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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi Finallysee.. i agree with Lavande.. is taking cough medicine really that bad??
    I take the Bach Flower Resecue Remedy and that has some alcohol in it.. but the calming effects of Bach Flowers outweighs that.
    I think you are being too down on yourself?? Will be good to go fishing!
    Hi Lavande
    Hi Audrey
    Take care


      Newbies Nest

      Thank you nest! I am being hard on myself. I could hardly sleep last night as my mind is racing right now. It's 5 am here and I am wide awake. I am going to relax today and not be too tough on myself. Thanks everyone.
      Started living again 2/7/2015


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning Nesters!

        Up early myself finallydone
        I hope you are feeling a little better today. It's normal to have ups & downs in life but if you keep your focus then there's no harm done. If you find your mood swing is interfering or lasting longer than a few days then do something about it - be proactive! A change-up in diet or supplements or exercise helps. I am the queen of self-help

        Greetings patrice, good to see you!

        finallysee, any changes you make in your routine will be helpful!
        I did not use the recommended supplements when I started. I have a lot of allergy issues & was concerned about using kudzu, etc. But I did just fine without it!
        Giving up alcohol for a few days wasn't the biggest problem for me but choosing to stay away from it was. I did go ahead & invest in the Hypno CDs & used them exactly as directed. They made all the difference for me in helping me to change my thinking Going thru the Tool box for now will help & not cost a cent

        Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Thursday!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Had to chime in here. FD changing your start date, really??!! Like Patrice I take Bach Flower Remedies avec alcohol regularly. They don't count as a relapse, alcohol content way too small, and they're for healing anyway. Just like cough syrup right - ease up I say.
          You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



            Newbies Nest

            finallydone: Don't think about yesterday....think about TODAY
            I am thinking of you and hope this cloud that is covering you lifts quickly
            I just won't anymore


              Newbies Nest

              Day 5 for me.

              Well I haven't had a drink since last Saturday night. This is the longest I've ever gone without drinking, even during my five, count 'em, FIVE pregnancies (I know - what a moron, eh?). Anyway, I felt a little bit better last night and this morning I didn't wake up with a pounding headache. I went for a long walk with my family to help clear some cobwebs. Felt pretty good! I'm still very irritable and tweaking a bit on some excess energy but besides that I feel pretty good. I came very close last night to having a drink and had my husband not finished off the last of the vodka (he's also a heavy drinker) I probably would have. But I am pleased to say that there are currently 3 bottles of white wine in my fridge and I really didn't have a desire for a glass last night. That's saying something, isn't it?

              Well I'm off to work. BTW - I noticed it says I'm from North Carolina. I actually moved back to Canada about a month ago and I'm unsure how to change that. Anybody? Have a good Thursday!

              Fall down 7 times. Get up 8.


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning Peeps! much going on here in the nest!!!!! I am still trying to get back into my new AF routine since returning from Florida. I worked until late yesteray and didn't get a chance to make my meeting and todayis goig to be the same way...ugh....oh well.....tomorrow I can get back to normal. This is why I never go anywhere...I hate having toplay "catch-up"! Ha!

                Rooni....Iam so sorry that you had suh nasty cravings but I am soooooo proud of you for not acting on them! AB is awesome but it is obvious that we still need to re-wire our brains against this beast....but we are geting steps!!!!!

                Prairie...I hope you had a good meeting! I know how it feels to miss taking a dose of the supplements...I have done that before in the early days AF and it was horrible! Thank God they do kick in quickly! I hit my 30 day AF mark and I stopped taking the L-glut and Kudzu and I am doing really well without it. As everyone here knows I am a HUGE fan of those supplements and they totally did their job for me when I needed them. So now I am just on the AB and Milk Thistle. I am so hoping that you are feeling better this morning!!!!!!

                FD...I totally admire your honesty but I think you are being wayyy to hard on yourself. But only you know how you are truly feeling and if you feel you may be using the medicine as a crutch then just pour it out and call it a day! You have come such a long way and we are so proud of you!!!!!!

                K9...Ahhhhhh...the memories of the school parking lot from hell...honking horns...nasty parents..on one taking chaos!!!!! Ha! Gotta love it! I would give anything to do that just one more time as dropping my daughter off at college a couple of days ago and driving back home totally ripped out my heart! Oh one said that watching them grow up was easy!

                Hi Lav, Byrdie, Jennie!

                Welcome Lass and Audry!
                AB Club Member
                AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Imaginary! Congrats on staying strong last night! Vodka was my passion also....stay close and keep posting/reading. You can change your location by editing your profile....up on the tool bar click "user CP" and on the left hand side there is a panel where you can do that. I hope that helps!
                  AB Club Member
                  AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                  10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                  :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                    Newbies Nest

                    FinallyDone....I had a big note typed out and lost it! UGGG!
                    There was a discussion about this on another thread a little while ago. Being paranoid as I am about slipping, I set out to find cough syrups without AL and there are a number of them out there, I'm happy to report. So I bought some to have on hand and poured the other stuff I had out. Look, I've taken Advil to feel better and some days I've abused that! It would be the same with food if you were abusing that....I say move on, don't change that date!!! You EARNED that, and unless you were drinking Viking Goblets of cough syrup, you are just fine!!

                    FinallySee, I got sober without any suppliments....I didn't want my husband to see any charges on my mastercard so I white knuckled can be done without anything would have been nice to have had them, but you can do it on your own. I do recommend a hearty stash of cookies tho. Not kidding, when the going gets tough, a sweet treat helps a lot. I also employed a strange technique I've since learned is called MINDFULNESS. As I eat the cookie, I savor it and enjoy and think about how delicious it is and the various flavors I'm tasting....I don't just gobble it down. Really got me over some rough spots.

                    As you carry along the first 30 days...please be mindful of the Pity Party!! This is easy to throw and attend, and hard to leave. It derails many a nester. Everybody else is actually NOT drinking...everyone else is NOT gazing in their partners' eyes with glowing tones while sipping wine. Everyone else is NOT at bars having fun while you are at home with a bag of cookies. This is a phase and will pass...try to be grateful that you caught this when you did and that you have an opportunity to make right by put things back on course, and to live the life you deserve! Try to be grateful that your eyes finally opened up! And that you are taking action, not just talking about it. Be HAPPY that you are turning the ship around and getting back on track. There is NOTHING to be sad about...your best days are ahead....NOT behind you. Let it go.

                    IG...GREAT JOB!!! Get yourself to day 7 and you won't believe the difference in your whole outlook on LIFE!!! You get a horn toot from the nest, too! So hang in there you are doing so well! Do not give in to the Bastard no matter what or no matter who!!! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Audrey, I'm so sorry that AL robbed you of all that....welcome back to the nest...let's get you brushed off and cleaned up. We will make this right. Settle in here, here's the Butt Velcro....B
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning y'all! Day 20. Started work at 7 this am, changing things up a bit. Being at work until 7p really helps. Those days off gimme too much time on my hands, easier to have those cravings.

                        Ck in later

                        "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                        -Alan Cohen


                          Newbies Nest

                          Ok - can't type much - actually have a mountain of work to do still before I can contribute much today but...

                          The meeting went - interesting.

                          It was good to go. And it was good to be around people who had issues so I didn't feel alone. Sometimes when I sit in front of my computer - but I don't admit my issues out loud - it feels less real or immediate - if that makes sense.

                          It's growing by leaps and bounds - 11 new people last night alone. So there is a compelling need for an alternative. They have over 60 regulars, people who are less regular, and so many people bring their kids of all age ranges - they now offer free child care and the 6- 12th grade program runs concurrently to adults for kids in that range - so kids follow the adult program week to week in an age appropriate way so they are hearing similar messages aimed at reinforcing their strength. And dinner. All in all - plus the musicians - and the volunteers for dinner and kids - there were over a 110 people there...

                          I didn't know what to expect but that wasn't it...

                          Anyway - I'm signed up to start the step study program - that's the indepth work - they do it in small groups you commit to spending the next 9 - 12 months with - each group takes as much time as they need to complete the steps...but it's not more than a year and never less than 6 months...but they become your in-depth team on your road to getting your $hit straight.

                          It's always same sex step study teams so that all sorts of weirdness doesn't creep in - and I can see why - with the blend of addictions, issues, etc - in the room - you wouldn't want both genders in a step study. Things could go off the rails pretty quick. Before last night - I thought - over cautious. Afterward - not so much.

                          Anyway - the path has's now a case of staying on it - staying focused - and every day - doing what I need to do. Whatever that is - that day.

                          Glad you are all here. Wish I had time to talk more this morning - but I've got to run - client deadlines...
                          That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
                          Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
                          AF - August 20, 2012


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Nesters!

                            FD - Sorry you are having such a hard time right now. I tend to agree with the others, you are being very hard on yourself. I know that you strive for perfection, but it doesn't exist, so give yourself a break. HOW much cough syrup were you taking? Please don't beat yourself up. You've done so well and we are all so proud of you!!! :h

                            Audrey - Glad to see you back. As Byrdie said, brush yourself off and start over. We're here to help you. You only fail when you quit trying. Oh, and if the butt velcro doesn't work, try super glue!

                            Day 2 of school madness. We were much earlier so it wasn't quite as crazy. My daughter has started talking about the "good" things about school, so we're getting there. Yesterday, according to her, it was all bad and "there's not one good thing about it". Love the teenage girl drama. LOL Maybe her new pair of $60 shoes helped a bit too *gulp*

                            Everyone have a great day, and tape, velcro, glue or staple your butts to the Nest! No one is allowed to fall out on our watch

                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              Newbies Nest

                              school doesn't start here for almost 2 more weeks! I'll probably be a little scarce til then...squeezing in the last bit of summer with the kid. :-) He's having me drive him all OVER at ALL times of the day - so no chance of drinking. :-) I love it. It's a whole new world - even thought it's been close to a year - this has been my first sober summer - the first one that I can remember that didn't fly by in a blur of drunkenness and hangovers.

                              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                                Newbies Nest

                                Day 20

                                I've had major cravings the last two days - very frustrating. I've been irritable and feeling sorry for myself that I can't just be a normal person and have a cocktail once in a while without it affecting my whole damn life. But I can't do that. I can NEVER forget all the hell I've put myself through just to be able to have that cocktail. I can never forget what that cocktail represents in my life - a slow, painful death. And that's the truth.

                                Anyway, I feel much better today. I treated myself with a couple of cookies and a new top from Old Navy. No major cravings today, just kinda laid back.

                                Did someone mention that days 18 and 19 were hell for them? I could have sworn I read that in someone's post. If so, the same thing happened to me! Weird.....

                                Well, have a great day, folks! Don't give in to the beast. Remember - he wants to KILL you, but he'll be satisfied just ruining your life....

