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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    RunningCourage;1392432 wrote: 11.30pm. The contestants in the Big Sober House have gone to sleep. Apart from those in the Big Sober Kennel.

    PUG: Hey Chi, who's that?

    CHI: Who?

    PUG: There. The dog in the kennel next door to yours.

    CHI: Oh.

    PUG: Well?

    CHI: Dunno.

    PUG: Aren't you gonna ask?

    CHI: No, why should I?

    PUG: Cos that mutt is sitting 2 feet away from you? Oh for goodness sake... HEY! HEY! Yeah, you! What's your name, mutley?

    KING CHARLIE: Charles. Charlie. King Charlie.

    PUG: Really? Well good to meet you Charles Charlie King Charlie.

    KC: No, it's just King Charlie.

    PUG: Oh, Right, Ok. So what you up to?

    KC: Wiping my ass.

    CHI: Great...

    PUG: Why you doin that Charlie?

    KC: To make sure i don't do any spite poops.

    PUG: But every mutt loves a spite poop.

    KC: Not every owner does.

    CHI:Good grief... your skiting your ass across the grass to clean your ass with the grass so as what... you wont shit?!

    KC: If i shit then my owner is gonna dress me something bad at Halloween.

    CHI: Like Stella over there?

    PUG: Cos Stella's looking bad.

    KC: No, not like Stella... worse...
    King Charlie considers his doom.
    Attached files [img]/converted_files/1959409=7066-attachment.jpg[/img]
    "It is easier to maintain than to start from the bottom again. I can't go back there." Byrdie

    AF since Oct 2, 2012


      Newbies Nest

      Catbuddy;1392510 wrote: King Charlie considers his doom.


        Newbies Nest

        Day 3 (again) and a night of no sleep and itching (again) !!!

        I am NOT a happy Questy :upset::upset:
        Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


          Newbies Nest

          Feeling crap!! so back to day 1 for me - my lovely family organised a surprise birthday for me for my 40th yesterday. They didn't involve my husband who knows i am trying to quit alcohol as they thought he would let the cat out of the bag, and i haven't told my family i am trying to quit alcohol as i didn't want it to be the topic of conversation as i want to do this for me and not for them. so to cut a very boring story short they had champagne / wine and a lovey big dinner and gifts and i had a glass of champagne and thought ok i can do this, just one, who am i fooling!! 2 bottles of wine later! bed - drunk as a skunk! hungover this morning, school run, mortified! i really had it in my head i wasnt going to drink and i broke it! i am so disappointed in myself and ashamed! the gas part is my dad used to drink and is now alcohol free for 5 years, my sister doesnt drink - you think i could just follow their examples but i just get stuck in. so here i am day 1 starting over feeling really bad about myself and not liking myself at the moment. my official birthday is on thursday so i would like to go into my 40's saying "i dont drink" so i will start again today. sorry


            Newbies Nest

            hitting40;1392583 wrote: Feeling crap!! so back to day 1 for me - my lovely family organised a surprise birthday for me for my 40th yesterday. They didn't involve my husband who knows i am trying to quit alcohol as they thought he would let the cat out of the bag, and i haven't told my family i am trying to quit alcohol as i didn't want it to be the topic of conversation as i want to do this for me and not for them. so to cut a very boring story short they had champagne / wine and a lovey big dinner and gifts and i had a glass of champagne and thought ok i can do this, just one, who am i fooling!! 2 bottles of wine later! bed - drunk as a skunk! hungover this morning, school run, mortified! i really had it in my head i wasnt going to drink and i broke it! i am so disappointed in myself and ashamed! the gas part is my dad used to drink and is now alcohol free for 5 years, my sister doesnt drink - you think i could just follow their examples but i just get stuck in. so here i am day 1 starting over feeling really bad about myself and not liking myself at the moment. my official birthday is on thursday so i would like to go into my 40's saying "i dont drink" so i will start again today. sorry
            Hi Hitting40, you sound like you have a wonderful family! Also sounds like you know what you want to do. The first week is the worst so try and rest, eat well and distract yourself.

            You mention your dad is 5 years sober, have you talked with him about quitting? Can you? It would be so much easier with their support.



              Newbies Nest

              hi kuya - the thing is my dad doesnt know i have a problem - i only had 2 glasses of champagne at my dads house and then when i came home got stuck in - my family think i am this really strong person who drinks in moderation - little do they know - i am like a fake - but i know i can change i really do - so i have to keep going. my family all rely on me for being the strong one so i could never tell them about my struggle it would unnerve them - my mam passed away 10 years ago and i have become like the mother figure, they would worry themselves sick if they thought i was going through this. but i do know what i have to do and have dusted myself off having spent time reading through these posts this morning. i was feeling guilty spending so much time on this today rather than doing the housework, daily grind but i needed to regroup my thoughts and perspective which i have done now, so i am dusting myself off and getting back on. thanks for listening


                Newbies Nest

                hitting40;1392619 wrote: hi kuya - the thing is my dad doesnt know i have a problem - i only had 2 glasses of champagne at my dads house and then when i came home got stuck in - my family think i am this really strong person who drinks in moderation - little do they know - i am like a fake - but i know i can change i really do - so i have to keep going. my family all rely on me for being the strong one so i could never tell them about my struggle it would unnerve them - my mam passed away 10 years ago and i have become like the mother figure, they would worry themselves sick if they thought i was going through this. but i do know what i have to do and have dusted myself off having spent time reading through these posts this morning. i was feeling guilty spending so much time on this today rather than doing the housework, daily grind but i needed to regroup my thoughts and perspective which i have done now, so i am dusting myself off and getting back on. thanks for listening
                Just a thought, do you think, maybe the dissonance between the real,vulnerable,you and the fake(as you put it) strong you IS the reason you drink? Being superwoman is exhausting! I know cos I wore my knickers over my tights for years! :H

                And right now isn't it YOU worrying yourself SICk with alcohol, trying to protect them. It is sad your mum died but it isn't your job to replace her really . Maybe if your dad knew he could be your dad and help you...he might even like that?

                But for now the important thing is you are here and getting sober, so welcome and settle on in


                  Newbies Nest

                  thanks so much for your response - your keeping me company this morning:-) to be honest my dad is a nice man now but he is 73 and is due to head into hospital for an operation and he is not good with problems. he has so much guilt over how we were raised as he was a raging alcoholic throughout all our lives and really only sobered up after a bad accident. if i tried to talk to him about it he would blame himself. i have slowed down in terms of what i do for my family so i think i can do this. i really only attempted to stop drinking last week and managed 4 days alcohol free so i do think i can give this a good go. i enjoy not drinking more than drinking, even when i am having the glass of wine i am fighting with myself, how can that be enjoyable! so i just need to keep praising myself and reminding myself why i do not want to drink. i have 2 gorgeous girls who adore me, and i want to be a good role model to them.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Have you got any supplements to help you?


                      Newbies Nest

                      i am taking cod liver oil, vitamin c and glucosamine sulphate - to be honest i keep reading about different things can you recommend anything i can get over the counter


                        Newbies Nest

                        You are talking to the supplement pusher here. Let me explain. I am a vet. so enough medical knowledge to understand the processes. The alcohol that you have been drinking for years has stripped your body of many many nutrients. It has also stopped your body making them properly.

                        Alcohol binds to GABA receptors in the brain and gives you the high,it also stops your production of GABA so when you stop drinking you feel depressed. Your brain knows from years of drinking how to make this feeling go ...... Drink alcohol.

                        You are also depleted of many amino acids (proteins) that control nerve function and mood, hence the 'shakes', vitamins, particularly the Bvits and minerals, particularly magnesium zinc.

                        You can order these supplements from here, get the starter kit, or you can get them from biorecovery in the states. Also read seven weeks to sobriety by joan Larsen. This helps you work out what you particularly need.

                        While you wait for delivery you can get high dose VIt B, Glutamine (helps with craving) GABA and magnesium and zinc from health stores.

                        I drank half a bottle of vodka daily for 23 years but took supplements for the last 10 years and quit with no withdrawals or cravings. I just had to adjust my thinking to ..... I don't WANT or NEED to drink alcohol.


                          Newbies Nest

                          kuya;1392651 wrote: You are talking to the supplement pusher here. Let me explain. I am a vet. so enough medical knowledge to understand the processes. The alcohol that you have been drinking for years has stripped your body of many many nutrients. It has also stopped your body making them properly.

                          Alcohol binds to GABA receptors in the brain and gives you the high,it also stops your production of GABA so when you stop drinking you feel depressed. Your brain knows from years of drinking how to make this feeling go ...... Drink alcohol.

                          You are also depleted of many amino acids (proteins) that control nerve function and mood, hence the 'shakes', vitamins, particularly the Bvits and minerals, particularly magnesium zinc.

                          You can order these supplements from here, get the starter kit, or you can get them from biorecovery in the states. Also read seven weeks to sobriety by joan Larsen. This helps you work out what you particularly need.

                          While you wait for delivery you can get high dose VIt B, Glutamine (helps with craving) GABA and magnesium and zinc from health stores.

                          I drank half a bottle of vodka daily for 23 years but took supplements for the last 10 years and quit with no withdrawals or cravings. I just had to adjust my thinking to ..... I don't WANT or NEED to drink alcohol.
                          Hiya Kuya

                          Just wanted to ask - I'm taking a Kudzu (x2 per day) and an L Glut, with a slow release B vit, and a St Johns Wort (x 2 per day) for low mood - only on them for a couple of days yet - does this sound ok to you ?:thanks:
                          Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                            Newbies Nest

                            hitting40;1392583 wrote: Feeling crap!! so back to day 1 for me - my lovely family organised a surprise birthday for me for my 40th yesterday. They didn't involve my husband who knows i am trying to quit alcohol as they thought he would let the cat out of the bag, and i haven't told my family i am trying to quit alcohol as i didn't want it to be the topic of conversation as i want to do this for me and not for them. so to cut a very boring story short they had champagne / wine and a lovey big dinner and gifts and i had a glass of champagne and thought ok i can do this, just one, who am i fooling!! 2 bottles of wine later! bed - drunk as a skunk! hungover this morning, school run, mortified! i really had it in my head i wasnt going to drink and i broke it! i am so disappointed in myself and ashamed! the gas part is my dad used to drink and is now alcohol free for 5 years, my sister doesnt drink - you think i could just follow their examples but i just get stuck in. so here i am day 1 starting over feeling really bad about myself and not liking myself at the moment. my official birthday is on thursday so i would like to go into my 40's saying "i dont drink" so i will start again today. sorry
                            Hitting 40 - I just wanted to send :l:l:l

                            You are NOT alone in this battle - we are all here for the same reason, so no need to apologise.

                            I've had more day 1's this past couple of months than I can remember - I'm on day 3 today - so hang in there hunny, keep your chin up, and we'll do this together :h:h
                            Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Quest for the key;1392654 wrote: Hiya Kuya

                              Just wanted to ask - I'm taking a Kudzu (x2 per day) and an L Glut, with a slow release B vit, and a St Johns Wort (x 2 per day) for low mood - only on them for a couple of days yet - does this sound ok to you ?:thanks:
                              I bought Kudzu and I know people swear by it but I didn't have cravings so it is sitting unused. I also can't take st johns wort ( blood type O don't tolerate it well apparently) Glutamine is awesome ..... When I get low blood sugar in the evening (and this would be the time I would go buy alcohol instead of eating before) I take a scoop of Glutamine and voila all mental fog gone. B vits are vital and many take milk thistle to repair liver. I took it when drinking but not now


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters,

                                Daylight but no real sunshine here - oh well!

                                Hitting40, first of all Happy Birthday....40 is a big one! It is also a great time to make changes in your life, take control of the next part of your life
                                The party threw you off your plan but the party is over & done with now. Get back on your plan, commit yourself & you will succeed. Did you read the MWO book? If not be sure to download the .pdf from the Healthstore here.

                                I was not able to take all of the supplements recommended here due to allergy worries. But I did my best with what I could take.

                                Kuya, I have type O blood & have taken St Johns Wort for years with great results

                                I have to run but will check back in later.
                                Wishing everyone a great AF Monday,
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

