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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning all,
    Day 5 and I am itchy. Work is a major pain so I know that is part of it...gym is on my to do list for after work...
    Lots to catch up on later.

    Newbie's Nest

    Tool Box
    AF 9.1.2013


      Newbies Nest

      JingleJo it sounds like you are doing fine! I didn't get much help from AA, certainly not as much as from here but I have found a couple of amazing women who help me and the stories are humbling so I go when I can, once it twice a week.
      we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


        Newbies Nest

        Hi every body:

        Checking in. Haven't been a poster child here lately but trying to stay currant! The nest is busy and silly and serious: that's why its such a great place to flyin and out and rest our wings.

        Been very sick lately and dealing with drama on the home front but doing it al AF FREE!!

        Hearts and hugs to everyone and a safe fun filled day,


        PS: Where's K9? Haven't seen her wonderful words of wisdom lately...but then again I've been pretty out of it
        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


          Newbies Nest

          New again...

          Good morning everyone. I have been hanging out in the Newbie's Nest for a little while now because I keep starting over. Haven't posted much because I'm embarrassed for failing. But I am 4 days AF today again. Haven't done that in a while. I've been doing a lot of soul searching these past few days.....remembering events in my life and it just seems that 99% of the ones I can remember I was hungover or drinking out of control. Once upon a time in my life I did 2 years AF (20 years ago-gosh I can't believe that!). It's funny that I can hardly remember those 2 years. I do remember that they were good though. Maybe's it's because the majority of my life has been spent drinking and those drinking times have overshadowed the pitily (is that a word; I'm searching for one but it isn't coming to me) 2 sober years I had. At this point I am happy to be here and not on the other side. So thanks to all of you and your inspirational posts. They help out A WHOLE HELLUVA LOT! :h


            Newbies Nest

            Oh, Sunny :welcome: and :l

            We are so happy to have you here and 4 days is AWESOME! Please make yourself comfortable and stick close. You have landed in the best possible spot for recovery. It sounds like you are ready to make a commitment to get sober and you will find a wealth of information and support here in the nest. We have folks in all stages of sobriety- from day one to several years worth and we are all understanding, caring and supportive of one another. Have you made a plan to keep yourself from giving in to temptation? You may want to check out some of the ideas in the MWO toolbox (click on the link in my signature line). Have you read the My Way Out Book? Important information in the beginning is to take care of yourself, get plenty of good food and stay well hydrated and read, read, read and post, post, post. There are folks here from different time zones all over the world and most of the time you can find someone in the nest to talk to and give you the support you need.

            Dottie :l Day 5. I am so proud of you! You are sounding great and I am shining up my full moon!
            Hiya Nurdle :l
            Kradle- so happy to see you in the nest. You are so strong and we are all so proud of you kickin AL's Arse with all you have been through. You are showing us all how it's done :goodjob:

            I miss K9 too. We all need regular doses of her wisdom!!

            :h Star



            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


              Newbies Nest

              Found this while looking for something else...can you relate?! LOL!!! EPIDEMIC!!!

              IT'S my first Saturday night without alcohol in 30 years and I'm sitting on the couch, my limbs arranged tidily. For once, I am sitting up and paying attention. No longer that lolling, unattractive figure sprawled on the couch, snoring and dribbling.

              We're watching Tristram Shandy, a Steve Coogan comedy based on the book by Laurence Sterne. Jocasta pats my knee supportively. "You see," she says, "a night without drinking can be quite entertaining."

              I've signed up for Dry July, a charity that raises money to support people with cancer. All you have to do is not drink alcohol for a month, which can't be too difficult.

              We're two scenes into the film and already the cast are drinking heavily. Steve Coogan orders a vodka and tonic in almost every scene. The woman who plays his wife appears to have a liking for champagne, which she sips from an attractively frosted glass surrounded by a merry band of drinkers who - I'm not imagining this - smack their lips after every slurp.

              The cast, it seems, is knowingly taunting me with my sobriety.

              Jocasta cuddles closer and praises the script, which she judges to be an excellent response to a novel that is famously resistant to adaptation. I'd love to engage in this upmarket flirting but all I can see is the drinking.

              It reminds me of the time we were renovating and trying to decide on a new kitchen. Suddenly, in films and TV shows, all I could see were the benchtops. The criminal would beat the hero to death, repeatedly slamming his head into the granite benchtop and all I could think was: "Well let's see how easy it is to wipe the blood off that surface." He'd remove a knife from the knife-block, plunge it into the victim's heart and I'd think: "Those knife-blocks, they really do keep things sharp."

              Now it's the drinking that monopolises my attention. The weekend edition of the Herald appears to consist largely of wine advertisements offering Coonawarra shiraz at prices it would be practically criminal to ignore. The novel I'm reading, Rose Tremain's The Road Home, features a hero with a liking for Russian vodka served neat; the intoxication sudden and warming as he stands at the bar. If I flipped open the 20-volume Oxford Dictionary, I'm convinced that chance would reveal the entry for shiraz (noun): a variety of black wine grape, particularly delightful when consumed right about now.

              Back in the movie, they are downing cocktails in a bacchanalian frenzy. I console myself with a bowl of ice-cream decorated with choc bits - my second for the night. I also grab a couple of chocolate bars for later.

              I'm not only out to help the charity, of course. Eschewing alcohol for a month should help me limit my drinking into the future. For example, I'll be so fat from all the chocolate, I'll no longer fit through the turnstiles at Liquorland.

              This over-consumption of sweets is also giving me pimples. I feel like I'm 17 all over again - a non-drinker with acne. Maybe abstinence will bring back the rest of my life at 17: I'll wake up with desert boots, a tie-dyed T-shirt and a girlfriend who hates me.

              "What's the time," I ask Jocasta, "do you think I can go to bed yet?"

              "It's only 9.30," she says. "What's your plan? To limit the number of sober hours by sleeping more?"

              "I just want to read my novel," I sniff haughtily. For example, I think to myself, the character Lev might be about to down another delicious glass of vodka.

              Jocasta rolls her eyes. "Why don't you just go the whole hog and book yourself into Chelmsford for the deep-sleep therapy. Play your cards right and you could spend the whole of July in a coma."

              Sunday morning I wake and decide to use my new clear-headed joie de vivre to knock off some jobs. I clean out the car and come across a bottle of fine red wine still in its bag; a product of a cellar-door visit to Mudgee months earlier. I reel back in horror at this unexpected temptation and escape to the back garden.

              My elderly Italian neighbour hollers over the fence. He wants me to cut down a large tree that's overshadowing his yard. He's a nice guy, so I agree to the request. "Wait please," he says and scurries into the house. He hurries back with many bottles of home-made red wine, insisting I take them as a thank-you gift. He mumbles the words "delicious, delicious" as he passes them over the fence.

              Is the world conspiring against me? I'm competing with a friend at work to see who can raise the most money and best survive the month. Is Adam laying traps? Has he convinced my neighbour to shower me with bottles of red? Is he hiding shiraz beneath the seat of my car? Is the editor of the Herald in on it - ringing up Kemeny's and Dan Murphy's and suggesting ever larger and more compelling displays? What about Rose Tremain and Steve Coogan? How did they get involved?

              So what's today's date? July 11, you say. The next three weeks may be the longest 10 months of my life.
              I'd love to engage in this upmarket flirting but all I can see is the drinking.

              Read more: Richard Glover | Dry July | Cancer awarness | Alcohol-free
              Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                Newbies Nest

                Kradle123;1422848 wrote: Hi every body:

                Checking in. Haven't been a poster child here lately but trying to stay currant! The nest is busy and silly and serious: that's why its such a great place to flyin and out and rest our wings.

                Been very sick lately and dealing with drama on the home front but doing it al AF FREE!!

                Hearts and hugs to everyone and a safe fun filled day,


                PS: Where's K9? Haven't seen her wonderful words of wisdom lately...but then again I've been pretty out of it

                Last known to be having computer problems, but the worry is she was also having those 'stinkin drinkin' thoughts as she calls it.

                Hope you are getting back on your feet after the avalanche that hit your life.:l


                Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                  Newbies Nest

                  It's December and the so called "Holidays" are upon anyone out there?


                    Newbies Nest


                    This is my Worst time of the Year I'm looking to have others to help me with my Alcohol Addiction - Anyone Out There?


                      Newbies Nest

                      Adoree;1422873 wrote: This is my Worst time of the Year I'm looking to have others to help me with my Alcohol Addiction - Anyone Out There?
                      Hi Adoree. Just starting out or trying to stay sober?
                      Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                        Newbies Nest

                        Sunnygirl;1422849 wrote: Good morning everyone. I have been hanging out in the Newbie's Nest for a little while now because I keep starting over. Haven't posted much because I'm embarrassed for failing. But I am 4 days AF today again. Haven't done that in a while. I've been doing a lot of soul searching these past few days.....remembering events in my life and it just seems that 99% of the ones I can remember I was hungover or drinking out of control. Once upon a time in my life I did 2 years AF (20 years ago-gosh I can't believe that!). It's funny that I can hardly remember those 2 years. I do remember that they were good though. Maybe's it's because the majority of my life has been spent drinking and those drinking times have overshadowed the pitily (is that a word; I'm searching for one but it isn't coming to me) 2 sober years I had. At this point I am happy to be here and not on the other side. So thanks to all of you and your inspirational posts. They help out A WHOLE HELLUVA LOT! :h
                        SunnyGirl - I totally understand where you're coming from - not sure if my reply will come through since I'm New here -


                          Newbies Nest

                          Today's encouragement - Part 1

                          Keeping a positive attitude isn't always easy, especially when you are going through a difficult time in your life or you are trying to get past years of habitual negative thoughts. Positive thinking is the key to having an optimistic outlook on life. You can keep a positive attitude, even when things aren't going smoothly in your life.



                          Fill your mind with positive things. Read encouraging, affirming books and listen to upbeat, happy music. Think about happy memories or things you have to look forward to rather than bad things that have happened or things you dread.

                          Develop yourself spiritually. Research shows that those who are spiritual live longer and more satisfying lives.


                          Keep positive people in your life. Avoid people who have a negative mindset and surround yourself with people who are upbeat, spiritual and fun.

                          Practice positive thinking. Try not to let negative thoughts enter your atmosphere. Think instead of all the good things in your life, even if there aren't very many. Concentrate on your good features instead of your faults.

                          Laugh often. Watch a funny movie or hang out with someone who you can be silly with. Laughter is a great way to get a positive attitude.

                          Learn something new or take up a new hobby. Get out and do things you love to do and enjoy yourself.

                          Reevaluate your situation. It's easy to think negative or pessimistic thoughts when something happens. However, when you think rationally about the facts instead of the fears, you can see a more positive side of things.
                          Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                            Newbies Nest

                            Today's Encouragement - Part II

                            Top 10 Tips for Maintaining a Positive Attitude

                            Having and maintaining a positive attitude is vital for success in life and business. Zig Ziglar gets it right when he says, "It is your attitude, not your aptitude, that determines your altitude." Sure you need skills, but you can learn skills - in fact a positive attitude will make it much more likely that you will learn the skills necessary to succeed. If you take two people with an equal skill set the person with the better attitude will win.

                            Unfortunately it is not always easy to stay positive and keep a good attitude. As things go wrong throughout your day, it is easy to let negative thoughts start to take over. Thankfully there are many things that you can do to help maintain a positive attitude. These are things that you can do on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis to make sure you keep your positive focus.

                            Read Positive and Inspiring Books
                            One of the best ways to maintain a positive attitude is by reading positive books. These books serve to encourage you, inspire you, and teach you. Reading requires that you sit still and focus, and by focusing on something positive it helps you to keep a positive mindset throughout the day.

                            Listen to Podcasts/CDS
                            The advantage of listening to podcasts or compact disks is that you can listen on the go. You can listen to motivating podcasts while you clean your house, exercise, or on a flight. In your car, you can play encouraging compact disks that help you make better use of your commute. Listening to recordings from people like Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, or John Maxwell can both teach and inspire you.

                            Wake up Early
                            One of the best ways to help you maintain a positive attitude is to create the habit of waking up early. Waking up early allows you to get a head start on the day. You can prepare for work and start your day without feeling rushed. You can get a head start on important projects before the rest of the world is awake to interrupt you. You can spend time reading or in prayer or meditation. I start each day by listening to a 10 minute motivational podcast.

                            Very few things in life leverage your time as much as exercise. Obviously it makes a difference for your physical health, but it also has significant benefits to your mental health. Exercise is useful to combat depression and to improve overall positive mood. Further, if you exercise early in the morning you can go through your day knowing that you have already completed the most valuable activity you had to do!

                            Plan Your Week and Day
                            Having a clear plan to your day and to your week can go a long way to helping you maintain a positive attitude. By knowing what you want to accomplish you will be able to focus on your important life priorities. A weekly plan allows you to match your long-term goals to your weekly accomplishments. Your daily plan allows you complete the activities you need to do so that you meet your weekly goals.

                            Understand that Things Won't Always Go as Planned
                            If you plan and expect everything in life will go as you planned, you will be quickly disappointed. One of the keys to maintaining a positive attitude is to understand that things will go wrong. If you expect things to go wrong, you won't be phased when they do. So have a plan, but understand that things won't follow the plan. The plan allows you to adapt to what went wrong and move back towards what is important.

                            St. John's Wort and Griffonia Seed
                            These two herbal supplements can have an important role to play in helping you maintain a positive attitude. Many people know about St. John's Wort as a natural supplement to help prevent or treat depression. St. John's Wort is really a mood stabilizer. Griffonia seed works to elevate positive mood. Together they are helpful in maintaining a positive mental attitude.

                            Get Spiritually Connected
                            Naturally this one will look different for everyone, and this is simply an option to consider. If you are spiritually connected, you will have a positive outlook on life. This might mean prayer, meditation or reading Scripture. Set aside time each day to be connected spiritually.

                            Be Thankful
                            Take some time and be thankful. Be thankful about what you have, who you are, and what your life is like. Think through all of the things that you can be thankful for. Even if you are in a tough time in life there are many things you have that you can be thankful for. You need to look for them and recognize them. The very act of focusing on what you are thankful for will help you maintain your positive attitude.

                            Surround Yourself with Positive People
                            The people around you have a big impact on you. They impact who you are, how much money you will make, and what you value. They also impact how you think. If you surround yourself with negative people you will be negative as well. You can't help it. Hearing negativity all day leads you to negativity. The opposite is also true. Surround yourself with positive people and you will be more positive.

                            Edit: Link for further reading for each suggestion...Top 10 Tips for Maintaining a Positive Attitude - by Dumb Little Man
                            Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning Nesters and :welcome: to Adoree and Sunnygirl.

                              Buckle up ladies and stick close to the nest. You will soon be feeling soo much better.

                              No worries with the tornadoes here, three people were killed by a falling wall a few miles away. NZ does get minor tornadoes this time of year.

                              Slay ..... That Saturday night post was so true.

                              One word of advice re the excess of adverts for booze on tv at this time of year. Try watching less tv and watch uplifting videos with your family. Routine tv contains a lot of nerve jangling material, booze ads, promos for action/violent films, news reports about unpleasant stuff.

                              During my early days I did not watch mainstream tv, nothing too emotional or violent. All these things add to the stress on an already overloaded nervous system. Give yourselves a break from it for now.

                              Hi Kradle.....congrats for sticking it out. So glad the family is getting over the worst


                                Newbies Nest

                                Evening nesters.

                                Quiet here.

                                Is everyone away doing a Top 10 Tip for Positive Attitude, as posted by Slay?

                                Oh. OK then. Well... I do hope you are all OK, well, persevering, happy, content, reading, reaching out, opening up... and where life's struggles are hard, that there is peace for you too.

                                Had my first sober day that had some tiny (and I do mean real tiny in the grand scheme of things) hurdles. Basically, dealing with feeling. I'm impulsive by nature. I want the answers now. I want to know now. I want to be at Day 1000 now. But it can't be like that. So one day at a time. One part of a day at a time. Even one part of a part of day. It may sound ridiculous, but that is how it is. And that is the battle - getting through. So i heard Rick the Dick (Head) really for the first time today. It was distant. But there... And I didn't like how I felt, or how to deal with these very small inconsequential feelings. I wanted a pint... and this subsequently led to feelings of being deprived (G-Bloke posted WIP's awesome post about deprivation vs gratitude on the Stella (chook) thread) starting to simmer.

                                Right now, tucked in bed, looking forward to waking to see how much snow or ice is outside tomorrow morning, well the deprivation feeling has gone. Just waiting for tiredness to take me. I feel this is good.


