Yesterday I went for lunch with a friend and her baby. Then we went to visit an old school friend for the afternoon. Last night I went to the cinema with another friend. I'm tired today but hapy my time AF is being used productively. I should be studying the past few days but it's important to catch up with friends also. I rarely see these friends as we live so far apart.
No announcement yet.
Newbies Nest
Newbies Nest
Yesterday I went for lunch with a friend and her baby. Then we went to visit an old school friend for the afternoon. Last night I went to the cinema with another friend. I'm tired today but hapy my time AF is being used productively. I should be studying the past few days but it's important to catch up with friends also. I rarely see these friends as we live so far apart.
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.
Newbies Nest
Good morning Nesters,
It's just beginning to snow, will have a few inches on the ground when all is said & done.
Stella & her girls don't care to walk in snow so they will be mostly staying in their house for the next few days. I just hope they don't get on each other's nerves :H
RC, good luck on your climb today!
Stella will be waiting for your return
moni, sounds like you are doing great - good for you!
Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Saturday!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Newbies Nest
Good Morning Moni, JingleJo, and Lav. I'm up with the chickens today! Got up to fix hubby breakfast before he left for work. He was surprised to say the least, I am normally to messed up to get up and fix breakfast on a Saturday! I did do something pretty big yesterday, I told my kids I plan to go all of 2013 without one drink. I have never done that before. This time is for real!
Newbies Nest
You sound great, ODAT. Keeping that belly full works wonders for me! Hi to everyone.
I am off to a funeral today
Back later. Have a great AF day!:heartbeat:
I am only one drink away from never being sober again.
Newbies Nest
Oh my goodness, Lav, I just got a mental picture of all the Chicks in their Hen house. Have you ever watched the show Sister Wives? For those of you who haven't it is a show about this Polygamist family that has one husband and 4 wives! That is kinda like that. A Rooster and lots of hens. Hee Hee. That is why it is always noisy in there. I am picturing some of the conversations going on.
Excuse me Chicky I was here first. Who you call'n Chicky? Takes one to know one! Oh and by the way you are Chick #27 not #1. Stella was here first! She is Chick #1. She rules this Roost! (Oh Oh looks like either the Rooster was over for a visit or she found the key to the Booze Shed Lav!)
Chicken #250 and #262: Oh here comes the new girl, Chick #269. Look at her all young and firm. Her feathers are so white and fluffy. And those legs.... Her beak so full and so orange. I remember my first day. So full of hope and promise. I thought I would be his one and only. Then BAM!!!! I get here and there are 249 others who think the same. And the STELLA! Oh she is the queen all right. Queen of what I won't say. That's ok Lav will have #269 fattened up in no time. I don't know what she puts in that feed but it is like "Crack" for Chicks, or Chocolate for people. And once she lays a dozen eggs or so she won't be so firm either. Her white meat will look like ours in no time. Down around her wings somewhere!
OK I have us started now the rest of you join in. In your imagination what would be happening in STELLA's Chicken Coop today on this cold snowy day at Lav's? I thought this would be fun and give us something else to think about and make us laugh. I love laughing. Attached files [img]/converted_files/2016404=7274-attachment.jpg[/img]AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:
Newbies Nest
that's great Nanette!
I think Stella would be the peace maker.
Stella "Now girls, let's not fight. Lav hates it when we fight with the new girl.
Hi darling, let me show you to your coop. I'm sure you will find it quite cozy.ALL I HAVE TO DO IS GET THOUGH THIS DAY AF
Newbies Nest
Survived Friday night...WooHoo...
Got several more inches of snow..doubt we will venture out today. Dh needs to blow off the driveway so we can get out tomorrow.
Slept better last night. Have lots to do around here today that I didn't get around to last week. Need to get to my dads and pick up some more stuff to sort through...I can do this....
Newbies Nest
Good-A Nesters! Glad to see everyone hung tough in the coup last night! Eggcellent job! Since I got sick on eggs, I am totally scrambling on jokes! I can't imagine the idiot man that would take on more than one wife!!! Holy Moly! They all have their pecking order, I'm sure. Sounds like a nightmare to me!
My Dad is in the hospital with pneumonia, so I am making the 6 hour drive tomorrow and will likely be there the rest of the week. He will be 90 in March and so frail....I hope he will be ok. I'll post when I can, but wanted you to know I might be a bit scarce.
When I woke up this morning, from having recieved calls all thru the night, I thought how intense this pressure is, and making decisions and trying to get people where they need to be...under all this pressure, I did NOT ever once think how nice it would be to drink. In fact, just the opposite....I am so grateful to be out from under that weight of addiction. I am so grateful to be sober! If I can do it....I KNOW YOU CAN! Mine was a hard shell to crack, but it finally did!!!!!!!!!!! I finally got it. Alcohol is the problem! Imagine?!! Hugs all, B
Newbies Nest
Ah Byrdie,
I will be thinking about you & your family. Please take care, check in when you can. No amount of AL could ever make this situation better - only a lot worse! But I trust you know that, so just take good care of yourself :l
Nanette, i haven't checked on the girls for a few hours. I probably should take my First Aid kit with me when I do. Those girls have been known to do battle, take no hostages :H
Just for giggles, I downloaded an Artisan Cheese Making book today specifically for vegan cheese. It will take a few days to get a finished product but I've gotten started. I'll let you all know the results
Hope everyone else is finding a good way to spend this snowy day!AF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Newbies Nest
Hey Byrdie - :l Hope your dad's gonna be fine. 90, what a wise age... what a wise kid he has too.
Got back from the mountain - Ben Lomond, JJ, so just up the road from you - we only got 3/4 of the way up and had to turn back due to high winds, snow and blizzards. Pretty awesome though to be up there in that weather. Beautiful too.
This is the second walk I have done with a group. In a not-too-round about way, MWO is to be thanked. Had I not joined, I would likely never have had a good first AF stint... Had i not had this stint and feeling curious I may not have tried, briefly, to mod.... had I not flirted with that, I would not have stumbled and asked folk here to help me up... which in turn led to the Stella thread... that in turn had one insightful MWO member post a link than linked me to a website that had me think "now, maybe I could a join a hill walking group..."(as opposed to my normal hike up a hill on a wing and a prayer that I will return to base in one piece) and so i joined a group...
this may seem small and insignificant, but it is about tip-toeing out of what was once the norm, the comfort zone. Apparently, the magic is somewhere out there...
Newbies Nest
my thoughts are with you and your family Byrdy.(dont forget to look after yourself as well)AF since october 8th 2012:new
How to get Alcohol free in 6 minutes :H