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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I've survived the evening, it was tough but I did it. Just about to have a cup of tea now, no cravings at all now, really glad I didn't cave in.

    I am so inspired by how Byrd and Stella have managed to come down off their meds (this really helped me tonight). Even if other people are not on those specific medications, this must illustrate to everyone how much alcohol messes up our bodies and how we are all better off without it.

    Even at only 8 days in,I have already started to notice some benefits; I am sleeping better, I am less tired and I feel much better in the morning.

    Love the statement "don't leave before the miracles start happening!" That was another thing that kept me going tonight.

    Goodnight all and I'll see you in the nest tomorrow - take care everyone

    Sausage x
    Day 8 ********


      Newbies Nest

      True words Byrd. The medications given by doctors who do not understand them is incredible. You take something to relieve symptoms of suffering and the meds create more problems via side effects. Temporary relief at the expense of more intense suffering down the road. I know too well. I have now been AF since the beginning of the year and have stopped Beta Blocker completely and blood pressure is fine. I am now about a month into tapering off 1 mg of Klonopin daily that I have been on for 10 years or so. I want to be on nothing. The journey seems impossible at times but with a positive attitude to the future of having a happy life w/o drugs or AL I stand firm and committed. I suppose time will tell. The Klonopin taper is a difficult task that I am sure I could not even think of attempting while drinking. I question myself daily and reason my way through all the questions my mind throws at me.
      ~~ Strength and Health to everyone on their journey.~~


        Newbies Nest


        I'm totally with you on getting off the meds, especially ADs. I've been hearing a lot about how bad they are for us. People can just research it, because there's lots of information available. Also, Dr. James Mercola writes a lot about it - anyone interested can Google him.

        I haven't taken them in a long time, but my anxiety totally disappeared once I quit drinking.

        Hyper - Hi! Glad to see that you're still doing well. I don't see your posts often but do watch for you. Good for you for getting off Klonopin. I can really relate to your doctor story. I can remember the first time I was prescribed ADs - there's no way I was depressed. They prescribed it for my bad sleep. It was alcohol related, but no one even went down that road. I had no clue back then. I question everything they tell me now and as a rule avoid them like the plague. I've had bad experiences with the medical system and feel I'm healthy despite it, not because of it. I have two stories in particular, but I'll leave it at that for purposes of this thread. Anyway, good to hear from you.


          Newbies Nest

          Hi everyone! hope everyone is hanging in there today and having a wonderful and sober day. I am doing alot better today and now the real work begins again after getting past the withdrawls. Going to contact my old AA sponsor do a weekend tonight and on Saturday and restart this journey. Will post my story on the my story forum this weekend to give everyone a better background on my journey to this new starting spot. Stay strong and peace to the Newbies Nest! :thanks:
          Started living again 2/7/2015


            Newbies Nest

            Good evening all nesters!

            A bit quiet around here - hope everyone is OK & just busy building their new lives
            Wishing a safe night in the nest to all.

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Nestlings!

              Welcome Hope, glad to have you in the nest...stick around and get comfy!

              Congrats on staying sober FinallyDone! You are doing great!

              LolaB, yep, I do find those odd selzter flavors...and yes, I scored one called Eggnog over the holidays and it was actually pretty good! Not as good as pumpkin spice!

              Sausage, well done on getting through today! You have come so far, get into double digits with me and we'll stick it out together, K? I'm researching GF recipes for future celebrations....

              Clearly, I cannot count as another MWO'er pointed out that I do in fact have 10 days so that's like getting a bonus day right there! COOL! So, I'm heading into the weekend with double digits and plan to keep it that way!

              Have a super night all and I'll fly in over the weekend to say hello! Meanwhile, stay strong and take it one day or even one hour at a time if you have to. And like UNWASTED says, do anything to keep you occupied...take a bath, take a walk, go get a massage, count how many green m & m's are in a bag...ANYTHING, just don't take that first drink! GOOD LUCK!
              Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                Newbies Nest

                Morning guys!

                Waking up on Day 2 - not actually worried about this weekend, I feel really positive that I'll get through it fine. It'll be Monday/Tuesday that will be hard so I'll be on my guard then.

                I don't know if any of the older members remember my problems with my gallbladder and I'm due to have it out? I've finally had my appointment through and it's the 23 April. So I now have a goal date to stay AF until at least then. And if I go on beyond that, great. I think this is really going to help me too, cos I have something to aim for. Before it was so open ended IYSWIM and it made me feel a little lost. I am also going to focus on my stubborn streak, not listen to DH's negative comments and definitely stick with the exercise.

                I feel like I'm bouncing off the walls this morning with energy! Wonder how long that will last lol!

                Have a great day everyone and be back later x


                  Newbies Nest

                  And today's meaningful quote for me is from a Florence & The Machine song - Shake It Out:

                  "it's hard to dance with the devil on your back, so shake him off".

                  Going to keep thinking this!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Nesters

                    Stella, Sugar, Sausage - Glad you guys inspired one another and it got me thinking about meds again.

                    Finally - I would love to read your story!

                    Willow - Your op date is a good goal!! I've done it before and it feels so "proper" to fill in those forms before the operation and know your liver is fine!

                    I had an early start this morning(for a Saturday). My ex brought the kids at 7. He went for a bike race... Would never have guessed he was capable of doing that when we were together!!!

                    Anyhow. I painted quite a big block to decorate my room. The kids helped and it looks real good. Then we repaired the tree house a bit and now they are thankfully dozing off... I am capable of doing so much more these days and handle my kids with a lot more patience. Feels great!

                    Have a good Saturday!
                    12-20-2012 AF
                    Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Sounds like everyone is in the right place to plow through another AF weekend. Going to run a 10k this morning and hope to finish in under 45 minutes. Kind of a prep for a half marathon in a few weeks. Make it a great day everybody!
                      2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hiya Nesters!

                        Hope you all had a good Friday night and are ready for the weekend. I worked until 5 today and because this is the earliest time I get home during the week it means that it is my cleaning day. So I cleaned the whole apartment and now I am EXHAUSTED. Would love to go to bed now (it's only 8 pm) but am waiting to talk to my best friend in Canada on skype. I do not recommend working 7 days a week to anyone! Got my hubby 3 tickets to go to the movies tomorrow to see MI4. I would LOVE to see that movie, but I have to work. Ah well. The good news is that I am not thinking about al. Even coming home early today did not set off any cravings. I'm only at the end of day 17. Staying incredibly busy is so important because then there is no time to think about al.

                        As far as meds go, I am very anti medication. Get off them if you can!! Who the hell knows what kind of chemicals are in them. My MIL is a Chinese traditional medicine doctor and I believe that many things can be helped/ cured by using natural things. I find that western doctors are always just looking for a quick fix (that may do more harm then good), but the Chinese medicine will actually cure. And diet/ exercise also plays a huge part in how we feel, so make sure you are eating right and exercising at least 5 days a week.

                        To the S sisters (Stella, Sugar, Sausage)- you guys did a great job supporting each other earlier! And you all stayed al free!!! Congrats to all 3 of you!

                        Willow- Even though you had a slip, I am so happy that you came right back here the next day. You could have thrown in the towel and kept drinking, but you didn't. It's too bad about your gallbladder, but it is a great reason to stay sober. Ignore your hubby's negative comments and stick to your guns. You know you can do this!

                        Blonde- Great job on double digits! Woo hoo! Have a great weekend!

                        UW- how are you doing? Haven't heard from you in a while!

                        SH- Glad you had a good day with the kiddies! I'm sure your kids LOVE that you have much more patience. It's amazing how many lives we affect by drinking/ not drinking. What's your plan for your room?

                        FD- Glad to hear that you are feeling better. You have a great plan for the weekend. Can't wait to read your story.

                        Hyper- How are you doing?

                        Allswell- Holy cow! 10 kms.....unbelievable! Good luck to you and update us on how it goes. I am sending you any energy I have now...not that you will need it!!!

                        To all my other nesters, I hope you have a great weekend! Stay strong! Sending you all positive vibes.
                        "When you know better, you do better"

                        AF- February 16, 2012
                        Goal 1- 3 days al free
                        Goal 2- 7 days al free
                        Goal 3- 1 month al free
                        Goal 4- 3 months al free


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hey CG - I totally agree with you about western doctors. I am healthy despite them, not because of them. I have a couple of stories but.........anyway, I think we must be our own advocates and choose natural over chemical solutions when it makes sense. Question everything is my motto. Not that all my experiences with doctors have been bad, but a couple of big things to be sure.....

                          I've been around - mostly on the March Motivator Thread - am on 110 days AF and feeling great.

                          Best to you and all the other nesters!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Well hello again - am on day 9 !

                            Finished reading the Jason Vale book early this am - woke 4am and couldn't get back to sleep, don't feel tired though. The book seems really good - quite similar to the Allen Carr book which I read 4 yrs ago, but subtly different. I think it has helped - will get a better idea when witching hour approaches.

                            Just been clothes shopping with my daughter - for her to get spring / summer stuff. Got some nice things all at 30% off from Gap. Will start clothes shopping for myself when i'velost a bit of weight!I only want to lose about 8 lbs.

                            Will check back in later - hope everyone OK

                            Sausage x
                            Day 9 *********


                              Newbies Nest

                              SAUSAGE;1273332 wrote: Well hello again - am on day 9 !

                              Finished reading the Jason Vale book early this am - woke 4am and couldn't get back to sleep, don't feel tired though. The book seems really good - quite similar to the Allen Carr book which I read 4 yrs ago, but subtly different. I think it has helped - will get a better idea when witching hour approaches.

                              Just been clothes shopping with my daughter - for her to get spring / summer stuff. Got some nice things all at 30% off from Gap. Will start clothes shopping for myself when i'velost a bit of weight!I only want to lose about 8 lbs.

                              Will check back in later - hope everyone OK

                              Sausage x
                              Day 9 *********
                              You are doing fantastic! Just think, tomorrow you get to wake up to your double digit achievement.....well done, keep it up. Just stay off the AL and Im sure that 8 pounds will melt rather quickly
                              Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                              DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                                Newbies Nest

                                I am still here. I am promising myself that I will post everyday. I have to go to work but will post more later. Hope everyone has a fantastic day!

