TEEZAH AND FIN well DONE on your respective wins recently. That is awesome. As is Sausage's four months sober -- we are full of win here! I am sooo proud of you all. And I tell you, I was feeling so unmotivated after my slide into the abyss at 17 days but this has all really brought my motivation back to life. Love it!
Teezah, yes, whatever Boot Camp start date is fine. A bunch of us have Monday 18th of Jan but any date is good.
Speaking of, I had been keeping notes on Boot Campees trying to keep track of all who were joining and where everyone was at but now so many of you have said they're in I've lost track again, which is great, so just keep posting on your progress peeps. First to hit 30 days ought win something special I say

Roon, I'm sorry I made that cafe comment then. Look, I totally understand as I'm struggling with all that myself. For me, anyway, I think the Catch 22 may be that it may take some solid time sober to start to really discover what you enjoy that doesn't involve drinking and also that not drinking isn't so horribly boring after all. But that takes a bit of a leap of faith doesn't it? I am trying to adjust my attitude about it all but I totally admit I'm not 100% there and still think of drinking as "fun" and sober stuff as being "boring". Though I did have a truly lovely AF weekend, even around drinkers!
Can I give you a wee bit of tough love though hon? I totally agree with LG - of COURSE we don't need to be told there are AF places to meet people. But if you are so resistant to the idea that anything/anywhere else could be fun - perhaps that is worth examining a little more? I relate, I do, but I also think it's your addict's defense mechanisms kicking in too. Try at least considering the idea that alternatives might exist and ones that you could come to enjoy?
Otherwise, all I can suggest is that you devote some time that you would have spent drinking to reading until your eyes bleed on here, elsewhere, books… just trying to shift your perspective a little. That's what I'm trying to do anyway. And, again, can you focus on just those 30 days for now? Things might have naturally shifted a bit for you by the end of them with any luck.
And, hell, failing all else, maybe you and I should be heading off to AA to try and pick up cute (sober) guys…
