meant to be sober, and I have almost never been happier in my adult life. We are used to instant gratification in a bottle. The gratitude that comes from AF life are like seeds in the ground, they take a long time to become worth anything. Just stick it out though, because it is worth it. It's not pie in the sky, angels singing every day stuff (although I still can't get over waking up feeling great...) but a real sense of being myself. Of course some days are better than others, but that is real life. I'm so happy for everyone racking up the days!
      "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
      AF 11/12/11


        Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters!

        Haven't been able to check in today until now. Babysitting 3 grandkids is just crazy but lots of fun too. My daughter will be spending an extra night here as she has come done with a stomach bug of some sort

        Being sober is the absolute best gift you can give to yourself & your loved ones. It may be hard in the beginning but so what? You can all do it, make the commitment

        Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          All jumbled Up


          Just hit six months sober and doing pretty well. Just getting a little overwhelmed with all the 'help' I get from the AA metings. I am finally feeling comfortable talking and am beyond sick of the Dr. Twelve Steps telling me I am not quite doing sobriety correctly. I know people are well intended - and maybe I am thick headed - here is the deal - tonight's meeting was on gratitude - when it was my turn to speak I said I was very grateful I was no longer feeling obsessed with trying to drink and 'get away with it' that was my MO for the last several months of drinking and it was heartbreaking for me and my family. My husband is taking a trip and I said I am grateful he feels he can trust me again. After the meeting someone told me I should not stop drinking for my family but for myself - someone else told me a story of someone slipping and driking when they had a night to themselves. I did not say I was complacent or confident I would never drink again! I was just saying I am glad I am able to have some seblance of a normal life now that I am not drinking - anyway...I wish these well intended people offering advice would take a deep breath first - normally I am quite carefree and chatty - just jammed up tonight and needed to vent - thanks all


            Newbies Nest

            32 days. Oh hell yeah.
            Inchy, doncha wanna break those chains?
            I was available tonight for a medical emergency from a family member. Never would have happened a month ago. Would have been drunk and unable to be reliable or give the proper advice and support.

            I was there.

            I was there.

            I won't give that back for a swimming pool of wine.
            Day 1 again 11/5/19
            Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
            Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
            Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
            11/27/19: messed up but back on track
            12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

            One day at a time.


              Newbies Nest

              just wanted to say good morning!
              Good Morning!!


                Newbies Nest

                my name is not very original either it is just where I live! Checking in definitely helps - after three years of saying I am going to stop drinking I have finally done it and am AF for 36 days today..... still feel like a drink but will feel more disgusted with myself if I give in to the craving that if I don't so I am trying to soldier on. Keep going - they do say it gets easier!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning Nesters!

                  Hello, welcome & CONGRATS to Mandy on 6 AF months
                  We're happy to have you here in the nest, make yourself comfortable. You've done a great job & deserve some positive support - you will find it here

                  belgium, hello & welcome to yuo. Congrats on your 36 AF days!
                  It does get easier so stick with us!

                  Nursie, lifechange & everyone - great to see you & wishing you all a fabulous AF Friday.
                  Will be back a bit later

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    I was thinking about this whole sobriety thing this morning...and how natural it is now...I just about had it into words.... I came on here, and Pinecone said it exactly the same!!! It was nuts! BRAINWAVE!!! At first, the thought of giving up AL is mind blowing...just not possible. AL and the thoughts and actions of it were a good 90% of my energy and time. Everything in my life was slipping.... bad. Today, I'd give AL about 5%. Do I still sometimes think about it? Yes, that is normal. Do I feel sorry for myself that I can't drink now? Absolutely not! I've never felt lighter of heart...happier, balanced and calm. It is very unbalanced in the beginning, but given some time, the weigh shifts and you will see how much better being free of that awful ball and chain is...but you gotta go thru it to get to it...those first few days are NOT fun....Stay the course, don't give up your quit no matter what or no matter who....Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Mandy, I've been to AA meetings. I do believe that people there have the best of intentions. In fact, forget AA meetings. Everywhere in the world there are people willing to give "advice" based on their experiences. Take advice with a grain of salt, no matter what it's about or who it coming from.

                      Nursie, that almost made me cry. I have often thought that if there was an emergency in the middle of the night, I would not be available because I would be too drunk to drive any where, or once I went to bed, no one would be able to wake me up. This gives me one more thing to be grateful for.

                      Last night I went to bed at about 8:30, a little bit later than I have been going to bed in the last week, and I was fine. I didn't feel the usual pangs between 5 and 7 like I had been, wishing I could have some wine. I did feel them, just not as much. Usually my brain feels fried and dense and I feel like I am going to implode, but last night this feeling was only half as strong.

                      Up until last night, I've been waking up every night, several times a night. But last night I went to bed and didn't wake up once.

                      I'm glad I've been believing everyone that it will get better.
                      Goal 1: One day: DONE
                      Goal 2: One week: DONE
                      Goal 3: One month
                      Goal 4: We'll see


                        Newbies Nest

                        hey old friends and new...:-) I am usually here lots more than I have been lately - but things are settling down and I will be able to post more. I just had to share that I am very happy inside just seeing all the positivity and support around here! I love love love when things are on the upswing like this around here and everyone is working so hard at something so important. life is always going to throw tough situations in our way that might make us want to escape "somehow" and this community is such an important strong but soft cushion to lean on in those times. :h

                        Jane, I am very hopeful that you might experience a much shorter or less severe bout of EBV while being sober...:l

                        Be back around soon.


                        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Nestaroos,
                          Had a busy week, and this afternoon feeling like I am missing something...A HA! A trip to the nest is just what I need! I have to catch up on what has been going on here, but at quick glance, it looks all good.

                          I am on day 28, and (hopefully not jinxing myself), can see 30 not so far off. Really though, I want to keep on cruising but I guess I need a goal. Last time I started unraveling at this time I will keep it going.

                          Jane...hope the EBV flare lets up soon. I think I have been having a Parvovirus (the human version, not the one the kills puppies...) flare. It is better known as Fifth Disease in kids, and I got it from my daughter almost 3 years ago. Now and then I have a flare up with *really* achey joints in my hands and feet. Now ya got me wondering if it is AL withdrawal related???!!!

                          Lola, happy to see you stopping by the nest. Hope all works out well for you.
                          Everyone else...let's keep it going and have a great AF weekend!

                          Alcohol does me no favors.

                          Pouring poison down your throat is just plain STUPID!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Congrats to everyone on their AF days! Your positive energy is what is keeping me on track today..

                            Jane; I like how you worded it. Those dastardly flash fantasies of romanticized drinking have elbowed their way into my head big time. I have been watching a favourite TV show by streaming and when I see the characters holding a glass of wine, enjoying themselves. I want that to be me! I want to sip at it and relax and be able to have a couple drinks. Okay, here is the real situation; it is 1:45pm in the afternoon, not a "glamorous evening" and I never sip. I will start gulping, I will move onto hard alcohol and I will drink tomorrow to feel better from tonight. So, by posting here I am hoping for the cravings to lessen and will distract myself with lunch and cleaning. Think I will head to the bookstore for a new distraction as well.

                            Hope everyone having a wonderful Friday, I am 24 days AF and glad for it... I can see 30 coming!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thanks Jane, really appreciate you responding and the recommendation. Looking for the show as we speak, think its time to turn off the other show anyway. Life, here I come!



                                Newbies Nest

                                Jane, your avatars crack me up!! Like that wolf is just sitting there whistling, trying to fit in and not be noticed!!!
                                You will find that AL can come out of nowhere and try and convince you it is the right thing to do...he is a wiley one and will tell you anything to creep back in. I am happy to say, that it will pass almost as quickly as it came. Just say your usual, NO, HELL NO! It's just out of the question to drink. So proud of your day string...looks like we have a whole new crop of 30 dayers coming up too. I'll have to run out and get some more hats!!! Be strong tonight...Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

