Teezah Day 4
Fin - Day 10
Kradle, Day 12
Tipplerette - Day 8
Lilly, Day 11
Hi all!
Sausage, I'm glad you said that re the iPad as I'd actually thought that but I'm justifying the impulse buy…

Dest - WELL DONE on double digits! You're a third of the way there

Lexilou, hi and welcome! I read your other thread too and I'm really glad you've found your way here. You will find lots of great help and support here so dive in and start posting and reading as much as you can. We can all help see you through this one day at a time. And do check out the https://www.mywayout.org/community/f1...box-27556.html if you haven't already. The first week is the hardest, especially for those who are drinking heavily, so knuckle down and gather your resources to see you through it. you'll feel better every day. I have to say I agreed with others that your husband probably *does* know, or at least strongly suspect. We're not as clever as we think in our addiction and denial. Have you considered having an honest heart to heart with him? Could that help you get sober? Would he support you? Is that an option do you think?
Byrdie, you make me laugh. I'm totally looking forward to that hat more than my new iPad arriving … Ok, well I am looking forward to that hat very much and I promise you that I will do a little happy dance when it arrives and for all of you fellow boot campees as you get yours

Also, thanks for the arse kicking there. That was indeed a great post. You are right, WILL not IF. I am REALLY determined to do it this time. As I said, I'm already pretty stoked that I'm only had one day of drinking this month. I'm excited to see what 30 days feels like (or 47 days minus 1)
Also I think I found that thread you were referencing that Lolab started. I did an advanced search for all threads started by LL. Off to have a read myself!
Oh and I just saw LL beat me to it

Monique you've been quiet lately - doing ok?
Lav, you've also been missed though I know you're ok and hopefully just taking a break from the Nest (and sorry if you did post recently, either of you, and i missed it. There's been a lot to keep up with!
