Holy Moly, this is a one day record of awards going out! I am so proud of each and every person that puts one hour/one day/ month or year between him/her and AL. It is major doings. As I always do....would you 30 day'rs have a few words? Speech? What have you learned, etc? If not, that's ok, too. But when I first arrived, 30 days seemed impossible. And as we all can see....it is NOT!!! Well done to all!!!! B
No announcement yet.
Newbies Nest
Newbies Nest
Holy Moly, this is a one day record of awards going out! I am so proud of each and every person that puts one hour/one day/ month or year between him/her and AL. It is major doings. As I always do....would you 30 day'rs have a few words? Speech? What have you learned, etc? If not, that's ok, too. But when I first arrived, 30 days seemed impossible. And as we all can see....it is NOT!!! Well done to all!!!! B
Newbies Nest
you're right byrd...I missed matchee on 7 days - but going back and looking - you really are so right! Every single person who has half a day or 577,440 minutes should be so proud of themselves. Even if this is your day one - you are a step ahead of all the people who haven't even made the leap to begin to do something about it. we're all winners here. :-)~
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011
Newbies Nest
Thanks for all the congratulations everyone, your kind words and well wishes mean so much to me and I appreciate them all.
Byrdie, as far as any ?words of wisdom? from THIS 30 day?er are concerned?. I will have to say this:
Like many others, I have had many, many, attempts at kicking this beast out of my life over the last 25 years. I found the MWO website probably close to 2 years ago. As soon as I found it, I bought the MWO book and literally devoured it. I tried using some of the supplements that were suggested and over the course of the two years spent hours lurking on the website. After about one year, I finally had the courage to post. For me, posting as often as possible, reading (posts) as much as possible and internalizing the great advice of the wise (oldbies) has been essential to successfully achieving my 30 days AF.
I would also like to go on record as saying that I myself have never felt that I was being judged or criticized by anyone at MWO. I have felt supported and genuinely cared for by members of this forum and I strive to make others feel the same way I have felt, although I am sure I fall short in that respect. I honestly do not know how our nest mothers do it. Thank you again!:l
In all honesty, this quit has been different from the others. Maybe it?s just my time (GOD, I hope so)! But also, some things I learned from this website really helped me get through those first few days (3-5), which was usually where I failed- and on to day 30.
I paid particular attention to the H.A.L.T rule- which teaches you that if you are craving a drink- assess whether you are hungry, angry, lonely and/or tired. Most of the time, it was because I was hungry and experiencing low blood sugar and I would correct that problem immediately by eating something nutritious, instead of trying to get that ?quick fix? from AL. Also, this time, I started a high protein, low carb diet on my day 1. I know this is not for everyone, but I think it may have helped me, because I honestly do not think I have had the physical cravings I have had on other quits. It is supposed to stabilize blood sugar levels.
Another thing that I have done this time (and I don?t really know how I have done it ?sorry), is that somehow, when the thought of drinking pops into my head, I have been able to just kick it right out ? immediately! I never allowed myself to romanticize the thought. If I dwelt on it at all, the thoughts I would allow would only be negative ones. Thanks to all of you who have had the courage to post about your drinking horrors- I can identify with all of them- and do not want to have any more of them at all.
So: posting, reading, staying full and well-hydrated, not entertaining romantic thoughts about alcohol, learning from the other newbies and the ?oldbies? are all great pointers, but there is one thing above all, that has helped me, this time, and that is having accountability to someone who really believed in me and cared about my sobriety.
I have disappointed myself and my family so many times over the years that I guess, each time I failed, it was almost expected. There was no excuse for it, but I read somewhere, one time, that we often act the way we are expected to act. If we are expected to fail, then it is likely we will fail. I have had a few successful quits over the past 25 years and the ones that have been the most successful were the ones where I felt accountable. On this quit, I have not only felt accountable to several of my nestmates, but to one person here, in particular, who I really consider a best friend- one who goes above and beyond to share, guide and lead me as I take these baby steps. I can?t thank her enough!
So my best advice is please, find someone either on this website, or in your personal life that truly believes in you and who you respect so much that you don?t want to, disappoint. Make a commitment to that person, even if it is just in your own mind- and stick with it- no matter what, no matter who. It will be well worth it!
I know none of this advice is new. This is just what has worked for me this time and I will continue to use these tools on my next 30 days. Although I am proud of my 30 days, I am not one bit complacent. I have been here before and I know better than to believe I have this thing licked. I am not out of the woods. Although I have a fancy hat (thanks, Byrdie!), clearer mind, less unexplained bruises, more friends and more hope than I had a month ago- I am still just one drink away from never being sober again for the rest of my life.
Byrdie says it gets better and better and I can?t wait to reach my next goal of 60 days. So I am making another commitment to you all- please watch me as I work toward this goal and please- come along with me!rettplease:
:h Star:heartbeat:
I am only one drink away from never being sober again.
Newbies Nest
Star - that was a great post....don't sell yourself short - you are a very valuable part of this place......and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!~
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011
Newbies Nest
Star...you are a STAHHHH!!
Lav, you are killing me, but RC sure does cast you in some doozies!!
Stay strong today nesters the Ghouls are out this week, and tonight is a full moon for real!!! Remember which voices to listen to! Don't let Dick Head run off with your better judgment! It's been a great day in the nest for everyone! Well done to all. B
Newbies Nest
well guys the dreaded day 5 has been fine although a bit of a mood swing this afternoon - went from feeling great to feeling quite down! I'm also soooo tired and have bought hubby those nose strips and some more herbal sleep tablets for me so here's to a good sleep tonight.
Can't believe how much I'm getting done and having the energy to do it is great - even went to an exercise class with a friend earlier, which I have to say helped my 'down' mood. My friend's friend whom we were chatting to after the class said quite casually, 'well I'm off home for a glass of wine!' - thought to myself, yeah, she probably means ONE glass of wine, whereas I was at the point where ONE bottle was not enough no matter what was happening the next day or what I had to get done!Honour Thyself
Newbies Nest
Thanks everyone, tis a good milestone to reach and now AF living is starting to feel NORMAL!
Word of advice though, watch your diet. I have it in my signature to remind me. But will reiterate ...... EVERY time I have had a thought to consume alcohol I have actually been HUNGRY.
Other factors may weigh in but hunger is ALWAYS the key.
Years of yoyo dieting, unsuccessfully I might add, have left me with poor eating habits. ( and still fat :H:H).
EAT and eat regularly and well and 90% of your battle against alcohol is won!
Newbies Nest
Thank you Byrdie, Lola, Lav, Daisy and Star.
I feel that second month is very different to the first. At day 30, alcohol was still very fresh in my mind and I was trying hard to control my emotions. Found it very hard to trust myself around AL and had anxiety in drinking venues because of it. Now I am focusing more on making amends, forgiving myself and letting go of my past mistakes. I find that I deal with stress a lot better and can argue without even raising my heart rate. My fitness has improved tremendously and I am in the best shape I have been since my college years.
Knowing 100% that moderation will never be the answer for me, I am very confident that I will stay on this path.
Thanks again to everyone on MWO who supported me on this journey and I wish strength to everyone who is just starting out or who has had some setbacks. It can be done! The benefits are incredible. However, from my experience 60 days is a much more important goal than 30 days, even though it may seem impossible at first.
ALLANAF since 1st Sep 2012
NF since 1st Sep 2012
If you want to feel better visit www.hopeforpaws.org
Newbies Nest
Day 44 in the Big Sober House
Day 44. 11pm. Hurricane Sandy has blown over -
SANDY: No i've not. 'Am still standing.
Quite. Hurricane Sandy has blown over.
SANDY: Excuse me? Big Sober? Can't you see I'm clearly still standing?
Hurricane Sandy has blown over and -
SANDY: Look, Big Sober. Look at me? See? All 4 legs still standing.
Oh for the love of God... HURRICANE Sandy
SANDY: What about Hurricane? Who's he? Y'mean the boxer?
Sandy go to bed. The big wind with the big waves and the big freezing spats of rain, battered down upon the Big Sober House all day and night. Fortunately all housemates were unaffected, though there was a little structural damage... that has been quickly and shrewdly noted by Dr Head and Trigger.
Meanwhile, in celebration over night of the successes of many housemates getting to their milestones, Byrdie has been busy making them their hats...
LAV: Byrdie?
LAV: Why the hats so small?
BYRDIE: There's too many successes and not enough wool. And i can't be going out for wool when every woolen shop has closed it's woolen doors because of Sandy.
SANDY: Why? What did I do?
LAV: But the hat's will look stupid, Byrdie. They're far too small for their heads.
BYRDIE: They're not for their heads these ones.
LAV: Oh?
BYRDIE: For their ears. They'll be wearing ear warmers instead. Kinda appropriate considering the weather.
LAV: You're a smart lady.
BYRDIE: I try my best.
LAV: But what about their heads? If their ears are warm, what will they we wear up top?
LAV: Maxie?
Maxie enters with Pug, Chi, Charlie and an assortment of other small mutts in her mouth and about her doggage.
BYRDIE: Everyone take a seat. You too Lav.... Right, good. Now that you're all seated, I'm going to introduce you to our new head-heaters...
The small mutts jump up onto the heads of the housemates, where they shuffle their butts and booties into positions of comfort for both the head and the mutt. Most agree that they make a terrific and warm and cosy hat.
Newbies Nest
RC...You missed the end off the story...............:H:H
Meanwhile, in celebration over night of the successes of many housemates getting to their milestones, Byrdie has been busy making them their hats...
LAV: Byrdie?
LAV: Why the hats so small?
BYRDIE: There's too many successes and not enough wool. And i can't be going out for wool when every woolen shop has closed it's woolen doors because of Sandy.
SANDY: Why? What did I do?
LAV: But the hat's will look stupid, Byrdie. They're far too small for their heads.
BYRDIE: They're not for their heads these ones.
LAV: Oh?
BYRDIE: For their ears. They'll be wearing ear warmers instead. Kinda appropriate considering the weather.
LAV: You're a smart lady.
BYRDIE: I try my best.
LAV: But what about their heads? If their ears are warm, what will they we wear up top?
LAV: Maxie?
Maxie enters with Pug, Chi, Charlie and an assortment of other small mutts in her mouth and about her doggage.
BYRDIE: Everyone take a seat. You too Lav.... Right, good. Now that you're all seated, I'm going to introduce you to our new head-heaters...
The small mutts jump up onto the heads of the housemates, where they shuffle their butts and booties into positions of comfort for both the head and the mutt. Most agree that they make a terrific and warm and cosy hat.
Suddenly a sharp knock sounds at the door
"Who can that be?" asks Tam the Bam
"How do I know?" asks R C while strumming away on his newspaper guitar.
"Shall I go and see?asks Tam the Bam as he laid down his clothes peg flute
Just at that moment, the door bursts open with a great crash,and 2 men in white coats are standing there
"Hi guys" says RC, "have you come for your hats?
"Naw"says the taller of the two, "we re fi the loony polis, and we have reason tae believe you are aff yer heid , so cmon noo like a guid boy back to yer basket weaving class !!!
__________________af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then America..now proudly marching into year 12
Newbies Nest
RC...naively I read that, wondering where the lack of wool was leading. BAHAHAHA! We were EARING the hats! Man, what a visual with all the critters on our heads! (and happy about it??) You are a wonderfully twisted man!!
Emily, Day 5 is a bear....your story reminds me of a phrase that I used in the beginning that helped me so much. I had a nestmate who was exactly 2 weeks ahead of me. Her words hit home so much that I would have sworn I'd written them. She was talking to some of her girlsfriends and they were talking about going for a glass of wine after their shopping that day. She said that she doubted she'd go.... 'Besides, what's ONE glass of wine going to do for me, anyway?". For some reason, that became my mantra...and it got me thru more times than I can count...still does. Like you say, I would have issues with only one bottle!....I am so proud of your progress!!! It won't be long before you'll be getting your full moon!!!!!! Well done.
Allan, so right...the second month is totally different than the first...and mercifully, much easier. Wait til you hit the third! Well done to you...you make it look easy!
Everyone sounds great! Don't let Dick Head in the door! He IS out to get you and it IS a trick. A Trick from Dick. (don't go there....). Stay safe tonight and cultivate GOOD thoughts and not that you are missing out, but that you are TAKING CHARGE! Say, NO, HELL NO! AL will not take away one more day of my life!!! Byrdie