Hey Hippy, thanks for sharing your experience!! It helps to have a timeframe as to when the "crazy dreams" may cease.
BTW, I would like to join Star when she comes to your house to relax and be a kid again!! Or maybe I should say, for me, to be a kid for the first time. Hippy, I've always been a real stick-in-the-mud. During recess I was more inclined to hang out with the playground monitor than to join the kids. If I was "encouraged" to go play (i.e., "Get out there and play, Tess!"), I would tend to be an observer. In the fifth grade I had a fab teacher who would, at times, allow me to stay in the classroom during recess and help grade papers. I loved that!!
Still (I'm going to be "Jr Psychologist" for a moment), I have a hunch that one element of my continued sobriety will be learning how to play. We've gotta have some fun, right?
I'm on my way to my parents this morning. I have such a feeling of dread. Really don't want to go. Wish you could go with me, Hippy... When I was morbidly obese, my dad would joke that the only thing I could "eat" at their house was a glass of water. Now that I'm losing weight rapidly (because I'm not consuming beer by the gallons) my dad says that I can have a slice of cucumber. All of his comments are cloaked as a joke. So if I react with shock, he says, "Tess, you don't see the Joke Card that I'm holding up."
Okay, just between you and me, Hippy, there is no "Joke Card." My dad is dead serious. And part of me wants to walk out and part of me wants to be the "perfect daughter" and smile sweetly.
So... can I come to your house with Star and learn how to play?... :giggle: